Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 901: : It's just about will

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"Can't accept? Can't understand? Then what can you do." Bismarck still looked at him calmly, "I'm standing in front of you now, are you going to come up to die? Even if you die, you can't change this. all."

"What do you want." The Blood Emperor held his rapier, his lips trembled, "How do you want to get it back? No matter how you want to torture me, you can do it, want me to kneel? What do you want me to do?"

"It's irretrievable," Bismarck said.


Finally, a huge meteorite slammed into the city, and the mud that was thrown up like a huge wave surged into the sky behind Bismarck.

There is a mixture of blood from not many people.

The Blood Emperor even saw a howling baby.

He never hated his vision like he does now.

"Since it is irreversible, let me die like an emperor."

The blood emperor didn’t say anything any more. He realized that he was running out of time, his eyes became sharp, and he squeezed the sharp sword in his hand, facing the enemy in front of him, and launched himself as the last emperor. full.

Instead, his mood became more and more calm.

Even a disaster like the destruction of the world cannot completely crush him.

Even though everything is gone.

As long as he still firmly believes that he is the emperor, then he will always be an emperor.

The long thin sword, which seemed to be a saber without much damage, pierced Bismarck fiercely.


There was a sound of metal crashing.

Bismarck only needs to move his fingers, not even his fingers, and a single mind can make the weak person in front of him take any shape.

But she didn't.

She just blocked the blow with her rapier.

"What's the point of this?"

Slightly exerted force, the huge force directly shattered the saber in the blood emperor's hand, and the broken fragments scratched his face, shed deep scars.

"Didn't I tell you?" The Blood Emperor continued to rush up with the remaining broken sword, his face even showed a smile, "The only meaning is to make me die like an emperor!"

"So, is this what you are after?" Bismarck kicked him out of the distance, "Just want to do what an emperor should do?"

"Yes! Cough!" The Emperor Blood coughed and got up from the ground. His body was still full of mud, and blood began to show up at the corners of his mouth, but his smile grew stronger, "Maybe you are right, even if the ant No matter how much, I can't bite the real dragon, but so what, I am just doing what an emperor should do. This is my belief and my life!"

He rushed up again.

I don't care about victory anymore.

Not even thinking about why the other party would destroy their world.

As he said.

He is the emperor.

So just do what an emperor should do-die in battle like an emperor.

Bismarck kicked him away again.

"Not bad." A slight smile appeared on her face for the first time, "You are qualified."

"What?" The Blood Emperor didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at once.

But he quickly realized something was wrong.

Because the sound disappeared.

Everything around is still at this moment.

Including the spreading cracks, the dense meteorites in the sky, and even the splashed ash layer and mud, the blood emperor can even see clearly, not far away, a guard who was hit by the shock wave is crying bitterly. Hey, he was still yelling his fiancee's name just now.

The Blood Emperor suddenly calmed down.

Looking at Bismarck, he seemed to want an explanation.

"All this is just a test." Bismarck retracted his rapier back to his waist. "I want to know how determined your determination is. This is very important."

"So..." The Blood Emperor looked at everything around him with a complicated expression, "Is all this an illusion?"

Although he knows that some powerful magic can create illusions that look like reality, but this reality is too clear and too real.

But now he hopes this is an illusion.

"No." Bismarck shook his head. "It's not an illusion."


The Blood Emperor seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Bismarck.

"Who do you think I am?" Bismarck said unceremoniously, "Is it the same as the Sorcerer Emperor? No, Ainzur Gong is in front of me, not much stronger than you in front of me. "

The Blood Emperor no longer knew what expression he should be using.

He looked at everything around him.

Look at Bismarck again.

In the end, he just stood up from the ground.

"In that case...Who are you? All these...if not hallucinations, what's the matter?" He asked aloud.

"For your world, I am the master of everything."

Bismarck raised his finger, and one of the numerous meteorites in the sky fell again and hit the ground heavily, making a loud noise like the earth and the earth, and even the whole earth was ~ The blood emperor fell to the ground again while shaking.

"Understand? I can do what I want to do. I can destroy the world with one thought, stop time and space with one thought, or create the world with one thought. I know everything and can do everything except one thing."

"What's the matter?" The Blood Emperor keenly realized the point.

"The potential of the human heart." Bismarck glanced at the blood emperor. "The human heart is the greatest existence of living beings. Even we can't be sure what kind of human heart will explode under what circumstances. It has nothing to do with power, but only with will."

"So... you destroyed the world just to test my heart?" The Blood Emperor slumped on the ground and swallowed.

Although not clearly stated.

But his eyes clearly expressed a meaning.


Totally madman.

"I'm not a madman, I will think I am a madman, just because you haven't reached my level." Bismarck moved his fingers again.

The world is changing again.

It's just that the change this time is not the destruction of the world.

It's reshaping.

Everything is going backwards.

The splashed mud and dust, the broken space, and even the buildings and people that have been torn to pieces by the space cracks.

All are slowly recovering.

The Blood Emperor had never seen such a scene.

Many members have never seen it.

One by one, they were dumbfounded and their mouths were dry.

Is this the power of premium members?

Is this just a premium member?

If you want to destroy the world, you will destroy, if you want to reorganize, you will reorganize. If everything is destroyed and then restored, can it still be everything?

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