Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 266: : Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Can't figure it out, I don't want to.

"I like direct men." Zhao Meiming chuckled softly, but there seemed to be a little irritability in the charming smile, "Since Master Naruto is so direct, then I will be a little direct, Master Naruto, the one you refer to Who is it, sir?"

"I won't say that." Wave Feng Shui Gate smiled and shook his head.

Zhao Meiming's forehead was obviously wrinkled, and she couldn't even smile.

Is this teasing her?

Obviously you said it first!

Although she has a good temper, she is not without temper, especially when she is not facing herself.

"The reason why I didn't hide his existence is because I couldn't hide it." Bo Feng Shui Men seemed to sigh. "No one can anticipate the gentleman's behavior, and there is no language to describe his existence, so , Ms. Zhao Meiming, whether you can see him and understand him does not depend on me, nor on the information you got in Muye, but only on the will of the gentleman."

Speaking of this passage, Wave Feng Shui Gate did not look away from him.

But just calmly looked at the messenger in front of him.

However, Zhao Meiming's brows were actually tighter.

This attitude is too weird.

Huo Ying, who is Muye, is so respectful to the man, and even reluctant to mention the name. In the words, they all set off the other's transcendental status.

This can be done not only by strength.

"In short, I have understood what you have come to know. I also know a few things about Wuyin Ninja Village." Bo Feng Shui Men finally said, "You can stay in Muye for a while, if the gentleman wants to see you. , You should be able to see you, we will arrange someone to take care of your residence."

"Wait." Zhao Meiming raised her eyebrows. "Our trip is mainly to re-establish commercial channels with Konoha and the Fire Country."

Now in Wuyin Ninja Village, it can be said that the vitality is badly hurt.

Closed for more than ten years.

Internal disputes.

Their economic strength was severely damaged, so, according to Meimei's trip to Konoha, it is indeed the idea of ​​re-establishing business channels.

"This is not anxious." Bo Feng Shui Gate shook his head and smiled, "I was only resurrected yesterday, many things are not enough to understand, and it is difficult to discuss this matter for the time being."

He wanted to see the silent action first.

Now, whether you want war or alliance, it is difficult to decide.

Although he himself hopes for peace more, the war with Shayin Ninja Village and Xiao has come.

Everything must be prudent.

After saying this last sentence, the wave Feng Shui Gate signaled slightly, his figure dissipated a little.

That's right, it is not directly disappeared by the technique of flying thunder god, but gradually turned into a light spot to dissipate.

It is the spiritualization of the hero's own ability.

Zhao Meiming's pupil shrank significantly.

"Zhaomei Ming Lord" Nagajuro was a little nervous, and this scene was really strange.

"It's not like the technique of flying thunder gods, nor is it like a doppelganger." Zhao Meiming took a deep breath and began to deeply feel the abnormality of Konoha.

The information above is one thing.

But what I saw with my own eyes was quite another matter.

This made her a very cautious impression of the rumored man.

I want to know who it is.

And at this time.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a blonde woman in a green coat stepped in, strung her head up, her eyes turned around on the faces of all the people present, and she finally stopped at Zhao Meiming's face.

The person who came was Tsunade.

"I'm the one who is in charge of entertaining you, just call me Master Tsuneo." Tsunee's face was a little bit depressed.

She is obviously a medical ninja, even if the previous three generations of Huo Ying made her entertain silent, even now the fourth generation of Huo Ying made her entertain the messenger of Wuyin Ninja Village.

It's really too much.

"Tangshou?" Zhao Meiming's expression was a little shocked.

She naturally had heard of Tsuna, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, the only remaining princess of the Thousand Hands family.

There is indeed information that she has returned to Konoha.

However, how could it be so young, it looks much younger than himself.

Almost instinctive.

Zhao Meiming asked aloud, "How do adults keep their youthful appearance?"

"Huh?" Tsunade looked at the mature and dignified woman in front of her, with a smug smile on her lips. "This is the secret. Speaking of it, does your skin color look good? How old are you? Thirty or forty?"


Zhao Meiming's palm clearly made a sound.

His eyes became sharper.

"I'm only twenty-eight this year." Zhao Meiming blinked his eyes wide and smiled in a low voice. "However, it is really surprising that Aunt Tsunato can stay so young. After all, I heard Aunt Tsunabe when I was a kid. Fame, by the way, Aunt Tsunade is in her fifties, haven’t you married yet?"

"Tsunade's face also began to be a bit stiff.

Nagajuro shivered a little, and he felt a strong momentum from these two strong men.

Even the silence that was watching at home had strange expressions.

They are all beautiful and powerful women, and they are all singles. He always feels that it is not good intentions to arrange Gangshou hospitality.

However, the momentum is coming fast, and going fast.

She was the first to converge, but it was Tsunae. She now wrapped her hands around her chest with a confident smile on her face.

"Age such as age mainly depends on the mentality and appearance. This is told by a powerful existence who does not know how many years have lived. In his eyes, I am only about seventeen years old."

After knowing Silence and Icarus, Tsunate did not care much about his age.

After all, there is a woman who is said to have lived tens of thousands of years, but still beautiful and moving.

And Zhaomei looked at this muscular hand full of youthful breath, and felt a loss.

Even if you look young, your temperament is young?

Zhao Meiming bit her silver teeth.

But keenly noticed what Tsunade just said.

"Strong presence?" she repeated.

Tsunade seems to have opened her eyes a looked at her up and down again, and suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you came for him."

"Who is that existence?"

Zhao Meiming couldn't help but ask, she now has a feeling of itching and impatient.

It seems that the man is everywhere

But I couldn't see how it looked.

Don't worry about it.

Such an important existence.

It will almost kill obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"If he wants to see you, no one can stop it, but if he doesn't want" Tsunade stopped suddenly, looked deeply at the woman in front of him, and said, "So, I won't tell you."


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