Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 292: : Xiao Nan's transfer props

Silence now has a clearer direction for its own plans.

If we say that the initial desire to guide the individual is the first stage.

It is the second stage to create an environment where each fights for desire.

Then the third stage. It is to create an environment of constant competition.

Compete internally or with the rest of the world.

all in all.

Don't let them have a day of salted fish.

Xiao Nan did feel the pressure, so she said firmly, "Adult, I want ten tertiary jars! Get out my props of fate!"

"Okay." Silently raised his hand with a smile, ten tertiary jars appeared in front of him.

Items belonging to her fateful nature have been put into it.

Xiao Nan didn't have too much hesitation and no sense of tension. She believed that something suitable for her could be opened in the jar.

The tertiary jar is completely different from the tertiary jar.

Any item, even if it is just a light group, has more than the characteristics of the second-level jar award, and the inheritance of knowledge in it suddenly becomes esoteric, and there are various magical techniques.

It is a pity that she has not learned the fairy model.

Compared to Chakra, these spells are more suitable for using natural energy to perform.

However, in the fifth jar, she opened an outfit.

-Fuyun handkerchief.

From the appearance, it is just a simple handkerchief, but if the array inside is activated, it will become a flying magic weapon, but for Xiao Nan, except for the magic of the magic weapon, it has little effect .

After all, the paper escape can already fly.

In the end, Xiaonan opened the last jar all the way.

Inside, there was only a piece of paper floating lightly.

"It really is." Silent said with a smile. "It's for you."

"Master, what is this?" Xiao Nan asked, raising his head.

"Transfer Rune Master." Silently looking at the paper, explaining, "This is your original rune paper, and it is still just a blank sheet. Every time you learn a new rune, it will be inscribed here. Above, Master Fu is a powerful, magical, and versatile profession. The most important thing is-it is for you."

Fu Gushi.

There is no such occupation in the system, which is specially customized for silence.

A profession with collection and upgrade characteristics.

Collect the rungs and record them on the original rune paper. The usual practice is basically to refine the original rune paper and let it be continuously upgraded. It has the same characteristics as the magic weapon of this life.

But, as the silence said.

Xiao Nan, who can control the paper freely, with this sub-professional, is definitely not just as simple as one plus one. At the very least, she no longer has to use the detonation symbols monotonously. A variety of symbols will work together to play flowers. Come.

Xiao Nan has realized it himself.

Her eyes brightened, her lips slightly widened, she looked at the silence, and then at the rune, her face full of expectant expressions.

Fu Gushi.

She, who has gained some inheritance of Taoism, naturally understands the concept of Fulu.

"It's safe to change jobs." Silently signaled, "It's enough to drop in blood. It's equipped with spiritual practice, which can help you absorb natural energy. However, no matter whether it is spiritual practice or promotion in the future, there will be materials. You want If you want to make a difference in Master Fu Mi’s work, I’m just afraid to buy a lot of jars."

This profession can be said to be good, but one thing is very fatal.

-Burn money.

Fu Mi's practice requires a lot of materials, and the promotion of the original Fu paper also requires a lot of precious materials.

The variety it has also reduces the cost-effectiveness of the starting jar.

However, the ability to make money is also very strong. If the character is proficient, the success rate is high, and then work harder, the resulting character can also be resold to silence in exchange for trading points. This is called labor creation value.

Therefore, silence is more expecting than Xiao Nan.

Xiao Nan said that according to the silence, after the blood was dripped, this original rune paper directly plunged into her eyebrows, and a simple spiritual formula and some information also appeared in her mind. Everything was amazing.

"My lord, I want to buy a hundred cans from the Fusi series first."

Xiaonan looked at the silence, her fist clenched in long cuffs, which showed her mood at the moment.

There has never been a moment when she longed for power as much as she does now.

And this power was directly placed in front of her by these jars.

"A hundred?"

Raising his hand in silence, on one side were the materials that kept falling and disappearing, and on the other side there were constantly appearing jars.

Watching the system interface suddenly increase the amount of more than 20 million points of property, silence the sour heart.

And he knew very well that this was just the beginning.

Xiaonan also accelerated the speed of opening some jars.

She herself knew that more than one hundred third-level jars were not even enough for her to defeat Da She Wan, she needed more and more jars.

The items in the jars of the Fu Gushi series are extremely rich.

From blank rune paper, to the materials used to support the rune, to the light group to enhance physical fitness and spiritual power, there are even a variety of inheritances, not only the knowledge of Fu Lu, but also the pattern and spells. Wait.

These have dispersed the power of the jar.

As said before Silence, Fu Mi is powerful, but the premise is that you must open more jars than others.

Finally, at the 70th jar, she opened the first prize.

——Golden Cutter.

You can wield a golden glorious slashing Fu Luo.

"The power is not very strong, but the advantage is simple production, high success rate, and low requirements for materials. The power can also be superimposed." Silent laughed, "This is why it was rated as a rare blue amount. If you accumulate enough, countless gold cuts, even the entire planet can be split."

Xiao Nan read the information about this rune, his eyes widened.

Comparing the same simple detonation symbol with it, it is a world apart.

There will not be too much energy dissipation, the attack is rapid, and the angle is diverse...

She will no longer need a detonator in the future~ The whole world will be changed by such power. "Xiao Nan looked at the items in this place and muttered to himself, and suddenly raised his head and asked, "Adult, the property I can use now is enough to buy how many tertiary cans? "

"Probably two thousand six hundred," Silent added, "not counting fixed assets and grain reserves."

Close to 800 million points.

This is undoubtedly an amazing number, most of which are supplies, such as metals that are necessary for war.

If all are converted into property, it will even surpass the financial power of some big countries.

After all, the world is only a small world with a population of tens of millions.

Moreover, the perennial war has dragged down productivity.

People in many countries are still on the verge of barely maintaining their livelihoods.

Wonderful book house

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