Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 288: : It's our turn

In his silent mind, he constantly improves his plans.

In the end, he made up his mind.

Nagato is dead. If he is still alive, it’s really not good to sell him jars. The idea of ​​creating pain will cause huge damage to the world’s production.

Silence is now curious.

Without Yahiko, there is no long door. If only Xiao Nan is left, what kind of decision will this person make in the past just as a companion.

"Let's go, it's our turn to play." He picked up the emerald and turned to Icarus.

"Yes." Icarus is equally clever.

But her eyes looked at the projection. The woman who had just lost her companion seemed to understand what her master wanted to do.

Silence took her and Yueju, her figure disappeared.

Xiaonan was still evacuating rapidly. Even if there were no traces of enemies chasing her behind, she had no intention of stopping at all. There was no direction, no purpose.

The silence did not interrupt her.

He knew that she needed time. This is not the moment in the original book after Naruto died after being enlightened by Naruto. At that time, Naruto entrusted everything to Naruto, and Xiaonan had a new direction.

but now.

Nagato entrusted Xiao Nan with her last wish before she died, and she knew what it was.


I don't know what to do.

When flying and running until the sun gradually rises, the light appears before Xiaonan's eyes.

It's the sea.

She spent almost one night running from Tian Zhiguo to the edge of the coast, and then stopped.

The country inland in the rain has only a large lake, and Xiaonan has never seen this sea.

It is even more spectacular than imagined. At a glance, you can't see the edge. The farthest place is the rising sun. There is a limitless feeling that directly connects to the outside of the world.

"The rising sun on the ocean is not bad." A man's voice suddenly came from the side.

Xiao Nan turned his head violently, and in a moment he showed a gesture of attack.

Is it chasing soldiers?

Do not--!

Xiao Nan saw the two men, a man in a black suit, a lady in a black and white dress, and the sea breeze blowing their hair. The two men plus a cat had a strong temperament that seemed completely different from the whole world.

She already knew who they were.

This feature is too obvious. The only one who can come to her suddenly at this time is the mysterious businessman.

"You guy... also came to plunder the eyes of reincarnation?" Xiao Nan didn't relax his vigilance, but despair appeared in his heart.

Even the big snake pill that he had given strength was so powerful.

So how strong will he be?

"Reincarnation eyes..." The silence showed a helpless expression, "I did not come for reincarnation eyes, but for you."

"Me?" Xiao Nan asked back.

"I've been watching you, you and Nagato." Silently turned around and looked at her like this, "I can feel what you have, the strong desire to change your destiny, it's a pity , The desire of Nagato has been lost beyond his original heart."

Xiaonan looked at the man.

There is a kind of unspeakable breath on the other person's body, as if overriding everything, and it seems to be ordinary everywhere.

Mystery seems to be synonymous with this person.

"What is your purpose?" Xiao Nan asked again.

The sea breeze also brushed her hair and robe, and those amber eyes reflected the figures of Chaoyang and Shenmo.

"If you say the purpose, it's probably looking at your will, which can drive you to grow to what extent." Silently said, "Dashe Maru, Uchiha Itachi, Dried Persimmon Shark have their own clear, The longing, this longing will become their driving force for growth, and we look forward to your growth."


Xiao Nan didn't speak, but her eyes showed that she was in doubt.

This purpose is not a purpose at all.

The silence seemed a bit distressed.

It seems that because Nagato died in the hands of Da She Wan, even carrying Xiao Nan was extremely alert to him.

Perhaps there is also a reason why Nakai has been saying bad things about him.

However, silence seems to have an idea.

Consuming some trading points, he has a way to let Xiao Nan put down his vigilance against him.

"Having a long door to write round eyes, I often feel that I am a god." There was a mysterious smile in the corner of my silent mouth. "Do you know what the world looks like in my eyes?"

These seem to be two unrelated sentences.

Xiaonan was alert.

"Let you have a little experience."

Silently extended his finger and snapped his fingers.

At this moment, Xiao Nan felt his body slammed by something and fell backwards, but there was a feeling of lightness.

She saw her body.

The body that is resting on the front in a posture of falling backwards.

And she looked at her palm.

Translucent look.

"I want ordinary people to feel my existence a little bit, but I can't do it in a flesh state." Silence didn't know when it suddenly appeared beside her, reaching for her shoulder, "Take you to go shopping Go shopping."

The moment the words fell, Xiao Nan felt his body swiftly rise, and rushed towards the sky with incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, he came into space, with a starry sky above his head and a huge arc-shaped world at his feet.

"Where should I start first." Silence pondered for a moment. "Yes, let's start from time."

He grabbed Xiao Nan's shoulder with one hand, and made a twisting gesture against the planet in front of him with the other hand.

In an instant.

The whole planet started to work in reverse.

The speed is getting faster.

Xiao Nan's can see the sea flowing backwards, the mountains and rivers change, and the originally green parts fade away with the naked eye, turning into a very barren planet.

Her eyes were shocked.

Is all this illusion?

Actually... it's really illusion.

"It's not the planet that changed, but us. I took you to the world five billion years ago." Silent looking at the shocked Xiao Nan, holding a smile, "It's barren, isn't it? There is no water, no plants." , There is no life, then this is what it was a billion years ago."

He held out his hand again, and the planet circulated again.

This time With the ocean, there are huge creatures.

A lot of prosperity.

But there is no human.

"This is the age of dinosaurs, the overlord on the original planet." Silence suddenly pointed to a place, "Did you see? There are two Tyrannosaurus rex fighting each other, fighting for the last female of their race."

Xiao Nan looked in the direction he was pointing.

Indeed, monsters with huge heads are fighting each other.

There is no chakra like the tail beast.

It's just pure physical fighting.

"Unfortunately, this race is still dead." Silence seemed a little disappointed, but looked at Xiao Nan and shook his head helplessly, "Well, it seems that you are not interested in things that have nothing to do with yourself, then go Time related to you, um, thirty years ago."

Wonderful book house

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