Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 857: : Go and provocation

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Over the next day, Night Attack was familiarizing himself with his new weapons or equipment.

It's one thing to feel strong.

But when it is actually tried, that kind of power is truly shown.

Everyone was shocked and excited.

"I feel like I can beat the past ten me!" Leonay said excitedly, and everyone agreed.

This kind of power is completely different from when using Teikoku.

Using Teikoku, you can clearly perceive that Teikoku is a weapon.

And use this equipment.

It's as if this power is one's own.

It is impossible to describe it in words.

And the other side.

While pointing everyone at Altria, he caught a lot of dangerous species.

She really likes the world a little bit. In her country, hunting is not so enjoyable. The meat is tender and more tender.

The red pupil can be so powerful, it must be related to the prey of this world.

After the Meimei meal, Altria stood in front of everyone.

"Everyone, the task I want to give you is to challenge yourself."

"Provocation?" Najetta and others seemed thoughtful.

"Yes, you already have such a powerful force. It is no longer necessary to be cautiously hostile in the shadows as before." Altria was as heroic as an upcoming march, "Go to the capital, go Let the hopeless be punished, and let the entire emperor keep your name."

Since the power is one's own side occupies an absolute advantage.

Then we must make good use of this advantage.

There is no need to cover up, let alone be cautious, just use this power to show resistance to the entire decadent empire.

Give pressure.

Altria's words made everyone in the night attack a little bit excited.

Although they are killers, their blood is not cold, on the contrary, it is very hot.

When, these people who are struggling, these people who have been ignored, can also show their strength to their fullest.

"Let's go." Najeta glanced at her companion around her and opened her mouth, but in the end only one sentence was left, "For our dead companion."

"For the dead companion!" Everyone shouted in harmony.

The excitement gradually faded, leaving only more and more determined determination.

This night.

For the imperial capital, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

Altria and Joan did not directly participate. Their figures were quietly suspended in the air, under the moon, staring at the city below that had prospered for nearly a thousand years.

Each member of the night raid fights a separate war.

Even Ma Yin, who doesn't have many close-range attacks, can easily avoid the guards with the speed after blessing.

They did not conceal their figures, and ran directly to their respective goals, leaving traces of night attacks.

The sound of exclamation began to appear in various places in the imperial capital.

"The Bude general in the palace seems to have no response." Altria's gaze penetrated the sky and directly saw the palace.

That Bude already knew what was happening in the imperial capital.

But he was just dressed neatly, guarding in front of the imperial palace alone, and had no plans to go to the city.

Completely stupid.

As long as there is a little bit of flexibility, the minister will not be allowed to destroy the foundation of the empire in this way.

"But the city's garrison began to move." Jeanne pointed in a certain direction.

"The captain of the garrison, seems to be the target too." Altria's gaze also shifted.

On the surface, Oka, the captain of the garrison, seems to be fighting criminals, but in fact, he and oil merchant Jamal embarrassed, made huge profits, and planted and killed many innocent people.

A vicious person who knows how to pretend.

And at the moment.

At the gate of the garrison.

Upon receiving the notice, the garrison, which was just preparing to act to rescue the nobles, saw a man standing at the gate.

A very beautiful woman, wearing a cheongsam that highlights her slim figure, with round glasses, is more intellectual and elegant.

However, the huge kendo with exaggerated shape in her hand brought a strange aura to her original feeling.

That's right, this person is Hill.

"The person in the night attack?" Oka saw it at a glance. The swordsmanship seemed to be some kind of imperial equipment. He quickly scanned the surroundings, and finally fixed on Hill's body, sneered, "I came here alone. , Are you planning to use your own life to buy time for the rest? How much time do you think you can buy?"

Even the emissary of Tegu, Oka didn't have the slightest worry.

He has this confidence.

Not to mention that this is the headquarters of the garrison. His subordinates have already blocked the water surrounding Hill, not to mention his disciple, Seleu is nearby.

Seleu was also an emperor.

"Master, is she actually the night attacker?" Seleu looked at Hill, seemingly shocked and heartbroken. "What a beautiful person, why should I join the night attack organization, but since If it is a crime, there is no way! Go on, Xiaobi!"

She threw a puppy that seemed harmless to humans and animals in her arms ~ ~ In mid-air, the puppy quickly swelled.

By the time he landed, he had become a huge creature with a few meters high, showing hideous teeth, and rushed towards Hill fiercely.

At the same time, the garrison that had surrounded Hill began to charge at the same time!

Surprisingly, they shot at the same time, intending to fight quickly.

Oka stood in the same place and sneered. Even if it was the Emperor's envoy, there was absolutely no possibility of escape under this kind of encirclement.


Hill just raised his scissors with both hands.

He whispered, "I'm sorry."


The white light invisible to the naked eye flashed, and no one knew what had happened, but in the next instant, the whole world seemed to be suddenly torn apart, and everything around Hill was completely cut off by cracks.

Then spread out with a pop.

Whether it is the garrison or the biological imperial tools, all are torn apart.

The blood splashed on Hill.

From long purple hair, to fair skin, to exquisite cheongsam, all were covered with scarlet colors at this time.

Hill took off his glasses and seemed to want to wipe them, but after taking out the handkerchief, he found that the handkerchief had also changed color, and looked down again.

"...I'm going to be scolded." She said distressedly.

"What a joke!" Seleu couldn't believe his eyes, and roared with a distorted face, "You bastard, what have you done!"

It seemed to be aware of her anger.

The creature-type Tegu Xiaobi that had been cut into fragments suddenly squirmed and changed back to the original appearance.

As a biological imperial weapon, unless the core is destroyed, no matter what kind of injury, it can quickly recover.

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