"Shiho, you lost again..."

Seeing her sister being embarrassed, Mingmei smiled

"elder sister——!"

Miyano Shiho glared at Mingmei in dissatisfaction.

She felt that since her sister followed this guy, she liked to"persecute" her more and more....

The sister who once loved her and cared for her has become a different person and is gone forever.


Xu Yang couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Ever since Mingmei took her sister-in-law out of the organization, she seemed to have completely let go of her burden.

Under Xu Yang's guidance, her usual good sister image was gone, and the two of them liked to persecute Shiho day by day....

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere of Xu Yang and his group,

Xin Ming Xiang Baoli took a few sips of coffee, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face.

Her parents have been missing for three days, and no clues have been found yet....

Would it be true?...

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for activating the sign-in mission - The Troubles of an Artistic Girl】

【Introduction: Shinname Kaori's family is missing, please find out the truth and help the girl solve her troubles]

Good guy!

You are just an old dog licking system...

Xu Yang rolled his eyes and noticed that Xinming Xiangbao was a little hesitant,"Miss Xinming, if you have any troubles, why not tell us?"

"Maybe we can't help, but we can give you some advice and ideas...."

Xu Yang's move was very reckless, after all, the two parties were meeting for the first time.

But looking at Xu Yang's handsome and sincere smile,

Xin Ming Xiang Bao Li suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to help her find her parents!

A sense of trust suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

In an instant -

Xin Ming Xiang Bao Li chose to believe the feeling at this moment, and said bluntly:"In fact, my father and mother have been missing since three days ago...."

"What?! But Mr. Niname Rentaro's novel is still being serialized!"

Mingmei and Miyano Shiho were surprised when he said this.

Xu Yang frowned and motioned for Niname Kaori to continue.

"Yes, there was no trace of anyone at all. When I got home from get off work, they were gone....I originally thought that he had gone to a relative's house, but two days had passed and there was no news, and the phone call was unreachable....I have already asked all the relatives around me, but there is no news about them...."

"Did you call the police?"

""It's been reported!"

At this point, Shinname Kaori sighed,"But the strangest thing is that the manuscripts of my father's novels will be sent to the publisher via email, and they will be delivered at 0:00 a.m. on Saturday...."

"So the police used this as an excuse to say that my parents were just traveling...."

"Does the email show the sending address or other information?"Miyano Shiho raised her eyebrows and asked a question

"No, it is exactly the same as usual, no other information is displayed..."

"Did you report it to the police? Your father and mother might have gone on their honeymoon...."Mingmei puts forward a different view

"I thought so too! But three days have passed and my father and mother have not contacted me....This had never happened before!

And since I hadn't received any blackmail calls and the publisher had been sending me novels regularly, the police just issued a search request form and told me not to worry...."

As Shinna Kaori spoke, her expression became a little sad."And I had no choice, so I thought of visiting the famous detective Mr. Maori Kogoro, but I didn't expect that he was not in the office...."

"Uncle Maori should have gone to the racetrack...."

Xu Yang shook his head and looked at the tearful girl in front of him and said,"Is there anything strange in your father's manuscript? If your father disappeared under duress, as a mystery novelist, he would definitely leave clues and traces in his manuscript!"

"In fact, this is exactly what I doubted!"

Xinming Xiang Baoli operated the computer, opened another file, pointed to the beginning and said:

"Look! This is the first sentence of the novel about my father:

Attention all the famous detectives in the country, if you want to be above me, try to solve the mystery of this incident as soon as possible...."

Mingmei stroked her chin and asked in confusion,"Although it seems like a provocation, I feel like there is something...?"

"Bad taste, right?"

Xu Yang added

"That's right! That's the feeling!"

Mingmei nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry about this for now. Since Mr. Niname said so, the clue is hidden in the novel!"

Miyano Shiho smiled slightly,"Ms. Niname, do you know what's special about the novel?"

"Forehead...Now that you mention it, my father appears as a character in the novel. His specific identity is a little-known novelist living in France...."

Shinna Kaori recalled

"If the only clue is France, then it is France?"

Miyano Shiho murmured,"Then may I ask, in which chapter does Mr. Niname first appear in the novel?"

"It's this chapter!"

Shinaka Hosato moved the mouse and adjusted it, then handed the copy he found to Xu Yang. Miyano

Shiho leaned in and took a quick look, then suddenly frowned:"Did you change the twelve o'clock and one o'clock here?"

Mingmei looked at it with interest and asked curiously:"Why are the time markings different here?"

Shinaka Hosato sighed:"No, this is my father's original manuscript, and he asked the publishing house not to change it. My father often said that the expression of words is the life of a novelist, so the publishing house also respects his opinion...."

"A novelist would never make such a mistake...."

Miyano Shiho shook her head,"Besides, Mr. Niname is a serious mystery novelist, he must have another purpose for doing this!"

"I think we should extract all the lines when Mr. Xinming appears! I think there may be some hidden information in the lines...."

Mingmei also put forward her own views, which attracted the approval of the two girls.

Looking at the two girls who were particularly devoted, Xu Yang smiled.

In fact, he was not puzzled by Mingmei and her sister-in-law's actions.

The two girls lost their parents when they were young, and they have very complicated feelings about family affection!

Although Miyano Shiho didn't care on the surface, she was still very eager for the feelings she had never experienced before....

Mingmei is relatively better, but she still has regrets.

Now that they know that Shinna Kaori's parents are missing, the two girls can't help but want to help this troubled girl....

It was like saving my past self.

But in other words, the relationship between girls is so wonderful.

It was clearly the first time we met, but we were able to quickly become friends....

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