Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 280: : The negotiations broke down completely

In the small woods outside Yinnin Village, everyone in Xiao Organization is waiting quietly.

The long door closed his eyes, and it seemed to be a bargain.

Xiao Nan was a little worried, but it did not appear on the surface.

And in such a quiet place, a rat with a little rancid smell emerged from the land silently, watching everyone with slightly red eyes.

Almost all the members of Xiao organization visited.

After seeing Uchiha Itachi, Dashe Maru was first happy, and then a little cautious, because he felt the warning of the badge in his arms.

According to the warning system of membership badges.

As long as another member is under his observation, a warning will be issued.

This shows that Uchiha Itachi is a member, and that red-haired man who is obviously Penn's body is not.

There is one more member.

Da She Wan's focus was on the dried persimmon.

"If the stage of destiny is launched, the two members will directly admit defeat and escape... No, just sacrifice one person to hold me a little, and then let the others escape." Da She Wan thought to himself.

The stage of destiny is the protection of non-members.

However, the owner of the reincarnation eye is not a member.

Reincarnation eyes are obviously rarer than writing reincarnation eyes.

Therefore, to avoid the stage of fate.

He already had an idea in his heart.

Da She Wan looked at Penn Heaven in front of him, with a strange smile on his face: "You haven't met the adult, right?"


Payne said nothing, but Nagato's expression had solidified.

"I have to admire your ignorance." Da She Wan's eyes sarcastically, "The person who did not get the strength from the adult, dare to appear in front of me like this, your confidence is probably from your sadness It’s a pity that the first thing the adult taught us is awe."


Penn's reincarnation eyes closely stared at the big snake ball in front of him.

"Negotiated, broken?"

"Of course." The sneering smile on Da She Wan's face seemed to expand a bit more. "It's a rule not to kill wantonly."

"Huh, the rules?" Penn's voice said angrily, "How many people in the weak villages have been killed wantonly in wars of all generations? A stranger who hasn't experienced this kind of pain, what rules are they talking about now? !Da She Wan, you are so timid, have you experienced any pain?"

Da She Wan stopped talking and just watched him perform with a smile.

This attitude undoubtedly angered Nagato even more.

He controlled Penn Heavenly Path and then raised his hand, determined to give Da She Wan a lesson.

Ruthlessly shouted: "Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"


Nothing happens.

Payne Heavenly Road was surprised to find that Chakra in his puppet was blocked and could not be transmitted to his eyes.

how is this possible! ?

"So, you are too ignorant, even playing with the corpse in front of a lich." Da She Wan's eyes suddenly burned with green flames, "This corpse looks pretty good, then I will accept it. "

That is, when the voice fell, the body that originally belonged to Yahiko suddenly began to swell, flesh and blood poured out of the skin, and the body was continuously pulled up, and those black rods were squeezed out one by one, completely out of control.

Silence knew it would be such a result.

The dead creatures contain the power of death.

Controlled by the presence of undead.

How could the long gate defeat the lich in the mage tower by manipulating a corpse.

This is the act of giving head.

In the final perspective of the reincarnation eye, Nagato sees through the reflection of the eyes of Dashe Wan.

It is a tall monster with a shield and a death knight.

He opened his eyes violently.

The expression was full of anger and fierceness.

"Damn, how dare he!"

"Nagato, how is it?" Xiao Nan asked quickly.

"The negotiations broke down completely and prepared for battle."

Nagato said that his face was extremely ugly, and he didn't even dare to look at Xiao Nan's eyes.

Because he lost Yahiko's body.

And just then.

Suddenly came the hoarse voice of Da She Wan:

"Ready for battle? Why not, let's play with my little ones first."

When the sound rang, hoarse roars kept coming. One after another, huge monsters holding shields and swords crawled out of the ground. More and more, they had surrounded them in groups.

The mage tower can greatly increase the mage's casting range.

"Be careful, these monsters are originally dead, and they can't be killed without being completely destroyed." Uchiha Itachi reminded.

"It's better not to fight in close combat!" The dried persimmon shark also took out his shark muscle sword.

But before waiting for the two of them to work, Dedara stepped forward and flicked his hands, and countless white clay flew in all directions.

"Look at me—!" His hands were sealed.

"Wait!" Uchiha Itachi was taken aback.


Along with Dearala's voice, dazzling explosion sparks, and deafening loud noises flooded all around.

"This is my art, art is an explosion!" Didara looked at the scene in front of her, but then was suddenly pulled by Uchiha Itachi into the wall of earth that had just been summoned.

Everyone looked at him badly.

Some people's clothes have burn marks.

"The body composition of those dead objects is corrosive and toxic, and they must be defended before exploding." Uchiha Itachi explained.

"Is that true?" Dedara grinned a little embarrassedly, and then got a little proud again, "But my art is still very good, isn't this all solved? Then I rushed in and rushed out of it Just call it Da She Wan."

The sound of the monster's roar did indeed fade a lot.

Fei Duan, leaning on his undead body, leaned out to see.

"It seems to be solved, those guys are already missing arms and legs."


Uchiha Itachi dried persimmon shark glanced at each other, and they all saw the same kind of uneasiness.

Da She Wan opened his mouth silently with a smile.

-Corpse explosion!


A loud explosion sounded louder than just now, with a toxic wave of terror sweeping towards many people in the organization of Xiao, and the seal of the defensive water dungeon of the dried persimmon was only half done~www. It won't end like this. "Da She Wan muttered to himself, seeming with some kind of expectation."

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

The long door sipped.

In the next moment.

The invisible repulsion was centered on everyone, collided with the shock wave that swept through, and then crushed mercilessly, whether it was trees, grass, or mud, everything was cleaned.

In the forest, there is a large open space.

Moonlight sprinkled.

Shining on everyone in the Xiao organization.

They stared at the tall tower that seemed to go deep into that round of bright white jade plates in the distance.

The fighting started gradually.

Wonderful book house

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