"It's a lie. It's a lie...."

Okino Yoko covered her mouth and lowered her voice to avoid irritating Douyuan Taeko.

If she knew that her fiancé had killed someone and was even planning to frame her,...

I'm afraid I'll really have an emotional breakdown?

""Puff! Do you think Miss Douyuan doesn't know?"

Xu Yang supported his head helplessly.

When it comes to emotions, women are very sensitive, and their sixth sense is even more accurate than reason!

Especially women from a family like Douyuan Taeko, they are even more sensitive!

I'm afraid she may have understood Shimazaki Yuji's thoughts the moment she saw him....

"But...What is the connection between Shimazaki and Anzai?"

Okino Yoko was puzzled.

From what she knew before, Anzai and Shimazaki did not have much contact and rarely spoke to each other. The only possibility was...

Thinking of this, Okino Yoko stole a glance at Douyuan Taeko without leaving a trace.

It seemed that something suddenly dawned on her....

Seeing Shimazaki Yuji's attitude completely different from before, Xu Yang shook his head and said,"I guess there was some misunderstanding...."

"Shouldn't it be made clearer?..."

"No way!"

Xu Yang interrupted directly,"Since it has already happened, it means that he does not trust Miss Douyuan enough. Even if this marriage continues, it is very abnormal...."

"......"Yoko Okino hesitated to speak, but finally fell silent.

She knew Xu Yang was right!

No matter how hard you glue a broken mirror together, it is impossible to return to its previous state.

But she still felt very uncomfortable with the sudden deterioration of this model couple.

It was like a person suddenly saw a bunch of very beautiful flowers on the side of the road, and when he walked over to take a closer look, he found that it was a handicraft made of plastic. There was a hint of loneliness in the regret.

"In fact, the situation may not be what we imagined. Let's take a look at the police investigation...."

Xu Yang comforted her appropriately.

However, both of them knew that the possibility was extremely small....

Not long after,

Inspector Megure returned to the scene, bringing with him Shingo Nachi, who had just played the corpse yesterday.

"cough cough...Now, all the relevant personnel are here! According to our investigation, the others did not have the time to commit the crime!"

Inspector Megure deliberately coughed lightly and scanned the people at the scene with a scrutinizing gaze."Everyone knows the deceased Anzai Morio. He died at around 11 o'clock last night. Can you please explain what you were doing at the time?"

"Mr. Officer, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Nachi Shingo was the first to stand up, with a look of relief on his face,"Mr. Anxi and I are not very familiar with each other...."

"Oh? Really?"

Inspector Megure sneered,"I can find a lot of photos of you traveling with a married actor in Mr. Anzai's camera, and even your fingerprints on an envelope containing a huge sum of money...."

"Do you still dare to say now that you are not familiar with him and have no relationship with him?"


Nachi Shingo's expression changed instantly, and a smile appeared on his face."Mr. Officer, feel free to ask me anything! I will definitely cooperate with you. Cooperation between the police and the public is our duty!"


The corners of Inspector Megure's mouth twitched, and he asked directly,"Where were you last night? Is there anyone who can prove it for you?"

"I'm here with my secretary at the Rice Flower Hotel last night. She and the hotel's surveillance cameras can prove it for me...."

"So that's it..."

After Inspector Megure sent the police officer beside him to verify, he turned to the depressed Douyuan Taeko,"Ms. Douyuan, you said before that after Mr. Xu Yang helped you drive away Anzai Morio, you chatted for a while, and then you returned to your room after you parted, right?"

"That's right..."

"When did you return to the room?"

"It's probably almost 12 o'clock....I don't remember the exact time...."

"Okay! I have a general idea of the situation!"

Inspector Megure nodded and turned to Shimazaki Yuji who was leaning against the wall in silence,"Mr. Shimazaki, where were you at 11 o'clock last night?"

"Seeing that the woman hadn't come back yet, I went to the rice flower street to drink. It was probably around 12 o'clock, right?"

"So, when you were in the room at 11 o'clock, no one could prove it for you?"


Shimazaki Yuji nodded gloomily, and when his eyes swept over Douyuan Taeko, there was a little more disgust.

He also heard what was said just now.

I didn't expect that the person who was suspected to be the financial backer behind Okino Yoko would actually stand up for this woman....

But why would the other party help you for no reason?

Thinking of this, Shimazaki Yuji's psychology became more and more distorted.

"Mr. Xu Yang, can you prove what Ms. Dou Yuan said?"

Inspector Megure turned to Xu Yang, and unlike the others before, his expression was a bit flattering and expectant.


You're not going to ask me to do it again this time, are you?...

No wonder even a kid like Kudo Shinichi can become the"savior of the Japanese police""...

After complaining a few words helplessly, Xu Yang nodded and confirmed,"Of course! I remember that we parted at around 11:30, plus the time it took to return to the hotel, Miss Douyuan should not have had time to commit the crime...."


At this time, Shimazaki Yuji couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Everyone looked at Shimazaki Yuji in surprise.

No matter who it was, they could hear the disdain in his mouth....

Douyuan Taeko was particularly heartbroken, looking foolishly at the person who had promised to spend the rest of her life with her....

The vows of love we once made seemed to vanish into thin air in this moment.


At this time, a police officer rushed into the scene anxiously,"We found a set of unfamiliar fingerprints on the ring at the crime scene. After comparison, we found that they were Shimazaki Yuji's fingerprints!"

"How could it be!? Mr. Inspector, someone must be trying to frame me!"Shimazaki Yuji's forehead was immediately covered with beads of sweat, and he hurriedly argued.

He had already dealt with all the traces, but he had forgotten the engagement ring that he had thrown away in anger at the beginning....

"So tell me, how did the other party frame you?"

"Someone must have wiped off their fingerprints while I wasn't paying attention!" Shimazaki Yuji looked at Douyuan Taeko with a distorted face, and the person he was referring to was self-evident.


Inspector Megure sneered,"Then Mr. Shimazaki, please tell me! How did the other party avoid your fingerprints and wipe her fingerprints clean?"

Because of Xu Yang, his suspicion of Douyuan Taeko had been reduced by more than half.

Now, after hearing Shimazaki Yuji's pale defense, it was almost certain that the person in front of him was the murderer!


Shimazaki Yuji was a little dumbfounded for a moment, moving his lips, but didn't know what to say

"Yuji, is it really you? Why?..."

Douyuan Taeko looked at the dazed Shimazaki Yuji with tears in her eyes, hoping to get an answer from him.

She felt vaguely that it might be related to her, but she didn't know the specific situation....

Looking at Douyuan Taeko, who was still thinking about him in this situation, Shimazaki Yuji felt a little regretful, but thinking about everything he had done, he shook his head. It was useless to say anything now.

And now, the best way...

"Damn woman! Get out of here! I don't have a girlfriend as shameful as you...."

Shimazaki Yuji roared loudly, and his ferocious appearance frightened everyone.

"Come, take the criminal away!"

Inspector Megure shook his head and waved his hand. Several police officers beside him immediately handcuffed Shimazaki Yuji.

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