Just when Xu Yang was facing the fatal temptation and was about to choose to follow his heart.

On the other side.

Hotel room.

Miyano Shiho walked around the room anxiously, picking up her phone from time to time to check,"Sister, that guy didn't reply to my message anymore...."

"Shiho-chan, calm down! Maybe it’s inconvenient for Yang to reply to messages right now! Mingmei waved her hand, signaling Shiho to sit down and calm down.

"But...After all, it's Vermouth....I'm afraid of that guy..."Miyano Shiho's blue eyes revealed a hint of worry

"Don't worry! Ayang can handle it perfectly!"

At this time, Tailmon walked out slowly, looking at the panicked two girls and was speechless.

They looked down on Xu Yang too much....

Although she didn't know what her master had in mind, what kind of ordinary person could summon her from the Digimon world?

After hearing what Tailmon said,

Miyano Shiho took a deep breath, tidied up her messy hair, and gradually calmed down.

"Sister, why don't we go first?..."


At this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated.

Miyano Shiho, who had just calmed down, quickly picked up the phone and opened it, then gritted her teeth and said,"Sister, look at this——!"

Mingmei took the phone in surprise, looked at the text message on the screen, and read it out softly:

"Mingmei, long time no see! I recently heard that you left the organization, and I want to meet you.

If possible, please come to the woods behind the hot spring hotel.——"

(Zhu Xingda: Akai Shuichi's pseudonym when he was undercover in the organization))

""Sister, that liar came to my house, and I don't even know what he is going to do!" Miyano Shiho cursed with a cold face.

She knew the meaning of the other party's message.

He wanted to use her sister to get more information from her.

Miyano Shiho hated the FBI agent who deliberately used her sister to infiltrate the organization. It would be fine if the other party could take her sister away afterwards, but he left her sister alone to bear the pressure from the organization....

Although Xu Yang is a bit of a playboy, he is a good person, responsible, and able to do what he says. He is thousands of times better than Zhu Xingda, a loser.

"That guy..."

Mingmei sighed and shook her head.

She and Zhu Xingdai had been using each other from the beginning, but she didn't expect that he was just like those cold-blooded agents who only cared about profit.

"Shiho, I have decided to go meet the other person!"

"Eh? Sister, you don't have a fever, do you?"Miyano Shiho looked at her sister in astonishment, then touched her forehead with her hand.

"Shiho, the FBI is targeting us now, so we must explain it to them! Otherwise, they may keep pestering us, and even bring trouble to Ayang...."

Although Mingmei knew that Xu Yang was very powerful, she understood the troubles of facing that rogue country.

It was unknown what price Xu Yang had paid to take them out of the organization, but it must have cost a lot to get Shiho, who was engaged in drug research, out of it.

"elder sister..."

Miyano Shiho was stunned for a moment, and then a look of"determination" surged on her cheeks,"Sister, I will go with you, of course! For safety, we must bring Xiaodi with us!"


After packing up briefly and sending a text message to Xu Yang, the two sisters carried Tailmon and headed to the small forest behind the hot spring hotel as indicated in the text message. They didn't pay attention when they arrived, but when they walked in, they found that the trees here were lush and leafy, and the bushes were thick, just like the scenery of ordinary mountains and forests.

What alerted them was that as they walked deeper into the woods, there was no sound of any animals.

It was quiet.

A dead silence.

"Snap Snap——!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of applause from the woods ahead, and then a blonde woman came out from behind the tree.

"I didn't expect you guys to actually come...."

Judy looked at the pretty and gentle girl opposite with a complicated expression. Is she the woman that Xiuyi couldn't forget?

"Who are you?"

Seeing that the other person was a foreign woman, Mingmei frowned slightly.

"I'm Shuichi's colleague!"

Judy came back to her senses and explained,"I invited you here today to consult about some things in the organization?"

Mingmei looked at Shiho and shook her head, pursing her lips,"I don't know much...."

"You may not know this, but your sister is a member of the organization with a code name...."Judy smiled and said,"I want to learn something from her...."

Frowning, Mingmei subconsciously hid Shiho behind her,"What she knows, that man also knows, so there's no need to ask anything, right?"

"According to the information we have investigated, your sister should be developing a drug. Can you tell us about this?"

"Sorry! No!"Mingmei immediately rejected it.


The atmosphere suddenly froze.

After nearly half a minute,

Judy moved her lips, with a hint of confusion and anger in her words,"If I'm not mistaken, you...You should have left the organization, right? Why are you still keeping secrets for those people!?"

Noticing the anger in the other person's eyes, Mingmei was about to speak, but was stopped by Miyano Shiho behind her.

"Miss Agent, it seems that we have no obligation to tell you these things? Whether we leave the organization or not has anything to do with you?"

"You mean, you're still in the organization?" Judy's expression suddenly tensed.

"No Comments——!"

Miyano Shiho was a little angry at the other party's attitude, and looked at her with disdain,"Agent, I don't know what grudge you have with the organization? But please don't bring trouble into our lives, okay?"

"Besides, that man himself didn't even have the nerve to come in front of us! What right do you FBI have to ask questions here?"


After being questioned by the other party, Judy calmed down, sighed, and bowed with guilt,"I'm sorry! But I really want to know about the organization...."

Seeing the other party apologize like this,

Mingmei shook her head regretfully and said,"Agent, for some reasons, we can't provide you with any information, so please don't come to us again...."

"I'm really sorry...."

Hearing the other party's refusal again, Judy lost her patience. After making a gesture, several sturdy foreign men suddenly appeared in the woods and surrounded the Miyano sisters.

"Miss Miyano, please come to our headquarters in Tokyo for a few days!"

"By the way, don't resist. They are all elite agents who have undergone professional training and actual combat. Please don't resist to avoid causing unnecessary injuries...."


Judy, who felt that she had won, was trying to persuade the other party not to resist, but suddenly she felt a flash before her eyes.

A white light like a ghost flashed quickly.

In just two short breaths, the elite agents under her command were instantly knocked out and slammed into the tree trunks, causing many leaves on the trees to fall.

Judy's pupils shrank suddenly, and she found that the cat that was originally in the arms of the brown-haired girl had come to the front of the two girls at some point, staring at her calmly.

Although the cat's appearance is very cute, at this moment, Judy felt a majestic aura rising from the other party, locking onto herself tightly.

It was a terrifying feeling like a thorn in the back!

Just like an animal facing a predator that is naturally higher than itself, once it makes a move, it will be knocked down immediately.

No, it can't be....

Judy swallowed her saliva and looked at the approaching cat in horror.

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