Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 313: : What is this jar

Silence has been watching silently.

Fairly satisfied.

The attraction of the jar is really full, the weak need strength, and the strong are curious about the magical place of the jar, looking for adventure and exploring the unknown.

With more and more drifting jars and contractors, legends about the ship of fate will soon spread.

Information dissemination in this world is not so slow.

And now, the crowd at the sea restaurant has also discovered the fleet of Creek that appeared suddenly.

One by one, trembling because of the name of Creek.

After all, the man known as the overlord of the East China Sea.

"Wait, is that Sanji?" A chef saw Sanji.

"Why would Sanji be?"

"Sanji is coming back!"

"Master Chef, what should I do?"

Sanji still has a certain reputation on this ship.

The chef with the broken leg came out from the back cook.

at the same time.

The three Lu Fei also noticed Sanji there.

"Ah, it's the cook on our ship." Luffy shouted.

"Hey, people haven't agreed yet." Nami looked black.

"He seems to be in trouble." Sauron looked at Crick not far away. "When I was a pirate hunter, I heard of this man. He is a famous pirate and has a bounty of 17 million. "

"Seventeen million!?" Nami's eyes gleamed suddenly.

She loves money now more than before.

Money is power.

After defeating the Black Cat Pirates, she has already bought all the second-level jars, and she only needs to make up the money to buy ten third-level jars to get the props of fate and then transfer.

At this moment, there were bursts of exclamation suddenly around.

Because Crick was already holding a big gun, he jumped toward Sanji.

He jumped into Sanji's boat.

"I'll ask you to hand over the jar!" Creek's grim expression on his face stepped closer.

"Come again..." Sanji slammed a leg on the jar, "I will crush this jar."

Creek's movements froze there.

He was worried about this.

Otherwise, it would have been bombarded for a long time, after all, judging from the bizarre scene after the jar was opened, no one knows if it is broken, the contract inside will disappear with it.

"Sure enough... what is this jar?" Sanji took a deep cigarette and stared at the Creek in front of him. "The two pirates before, neither you nor everything. I wanted this jar, and when I found it, I also felt weird."

Never mind if it is full.

It's hard to fill it with treasures.

However, the jar is obviously empty.

The weight is very light, and there is no feeling of shaking when it is moved.

Why, each of these pirates seems to have no need of life, but also to obtain this jar.

"Don't you know?" Creek seemed to narrow his eyes. "Here, but fate."


"Yes, a destiny that keeps fighting and looking for." Creek grinned all over his face. "Since you don't know what this is, it is best to never know it. Hurry and give it to me, or else... ...You will die miserably."

Creek's reputation, in addition to being cruel, malicious, and ruthless, also has a cunning and meanness.

He didn't mind intimidation as long as it was to get the jar.

To the people not far away, the pictures there are like the negotiations between Sanji and Crick.

Only Nami.

He keenly noticed the jar on the foot of Sanji.

That shape, that look...can't be wrong!

It's the kind of jar, and I don't know why, it's a whole three-inch jar that is one inch bigger.

How much does a tertiary jar cost?

"Luffy, don't you want to hire him as a cook?" Nami turned her head and looked at Luffy with bright eyes. "Let's save him."

"Okay, save it." Luffy nodded without thinking.

"Since the captain has spoken, let's go." Sauron also slightly raised some fighting intentions.

Tokai, the overlord of the East China Sea, does not know what kind of strength he will possess.

And just as they boarded their own boat and approached over there.

In the distance, there are some other ships, slowly moving closer towards this side.

All are Pirate Ships.

This is also a matter of course. Although silence did not deliberately guide these jars to be picked up by the pirate ship, but to say the desire, there are obviously more pirates than ordinary merchants, and today the sea is basically the world of pirates. Too.

Even the navy is far behind the pirates in number.

And these pirates have obviously discovered the situation at the target.

"The Creek fleet has become so miserable."

"Except for Creek, everyone else looks dead."

"Look at that jar!"

"It's great! It's a terrible jar of three levels of destiny in perception!"

These seven or eight pirate ships were all brought in by silence in a jar.

In the face of Creek, the overlord of the sea, of course they will be afraid, but the desire for tertiary jars is also very obvious.

Now, Creek is just alone.

In the world of pirates, the number of people will somehow give confidence to some people.

So, after a short silence, all the pirate ships gathered around.

"Kill Creek first!"

"Yes, he is alone!"

"Steal his treasure to complete the contract, and then we will divide those ten jars!"

"Come on, grab the jar!"

Among these, there are also several pirates with millions of bounty.

Those at the sea restaurant were completely dumbfounded.

"Why are there so many pirates?"

"It seems to be grabbing the jar."

"The jar at the foot of Sanji? Is there treasure in it?"

"Let them kill each other, these stinky pirates!"

Except for some people who are worried about Sanji, most of them are holding a lively look, and even hope that they will be both defeated and hurt.

After all, the vast majority of pirates are extremely evil.

If you let Creek next goal must be them.

Facing the pirates who rushed up, Creek snorted.

"I don't know what to do." He looked at Sanji in front of him and threatened with a low voice. "You must protect this jar properly. If the jar is broken, I promise you will die rather miserably!"

After talking, holding the big war gun in his hand, he jumped up and jumped directly to a ship.


The place where the war gun was hit in the hand made a violent explosion.

This one ton weapon is one of the reasons for Creek’s fame. It is filled with gunpowder and will explode every time it hits, plus the gold armor on the body, and various other weapons. He and the rest of the sea Thieves have a huge gap that cannot be overcome.

However, this is before.

Wonderful book house

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