Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 822: : Members no longer fight

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There is no doubt that this shocking news was told at the press conference.

"I suffered perhaps the worst pain in my life, even beyond the time of my father's death." Tony stood on the stage with a serious expression, completely different from the past, "This pain did not come from The danger I experienced came from those who died in front of me because of their powerlessness, my colleagues, my friends, and my most trusted secret technique, Pepper, so simple, cruel, and dead. In front of me, this makes me deeply feel the powerlessness of being an ordinary person..."

When Tony read Pepper's name, he couldn't even hide his pain.

Compared to encountering a crisis yourself.

Pepper's death made him crave power even more.

Different from the original fate.

He now wants strength, not to protect the rest of ordinary people, but to protect the people he loves.

the other side.

Ferry, who was unable to contact Tony, was watching live TV when a phone call came to Coelson.

"Don't you tell him that the Holy Light has the possibility of resurrection?" Fury asked.

"I told the teacher first, but the teacher refused." Coleson's voice was full of exhaustion and complaining, "Former Chief Fury, have you always been skeptical of the Holy Light? Why do you think of the Holy Light now? "

In order to preach, Tsunade specifically stated that the Holy Light has the ability to resurrect.

But Fury is wary of this and prohibits spreading.

And this time.

Tsunade was indeed willing to take out a resurrection coin to resurrect Pepper, but he requested that the entire miracle process, together with the existence of the holy light, be made public.

This is strictly prohibited in the regulations of SHIELD.

Not only Fury signed the prohibition order, even the World Council also signed it.

Coleson could not change this decision.


They were wary of seeing the Holy Light as some kind of power in another world, it was impossible for the Holy Light to have a large number of followers easily.

"Anyway, hold him steady first." Fury pressed his head and looked at Tony on the TV, looking very weak.

But what they don't know is.

At this moment.

Tsunade was answering a call.

"Sister Tsunade, it's the first time to talk, but I have been listening to Misaka Mikoto complimenting you." The sweet voice of Bee Eater Fuck Chi came from the phone.

"Just say what you want." Tsunade leaned back in the chair, and it didn't seem surprising that the bee-eaters would call at this time.

"Blackbeard has retired, I think, the tasks of the remaining five of us have no conflicts." The bee eater was also unambiguous, "Those people in this world are suspicious and wary of us, thinking Using us to profit for ourselves without wanting to pay, I don’t think there is any need to delay with them, what do you think?”

"...Yes." Tsunade squinted his eyes, "There is just one problem. We are outsiders to them. If we show too much threat... Broken face."

Tsunade has basically understood the style of these people for a while.

While talking about helping her promote the Holy Light, he used various reasons to prevent the Holy Light from spreading to civilians.

It is naive.

The Holy Light is not something that certain organizations can control.

Tsunade looked like he was drinking and playing cards every day, but he actually saw these things thoroughly.

Originally she was counting on Colson.

But now it seems.

Coleson still lacks strength and determination.

"Then don't stand together upright." The bee-eater's voice was still sweet, "Actually, this time I didn't want Sister Tsunade you to join me, but wanted to beg you. A primary resurrection coin, as a reward, I will spread some basic principles of the Holy Light in my city, how about it?"

Tsunade understood her meaning at once.

On the surface, they are still doing their own things, and they can even make some illusions of discord to deceive the rest.

But in fact.

But they can cooperate with each other.

When the power and influence of bee-eater exercises gradually become stronger, it will be simple.


The corners of Tsunade's mouth rose.

It seems that the luck of this mission is very good.

No need to fight each other with members.

Good luck always makes people happy, not to mention, the Chamber of Commerce is a place where luck is always important.

Just when Fury and others didn’t know how to persuade Tony, Bee Eater Fuck Chi had already chatted with all three remaining members, and the meanings in the words were basically the same. Their respective tasks Different, and there is no hatred that must be distinguished between the winners and losers, and there is no need to be vigilant, and they can complete their respective tasks with a certain degree of cooperation.

The result is naturally no problem.

After all, this group of personnel does not have too many cunning minds, and Blackbeard is completely different among them.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, Tony came to the super island.

Obviously, UU Reading, Fury and Coleson's efforts ultimately failed.

The bee-eater who received a resurrection coin set a condition that Tony could not refuse, and the desire for power also made Tony completely fall to the side of bee-eater.

"I'm already preparing for capacity development." Tony posted his first sentence after arriving on the island on social media and took a photo. He was sitting at the table, and the table was full of people. A thick pile of books.

This is the first time he smiled before the public since the kidnapping incident.

Learning can make him forget sorrow for a while and immerse him in the joy of learning.

The average ability developer does not need to learn so much.

But Tony is different.

After learning that learning a certain basic theory can increase development efficiency, he went crazy and devoted himself to what he loves most.

Three days.

In just three days, he had mastered all the basic theories.

And marveled at its magical science.

"I'm about to conduct the first ability development." Tony released a second photo. In the photo, he is sitting on an instrument and wearing a helmet, looking like an experimental subject.

As soon as the photo was sent out, it was immediately forwarded and discussed frantically.

Said unceremoniously.

Now the world’s attention is all on him. Even though Tony was once a well-known scientist and well-known rich man, his popularity is far less exaggerated than it is now. The number of followers on social media alone has exceeded the highest since the birth of social media. Record, even thrown off second place several times.

After all, he was the first celebrity to eat crabs.

Everyone wants to know whether he can succeed and what kind of abilities he can develop.

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