Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 295: : Xiaonan's last big prize

Looking at Xiao Nan who didn't speak with her head down, she did not continue to tease her in silence.

He did look forward to it.

Without Yahiko and Nagato, Xiaonan, who no longer listens to others but depends on herself to decide everything, will do something.

Peaceful, or intense.

Xiao Nan also eased from that emotion.

She hasn't laughed for a long time, but even if she was suddenly teased like this and recovered, she soon thought of many things before her.

Eat the last delicacy.

I looked at this empty rice bowl with regret, then put it down and stood up.

"I'm going to open the rest of the"

"Go." Silence put on sunglasses again.

Xiao Nan seemed to be a little hesitant, but finally took a deep breath and his eyes were firm.

Continue to open the jar!

It seems that to keep myself from forgetting these few days, Xiao Nan's speed of opening the jar has accelerated a lot.

Until the last sound of the dragon sounded.

The silent figure appeared for a moment, directly next to Xiao Nan, looking at the final grand prize.

There are eight symbols.

"Bafang Guardian Array." Silently shouted the names of these runes. "A large-scale guardian enchantment. Entering spiritual power can strengthen the defense. You can use it in Wuyin Ninja Village. The resulting images are used together, and the effect is still good."

"Do you guard the enchantment?"

Xiao Nan solemnly put away these symbols.

There were no big prizes in the remaining jars.

As a result, of the 1,500 jars, there were 14 prizes.

Although it is not an emperor, it is not a non-chief.

"The Fulu series, although powerful, is also indispensable for practice and the addition of jars." Silently looked at Xiao Nan. "The more accumulation, the stronger the combat power. You should be very clear about this."

"Yes." Xiaonan nodded.

Although the Fulu series has directly developed Fulu, most of them are inherited knowledge.

She also needs constant practice and character.

The more runes accumulated in the hands, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Now, the jar is all open.

After Xiao Nan was silent for a moment, he looked at the silence and said softly, "Master, Xiao Nan is going to chase his own destiny."

"Hopefully destiny is in your hands." Silence gave a blessing.

Xiaonan looked at him, seeming to squeeze his lower lip, and then held up his hands, a piece of paper slowly emerged, folded into a flower.

Raise your palm.

A shallow smile appeared on his face, with a smile of expectation.

Just like her smile when she was a child.

"Then I will accept it." Silent laughed, reached out and took it, waved the other hand, "Go."


Xiao Nan turned around, and countless pieces of paper behind them formed white wings and flew up.

Turning his head, he glanced at Icarus who seemed to be saying goodbye to her not far away.

After responding, flapping his wings and flying to the distance.

Unlike the despair when she came, when she left, her heart was full of hope.

"In the end, I still don't want to use the eyes of the long door." It seems a pity that the silence seems to be reincarnation, and it sounds good.

Although he always thinks that reincarnation eyes are a bit ugly...

Then, it seemed to suddenly think of something, and the silent eyes narrowed a little.

After Xiaonan is harvested, there are not many people in the world that deserve attention.

The older generation wants to be resurrected, and it still needs time, while the rest of the Ninja Village still seems to be watching.

However, the silence did not intend to let them wait and see, he planned to come to his door.

Solve it early and take advantage of the gap to go to the rest of the world.

With the pattern of chambers of commerce, a world cannot be supported.

"Let's go, Icarus, Yuju. I'll be busy for a few days." Silent Icarus beckoned, ready to speed up some of the current work in this world.

At the same time, I left a view on Xiaonan's side.

The rest of the villages are estimated to be similar. They are shocked when they come out and sell some jars to make some money to achieve a balance in strength. However, Xiao Nan’s decision will affect the status quo of the world.

At this time, Xiao Nan did not know that he had been peeped by someone who had just been separated.

But even if I knew it, I wouldn't care about it. After all, I wanted to see the words silently, and there was nothing he couldn't see.

Xiao Nan sent a message to all members of the Xiao organization.

"Return to Yuyin Village."

She intends to organize the organization.

In fact, most of the rest of the people have already returned to Yuyinren Village after they left last night.

While waiting patiently, the smell of gunpowder between them seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

That night's battle was a big setback for them.

Some people, like Jiao Du and Fei Duan, have already raised the idea of ​​leaving.

If the Xiao organization cannot allow them to achieve their goals, they will decisively leave.

And when Xiaonan returned to the base.

Everyone looked at her at once.

"What about the leader?"

Jiaodu found out that only Xiao Nan came back.

Xiao Nan didn't speak.

The expression was indifferent as in the past, her eyes looked around, six people were here.

No... there is one more person.

"Come out, I know you are here." Xiao Nan said indifferently.

Along with her words, a figure emerged slowly from the void.

Wearing a mask and a robe.

It is with soil.

"A Fei?" Scorpion seemed to look at this trainee member inconceivably, with a low voice, "This way of appearing... is it time and space ninjutsu?"

The eyes of the rest of the people suddenly became alert.

Time and Space Ninjutsu.

The last person in charge of this ninjutsu is the fourth generation of Naruto, a well-known strong man.

They have realized faintly that A Fei, who appeared as an intern member in the past, was afraid that it was not that simple.

"It seems that you didn't bring the long door's body back." Yu Zhibo led the soil and looked at Xiao Nan with his hands empty.

Both the sound and the tone are different from those of Afei in the past.

However, what everyone is more concerned about at the moment is still what he said.

The leader... dead?

"Is this true?" Jiaotong looks at is true. "Xiao Nan's eyes slowly looked around," Nagato... sacrificed that night. "


The scene seemed to fall silent.

Everyone is digesting the news.

As an organization, the leader is dead, which is a great event for any organization.

"What's so boring." Fei Duan lifted his scythe and turned around. "I thought it was reincarnation. How bad is the reincarnation eye? Go, partner, we make money, there is no need to wear this dress."

Raising his hand, Xiao Organization's robe was thrown aside.

And at this time.

Several wooden thorns pierced from the ground suddenly pierced Fei Duan's body in an instant.

Wonderful book house

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