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Chapter 247: :Return to the soil of Konoha


   Payne Heavenly Road suddenly turned his head, looking at Xiao Nan.

  Although this puppet's face has no expression, Xiao Nan knows that the face of Nagato must be the same as when he first heard the news.

   "How is it resurrected? What's the cost? What is the state after resurrection?" Nagato asked three questions in one breath.

   "I don't know these." Xiao Nan shook his head.


  Nagato was silent for a moment.

  Resurrection is not an incredible thing. The forbidden technique of the reincarnation eye, the extraterritorial reincarnation and the natural technique of reincarnation can resurrect the dead.

   It's just that the price of this technique is the operator's own life, and the longer the time of death, the greater the difficulty of resurrection.

   When he mastered this technique, even if he sacrificed himself, he had no ability to resurrect Yahiko.


"Yahiko, I will definitely stop me." Nagato squeezed his fist and looked at Xiao Nan with the help of Penn Tiandao's body. "But, Xiao Nan, you should understand, his wish is impossible to achieve! No force is used to pursue peace. This Goodness and innocence have killed him once!"

   Xiaonan's slender eyelashes twitched slightly. She lowered her eyes and said in a very light voice:

"Yes, I understand."

   Yahiko was tricked into a trap by a peaceful lie, and then died to protect her.

  Although Xiao Nan did not fully approve the concept of Longmen at this time.

   However, Yahiko's conception will only despair in this world.

  Neither Nagato nor Xiaonan wanted to see that kind companion was deceived and hurt by this world again.

  Xiaonan raised his eyes and looked at Penn Heaven in front of him and said:

   "You really made a decision to defeat that mysterious person?"

"I have no choice, this is what I have to do." Nagato still stared at Xiao Nan, and said in a deep voice, "And now there is one more reason to do this, if he can really resurrect Yahiko, I Will grab this power, and after the final success, the three of us will be together again... In that peaceful world... Xiaonan, will you help me, right?"


  Xiaonan looked at the face belonging to Yahiko, and the eyes belonging to Nagato.

   nodded and whispered:

   "Yes, I will help you."

   For her, this is enough.

  No matter what her companion wants to do, she only needs to support, and then give everything to complete, it is enough.

   "I will help you too." Suddenly a voice from a man came.

   However, neither Xiaonan nor Nagato was surprised.

   Payne Heaven turned his head and looked at this man with a vortex mask.

   "You are too slow, Uchiha-spot!"

"I've been here for the first time." The self-proclaimed Uchiha spot, but actually the man with Uchiha's soil, looked at Nagato and Xiaonan and asked, "I heard about the news of Muye. , Do you have any information to add?"

  He came here at the last sentence said by Nagato.

   However, I also got some information through my own means.

   Actually, after hearing the news of the resurrection of Wave Feng Shui Gate.

   He already felt not very good.

   The strength of his teacher, he is clear. At first, he was able to kill this teacher and his mother by Jiuwei, most of them were lucky.

that time.

   As long as either Ziye or Tsunato are in Konoha, they cannot succeed.

   And now, both of them are in Konoha.

   There is also an unprecedented war in the intelligence, which is unbelievable.

   "Don't you have any contact?" Payne Tiandao Shen Sheng asked, "With his ability, he should be able to get more information."


  Uchiha shook his head with soil.

   Then did not explain anything.

   He tried to contact him, but the mysterious existence could not be found.

"In any case, intelligence is the most important thing right now." Nagato's brows were already tightly wrinkled, but Payne's face was still cold. "As far as I know, there is a mystery behind this matter. Extraordinary character, who claimed to be a businessman from a different world."

"Different world?"

   Uchiha's eyes with soil shrank and asked these three words.

   Everyone will be stunned the first time they hear a different world.

   As if he was just watching a gangster film above the earth, he suddenly discovered that there were aliens in it.

   jumped to science fiction all at once.

   The whole thinking is wrong.

   "That man really claimed to be like this." Nagato added a tone to the two words of self-professedness, and then said, "However, Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark have come into contact with the man and are extremely trusting and respectful."

   "Uchiha mongoose and dried persimmon shark?" Uchiha stunned.

  He knows these two people very well.

hard to imagine.

   Such a person will trust or even respect someone after just contacting.

   "Not only that, they also gained not weak power..." Nagato learned all he had learned, then stared at the man with the mask, as if he wanted to see his reaction clearly.

  And Uchiha listened with soil, his heart became heavier and heavier.

   can no longer be called an unexpected incident.

If it's true.

   Then all their plans, goals, everything they have been planning, will be destroyed.

   "I will go to Konoha to investigate intelligence." Uchiha finally said, "I don't want to do anything before waiting for my news."

  Along with the words, his figure began to rotate from his eyes.

   disappeared into the vortex.

  Although not only saw it for the first time, but now, this kind of time and space ninjutsu that would make Nagato secretly vigilant in the past made him feel at ease.

   has this ability.

   At the very least, you can escape safely in any situation.

  Uchiha took the soil and did not go directly to Konoha.

   Instead, first meet the dried persimmon.

  Want to hear what this person thinks about it.

"It's very powerful." Facing this Mr. Uchiha spot, the dried persimmon gave him the highest warning he could give, "Mr. and I are in the hands of the grown-up, without the slightest resistance, the power we gained , Indeed from a different world, or from a different world!"

"......I understand."

  Uchiha's inner vigilance and restlessness have reached the highest.

   However, some investigation is necessary anyway.

   What they have to do is to bet on everything to be done.

  No matter what you face.

  Uchiha took the soil and was sure that his heart would not be shaken at all.

that's it.

  After several years, Uchiha took the soil again to the road back to Konoha.


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