A bombing case, as the name implies, is a serious criminal incident that uses explosions as a means.

Unlike murder cases, it not only targets individuals, but also includes groups within the explosion range, and can cause large-scale damage.

The most important thing is that its impact is extremely bad and will shake the peace and stability of the entire society!

There are many bombings using bombs as tools in the Conan world, so this is why Xu Yang speculated so.

In his opinion, the reason why the security guards kept silent was, first, because they were threatened by the bomb threats of the gangsters, and second, they wanted to prevent the flow of information to avoid causing panic.

Other than that, Xu Yang couldn't think of any other possibilities....

"I'm afraid a big incident has occurred...."Xu Yang did not tell the two girls his speculation.

The situation was still unclear, and it was hard to say whether it was true or not.

Moreover, even if he wanted to intervene, he would need a suitable time to do so.

"What bad luck!...I didn't expect that the case would happen even when that mystery geek was not around...."Sonoko crossed her arms and complained about a high school detective.

But this time, Xiaolan did not refute as usual.

"It's okay. We need to figure things out first before we can find a solution...."Xu Yang held the hands of the two girls and walked towards the crowd, his expression changing.

With his skills, he could easily knock down the security guards and take the two girls away, but it was obvious that the criminals threatened the insiders for some reason, so the security guards held their hands.

If the three of them left rashly, who knows what would happen.......

After squeezing through the crowd, I saw a bald man with glasses standing there with a big bag on his shoulder. He had rows of square objects tied around his waist.

On the ground were a dozen red T-shirts.

"No...No way? Is it a bomb?" Xiaolan looked at the scene in front of her in shock, her voice trembling.

Yuanzi's face sank, and a trace of despair surged in her heart.

Although she didn't know why the bomb hadn't exploded yet, it was obvious that the criminals controlled the passage to the outside.

They were trapped in the clothing layer, like frogs in a jar, being slaughtered at will....

No one can face death calmly.

"Don't worry! We will definitely get out safely!"Xu Yang held the two girls' hands tightly and comforted them.


"However, we can't put all our hopes on the police!" Xu Yang changed the subject and loosened his hands,"You stay here, I'll go take a look!"

Xu Yang knew about the strength of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in his previous life.

Not long ago, he also met Sato Miwako, who had certain strength in the original plot. She is indeed a good police officer, but that's all!

In the world of science, crime is the mainstream melody, and you can't rely on the police and detectives every time.

If he can't save himself, I'm afraid he will become an ant crushed by the torrent of the world!

After living again, he doesn't want to return to a decadent life again.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for realizing his true self and activating the special sign-in task - find the sender!】

【Currently, you are surrounded by the suspicion of the bomb. Please find out the secrets hidden in the red T-shirt and the truth of the case as soon as possible!】...


After receiving the system prompt, Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the middle-aged man tied up by the bomb.

"Uncle, what's going on? Why are you like this?"

"Just...I was in the bathroom just now and was knocked unconscious. I woke up like this..."

"Is that so?" Xu Yang raised his eyebrows and continued to ask:"Did the criminal have any request?"

"he...He said he wanted the person who sent the red T-shirt to come forward, otherwise he would detonate the bomb..."

"Huh?"Xu Yang felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar.

It seemed to be a case that happened in the Conan world....

However, judging from the current situation, even if the person who delivered the T-shirts was at the scene, it was impossible for him to come forward.

Shaking his head, Xu Yang said to the man with glasses,"Uncle, take out the T-shirts and see what's going on!"

Soon, the red T-shirts in the bag were laid out in a row.

Xu Yang leaned over to observe and noticed at a glance that there were fragments of a torn courier receipt on the bag containing the T-shirts.

"The red T-shirts delivered seven, six, and five weeks ago were all two. For some reason, only one was delivered four weeks ago, and then it returned to two three, two, and one week ago...."

Xu Yang muttered to himself, frowning.

Except for one item delivered in the fourth week, everything else seemed normal.

But the information was too fragmented, and it was hard to tell what was going on....

"Yangjun, it looks like there is something in this bag!"

"There are some in here too! It looks like the receipt for buying these T-shirts, but it looks like it has been torn up!"

Xu Yang turned around and found that the two girls had come behind him without knowing when, checking the bag containing the T-shirts.

"you..."Xu Yang was stunned

"Yangjun, one more person means more strength!"Yuanzi looked at the man in front of her seriously.

Since she had made a choice, she wanted to stick to it.

She couldn't watch Xu Yang go on alone.

"Yuanzi is right. We can help too!" Xiaolan nodded in agreement and carefully placed the torn receipt on the ground.

"Thanks..."Xu Yang murmured and began to observe the receipt on the ground.

The receipt was torn neatly, and the shipping address on the upper left corner was torn off.

In addition to vaguely seeing the iconic logo of the Mihua Department Store, Xu Yang found that the purchase time of these red T-shirts was all 12:28!

"Eh? This T-shirt is a little weird! ?"

Hearing Xiaolan say this, Xu Yang hurriedly asked:

"Xiaolan, did you find anything?"

"Hmm! The folding method of the T-shirt sent in the fourth week seems a little strange. Look! Just like this!"

After saying that, Xiaolan spread out the T-shirt and folded it completely along the crease to restore the original method.

"Eh!? This is..."

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