Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 259: : Can be solved with a jar

Tsunade is also the first to hear about Kakashi's series.


   is just this name.


   She seemed to understand why every time Kakashi fights, she will be seriously injured.


"It's too chaotic." Tsunade said with some dissatisfaction. "Also consider my position as a healer. What's more, even if the physical injury can be repaired, the mental injury is subtle, if every Every battle will be seriously injured like now, until the end..."


   Her words were not finished.


  But Kakashi and Bo Feng Shui Men both knew what she wanted to say.


  Continuous serious injuries, oppressing his own limits.


   The spirit is easily broken.


   "I just found out."


   Kakashi propped up on the ground with his hand, then sat up.


   seemed to sigh and then said:


   "Some things, even if I give everything, can't do anything. Today, I almost let Lynn die in front of me again, so... all I can do is to find a way to pay more."


   This is why he is determined to open the fateful items from the jars in the taboo series.


  He cannot guarantee that he can do it.


   But least hope.


   Really reached that step, he had already paid everything.


   Wave Feng Shui Gate looked at Kakashi somewhat staringly.


   This idea...


   is exactly like him!


   "Kakashi." Bo Feng Shui Men seemed to say something unexpectedly, "You might be suitable for Huo Ying."


   "Ah." Kakashi froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Teacher, how could I do Naruto."


   His lazy character.


"No." Bo Feng Shui Men said very seriously, "I am serious, Huo Ying, although withstand people's expectations, but in fact can not do everything, nor can not protect everyone, can do , Just make every effort to do it, so I say you are suitable."


   He really did not expect it.


   The earth once used to be the target of Naruto became this way.


Kakashi was lazy.


   has the quality to become Huo Ying.


   Kakashi faced with his teacher's serious expression, still a helpless look. Now, he just wants to protect his companion.


   remained silent for a while.


  His injuries have basically been resolved.


   "Go back." Bo Feng Shui Men said.


   took them all back to the village.


   just appeared.


   was immediately surrounded by the people in the meeting room and asked about the situation.


   "Is there anything with Kakashi?"


   "Did that mask man catch it?"


   "Did you ask anything?"


After learning that Kakashi was fine, they were relieved, but after getting the man who didn’t catch the mask, a group of people also had some regrets and worries. The face seems to rely on intuition, faintly aware of something.


   Wave Feng Shui Gate has concealed information.


   But I didn't say it since I came.


  He believes in his disciples.


   It was at this time that Wave Feng Shui Gate clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention to him.


"Now, I think that the project of the elite team must be implemented." His eyes looked around. "The enemy of Muye, just now, Shayin Ren Village, Xiao Organization, Da She Wan...Every All have strong strength, and the appearance of Mr. Silence and the stage of fate is enough to show that future battles no longer need to endure, or even the participation of everyone, but only the elite! Need us!"


   This is the core measure taken by the Feng Shui Gate last night.


  Simply put it in one sentence.


  ——It is no longer allowed to carry out combat missions of Ninja and Zhongren.


   Even, consider revoking their ninja status.


  Only when the strength reaches a certain height, or has the potential, can you buy jars, become a member, join the elite team, and become the main force of tasks and wars.


"Do you know, what does this measure mean?" Xiaochun's eyes turned to stare at the resurrected Huo Ying, "Xia Ren is not enough, but, as I already said, Zhong Ren is the main force for a large number of missions, is The main source of village finances, even on the battlefield, requires a large number of low-level ninjas to gather intelligence and investigate the battlefield."


The    wave Feng Shui Men's plan is not so easy to implement.


   The main pressure.


   Objection within the source.


   Even if they are on the side, they can only be silent, because their big family likewise relies on a large number of missions.


   This is the case throughout the ninja world.


   The weak is the cannon fodder.


  Use your life to go to dangerous areas, get valuable information, and funds.


   "Bang!" Tsunade slammed the table violently, staring at Xiaochun who was sleeping, clenching his teeth, "It was also you who opposed the establishment of a medical ninja! Isn't the life of those who endure and endure it?"


  Tsunade is naturally a staunch supporter of this measure.


  If it can be implemented.


   means that she can resurrect the rope tree without worrying that the rope tree will be on the battlefield.


"As long as it is not conducive to Muye's measures, the old body will never agree." Zhuan Xiaochun did not admonish at all, and added, "Three generations, even the Zhicun Tuanzang that has not been resurrected, can't agree. "




   Gang's hands clenched his fists, and the roots were itching.


"Tsunade, Shuimen." Another consultant, Mito Menyan, said at this time, "I understand your thoughts, but the classification of ninjas is the most beneficial village practice gradually formed over the centuries. We Muye is already a village that pays enough attention to the lives of ordinary ninjas. You should know what attitude the other villages treat ordinary ninjas."


   "Well." Bo Feng Shui Men nodded. "Cannon fodder, the only function is to earn money and test in the most dangerous places on the battlefield."


"So." Mito Menyan raised two fingers. "If you want to implement the measures, you must solve two problems. First, without these patience, how to obtain intelligence on the battlefield, and second, they carry out the mission belt The large amount of funds that come from how to make up, you should understand how important the funds are now."


  The silence at the moment is also in his own home, watching from a distance.


  He wants to see it.


   What kind of changes will this society bring to this society at the institutional level.


   And this is also related to his future decision.


   Wave Feng Shui Gate has a smile on his face, "I have thought of a solution to these two problems."


   "Oh?" Xiaochun had some doubts when he moved to bed.


   "The first point, Mr. Silence's jar, should be able to solve it." The smile on the face of Bo Feng Shuimen seemed to be a little brighter. "The second point, Mr. Silence's jar, should be solved."




   Everyone's eyes are wide and their faces are dumbfounded.

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