"Hello! Can you send these things back by express delivery?"

After a selection process comparable to a 10-kilometer marathon,

Xu Yang placed the gifts selected by the three women on the counter with sweat dripping down his face.

Xiaolan and Mingmei selected small gifts that could be directly put into the suitcase and taken back.

However, the coral ornament selected by the sister-in -law was not easy for them to carry, and Xu Yang did not want to expose the system props column, so he wanted to go through the formal channels.

"Yes, yes...Just write the information here...."

The old lady took out a mailing slip and a pen from under the counter and put them on the counter.

""Thank you!"

Mingmei thanked him and then picked up the pen and started writing.

Soon, a line of beautiful and small words appeared, which was Xu Yang's address in Beihua Town.

"Girls, you must hold on to the one you like!"

The old lady suddenly said,"Even if you don't know what will happen in the future, don't let yourself regret it...."

Oh my god!


Hearing the old lady in front of him giving him an assist, Xu Yang's eyes lit up, and even his posture of paying became much more handsome

"Did you bribe this old man?"Miyano Shiho leaned close to Xu Yang's ear suspiciously and whispered.

No wonder she thought so. Why would someone assist Xu Yang for no reason?

"Girl, because of my personal experience, I am not fooling you...."

The old lady suddenly answered.

Miyano Shiho didn't expect that the other party had more sensitive ears, and immediately said embarrassedly,"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you...."

"Actually, this happened a long time ago...."

The old lady's eyes flashed with reminiscence, and then she slowly began to tell the story,"More than 30 years ago, I was just like you now, a little girl who had just begun to fall in love! I ran around chasing that talented man all day long...."

"He was born on our poor island, but he was unwilling to stay here all his life. Because of his outstanding piano talent and hard training, he gradually emerged in the music world....As a girl with better conditions, I had the opportunity to go out with him, but because of family reasons, I chose to give up...."

"To our regret, he finally chose the ordinary girl who had always been with him, and the flame of love in our hearts was extinguished...."

"It's okay to miss it, but until that happens..."

"That thing?" Xiaolan was slightly stunned.

"That's right!"

The old lady sighed deeply when she said this."It was a dark and windy night. Usually, people on the island would have gone to bed at this time. But they didn't expect that a fire would suddenly break out at around 12 o'clock, and they all died in the room...."

"I can't see him anymore...."


Xiaolan exclaimed immediately. This was exactly the same as what she had heard about Aso Keiji before.

"Although some people said it was an accident, others said that Aso smoked that stuff and killed their family....But I don't believe it. I know him well and he would never touch that kind of thing! It's just that the truth has been buried in time and disappeared...."

The old lady waved her hand and said,"You must cherish it and don't wait until the end to regret it...."...

After leaving the store, the girls all felt heavy-hearted.

They didn't expect that just because they wanted to buy something, they would hear such a sad story....

Seeing that the girls were silent, Xu Yang couldn't help but encourage them,"Don't worry! Don't worry! Uncle Maori and the others will definitely complete the commission!"

"Maybe Mr. Aso’s case will be cleared!"

"Alas! There is no way to help Dad...."

A trace of worry appeared on Xiaolan's face.

"In fact, it's not completely without results!"

At this time, Shiho suddenly spoke up, attracting everyone's attention.

"Didn't you notice? Different from the version that Xiaolan heard before, there is an additional possibility that Keiji Aso died due to drug abuse!"

"In my opinion, Aso and his family must have discovered something and were brutally murdered...."

"How, how could it be..."

Xiaolan covered her mouth with tears in her eyes...

After listening to Miyano Shiho's analysis, the three girls no longer wanted to continue wandering around.

At Xu Yang's suggestion, they decided to return to the hotel to play board games to relax.

Soon, the three of them moved to the board game room.

Board games - that is, table games!

The content of the game is relatively complex, involving trade, art, culture, urban construction, history and other aspects, most of which use cards and models to assist.

The Werewolf that Xu Yang played in Akihabara before can be regarded as a kind of board game. Originally, Mingmei was planning to play cards, but when Xu Yang thought of Xiaolan's incredible luck, he rejected the proposal and changed to board games.

Xu Yang walked to the counter and said to the girl inside,"Hello, please recommend a board game for us."

"Four people?"



The young lady thought for a moment and said,"How about truth or dare? This is quite popular recently, and you four can have fun with it."

"Are there any other games?"

Xu Yang asked. In fact, he wanted to play some role-playing games.

For example, King's Game or something like that....

"Yes, there are, but there are too few of you, so it's boring to play...."

The young lady spread her hands and explained.

Interesting board games are basically medium-sized and large-scale board games, and these board games have certain requirements for the number of people.

"Then let's play truth or dare!"

Miyano Shiho made the final decision, with an inexplicable gleam in her eyes.

She had too many questions to ask Xu Yang, and this was a good opportunity to ask them.

Xu Yang nodded, and said truth or dare, let's play truth or dare!

This game is actually quite interesting.

If you draw a fun card, maybe...

Seeing that the three of them were determined to play Truth or Dare, the young lady took out a game box from the cupboard behind her.

It contained Truth or Dare cards and auxiliary props.

"There are five ways to play this game..."

The young lady introduced them one by one. After Xu Yang and the three girls discussed, they chose the last way to play - small numbers.

1. Each player draws a card and sticks it on his forehead. He is not allowed to look at his own cards, but he can see the cards of the players around him.

2. Each player can guess whether his card is the smallest based on the numbers and expressions of other players' cards.

3. If a person thinks that his card is the smallest and is about to give up, he chooses a punishment and the game continues.

4. When the remaining players do not give up, they show their cards at the same time, and the player with the smallest number is punished (the player with the largest number decides the type of punishment)

"So...Let's start!"

Miyano Shiho's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. She shuffled the number cards and placed them on the table.

Then she drew a card and put it on her forehead.

Her card was 5, which was in the middle of the numbers 0 to 9.

Xu Yang also drew a card and put it on his forehead. At the same time, he looked at Xiaolan and his face suddenly darkened.

Xiaolan drew a card, which was 9, the largest number.

"Damn it, this kind of thing can happen..."

Xu Yang's mouth twitched, and he began to think about how to make Xiaolan give up....

Mingmei also reached out and drew a card. Xu Yang glanced at it and found that it was 6.

"Why does it feel like something is not right?..."Xu Yang felt a bit of a headache.

Among the numbers 0 to 9, Mingmei drew 6, Xiaojie drew 5, and Xiaolan drew 9.

The possibility of him drawing 7 or 8 was very low, and he might lose the game....

"No way! If I try, the bicycle will become a motorcycle!"

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