Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 768: : Thanos started the action

Latest website: Although the riots in the entire universe are still only a partial scale, the chaos has initially appeared.

Hela and Asgard have shown amazing power, enough to make some people in the universe recall Asgard's name from ancient biographies, and now Asgard is even more aggressive.

As if a brand new empire is gradually emerging.

However, the emergence of a new cosmic empire will inevitably be accompanied by a conflict with the old empire.

Coupled with the riots within the Kerry Empire.

The whole universe has a feeling of wind and rain.

This is especially true for the earth facing the threat of Hela.

Tony and Fury joined forces to try to turn the earth into an iron bucket in the shortest possible time, but the defensive power still seemed unsafe.

Even a larger shadow is quietly covering the earth.

One month after Thanos opened the can.

Thanos, who had accumulated his chakras to a terrifying level, finally temporarily ended his practice.

During this month, he basically maintained a highly self-controlled life, observing strict daily schedules, resting, searching for food, practicing spiritual practice, and having brief exchanges with the silent neighbors. Most of them were asking about spiritual practice. Silence did not refuse to answer the difficulties.

And on this day.

Thanos offered his farewell.

"I have passed the stage of rapid growth in strength. It is time to make some preparations for the task. Thank you very much for your help during this time." Thanos said in front of silence.

If anyone saw him at this time, he would definitely not be able to put him together with the overlord who frightened the universe.

Wearing simple clothes, his eyes are calm, and his attitude is respectful, just like a polite junior or friend.

"Go and do what you want to do." The silence is still lying on his recliner, "If you want to find me for something, you can use the badge, or come back here directly. I should stay here for a while. Time, of course, my sight will go wherever I want to see."

Silence did not intend to leave.

He also had a very happy month.

Eat and drink every day, and then play games with Icarus, or go picnic in the rest of the beautiful scenery of the planet.

It was also a rare peace for him.

After Thanos left, Dia headed to Earth.

In this month, he has not only practiced, but also learned information from other places.

To fight against Hela, it is not enough to rely on his alone strength, not to mention, to complete the task, one must obtain more infinite gems, and two of those infinite gems are on the earth.

Thanos did not bring his huge army, but only drove his own small single-man spacecraft alone, after several leaps, he came to the vicinity of the earth.

The outer space of the earth today is completely different.

Looking around, there are more than a dozen huge space stations orbiting the earth, and even military bases have been established on the moon, most of which bear the mark of Stark Industries.

Just like an interstellar combat readiness.

Of course.

Thanos, a spaceship that did not hide its figure, was immediately discovered.

All of a sudden, the three Eternal-class space battleships were approaching here.

"You have entered the Earth Air Defense Identification Zone, please sign up for your identity, disarm your weapons, and go to the designated location for inspection."

Thanos already knows this eternal class space battleship very well, especially the defensive ability that surpasses the entire universe technology. Last time, he was repelled by these space battleships in Asgard.

But now, Thanos is not here to find it.

He accepted the arrangement.

Go to the so-called designated location on the moon.

at the same time.

Tony on Earth has also received the news. Originally, if there were visitors from outer space, he would not be notified immediately, but now, he just happened to be resting.

"A space battleship without any markings. The technology is not low. Is it the predators? Or interstellar pirates?" Tony looked at the projection in front of him.

In this period of time, although the earth has not fully connected with the interstellar orbit, it is not ignorant of the interstellar.

Thanks to Loki who returned to this place.

Loki arrived half a month ago, with his "legion", hundreds of warships and thousands of "interstellar gangsters", but it shocked the earth.

Especially after discovering that those strange aliens adore Loki very much, looking like a god.

So at this moment, Tony didn't pay too much attention to such an alien warship that seemed "obedient".


This indifference only lasted until he saw Thanos stepping off the spaceship.


Tony sprayed all the wine in his mouth directly.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

What did he see?

That Thanos, the overlord of the universe, once instructed the Cheritas to attack the earth, and even invaded Asgard, causing the death of Odin. How could Thanos come to the earth alone?

Still walking down the spaceship honestly?

Is this the brother of Thanos? Or is it another Titan? Maybe the Titans are all the same.

All the guesswork disappeared after seeing the infinite glove in Thanos' hand and the gem on the glove.

This is Thanos.

Tony walked around with his hands behind his back, frowning without thinking, and finally decided to inform Rocky and Fury.

At present, on the earth, it is basically their three members who have opened the jar.

The projections of the two of them quickly appeared next to Tony, and an incredible expression still remained on Loki's face.

"Is it really Thanos?" Loki tried to make himself look more indifferent.

"Watch it for yourself." Tony synced the image directly.

With just a glance, Loki was sure.

This is definitely the universe overlord who brought fear to his weak and fragile mind when he still knew nothing about the universe.

The moment he saw Thanos, Loki immediately recalled the fear at that time, but soon, this fear made him feel humiliated.

He is different.

He is now opening the jar and igniting a divine fire. He is a **** that countless people believe in.

"It's just right." Loki's mouth was bent to the sides, revealing a happy smile, "We can do a good job with him to calculate the previous account, and we can also **** his infinite gem. This is He delivered it himself."

He could not wait to double the humiliation he had received from Thanos.

Let all Asgardians take a look.

How did Thanos, who easily defeated them and even made his father pay the price of his life to stop him, knelt at his feet.

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