"Boom boom boom——!"

After sending Sister Bei back to her room to change clothes, Xu Yang gently knocked on the door of Mingmei and Shiho's room.

Soon, the door opened.

Mingmei, who had changed into a light pink gown, smiled gently at Xu Yang. Her manners were elegant and her expression was calm. It was hard to tell that she had just experienced a kidnapping incident.

"Mingmei, are you all right?"

Xu Yang glanced around the room and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that his sister-in-law and Tailmon were both safe and sound.

Although Tailmon was there to protect the two girls, Xu Yang still couldn't help but feel worried before he saw them return safely.

"Humph! You still have some conscience!"

As if she could see that Xu Yang's tone was not fake, Miyano Shiho's expression eased a little. Although she was a little happy in her heart, her words turned into mockery.

"Shiho-chan, you are still so dishonest...."Xu Yang smiled and shook his head

"Shiho has always been like this..."

Mingmei chuckled and then explained,"Ayang..." The other party is a female FBI agent who seems to want to get information about the organization from Shiho...."

"Oh? Is it short blond hair and glasses?"Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"That's right! Ah Yang, do you know each other?"

"Had a chance encounter..."

Xu Yang nodded, his face darkened.

He thought it was Akai Shuichi who came, but he didn't expect it was Judy....

"Ayang, is everything okay?"

"It's okay! Just a few detectives...."Xu Yang showed a trace of disdain on his face.

Although the FBI was somewhat rampant in Japan, it also depended on who they were facing.

After simulating a plan in his mind, Xu Yang took out his phone and sent a message to Yoshida Yumori, asking him to put pressure on the US Embassy and find the whereabouts of Akai Shuichi.

"Little hyenas, are you ready?"...

After returning to the room and changing clothes,

Xu Yang and Belmode walked to the door of the next room and knocked gently.

"Ah! Please wait a moment!"

After about twenty seconds, Xiaolan, wearing a pink sweater, opened the door with a smile.

"It suits you very well!"

Xu Yang nodded and praised. The softer color of pink is very suitable for Xiaolan. Coupled with her youthful aura, it makes people feel very comfortable.

Xiaolan blushed slightly and fiddled with the corner of her clothes embarrassedly,"It's okay...Let’s go eat?"

""Where's Uncle Maori?"

Xu Yang looked inside the house and found no trace of Maori Kogoro.

"When my father heard there was a bar here, he couldn't wait to go there and nothing could stop him...."Xiaolan shook her head helplessly. It was obvious that she was also very troubled by this unreliable father.

"It's okay! I just like that. It's hard to change a person's habits...."Xu Yang comforted him.

Asking Maori Kogoro to stop drinking is like asking Conan to stop reasoning and Shiho to stop experimenting....

This thing has been integrated into their lives and has become a necessity. How can it be easily changed?

Even though Mingmei felt sorry for her sister, she never said such words. She just strictly controlled the time when Shiho did the experiment....

"I really have to thank Maori-san!"

Sister Bei chuckled, then looked at Xiaolan,"But, Maori-san shouldn't mind me being a light bulb, right?"

"How could that be! Doctor Shinde, you are Yo-kun's friend..."Xiaolan lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Xiaolan, ignore this guy! He's just been single for too long!"Xu Yang complained helplessly.

Although Xiaolan is her angel, Xu Yang always feels that Sister Bei's reaction is a little bit wrong, as if there is a good trend....

Hearing what Dr. Shinchu said, Xiaolan suddenly felt as if her little thoughts were exposed, and she lowered her head and dared not look at the two.

Feeling Xiaolan's changing emotions, a trace of worry flashed in the depths of Sister Bei's eyes.

Through her observation just now, she has confirmed that Xiaolan has fallen into the dream web woven by Xu Yang....

And Xiaolan seems to know Xu Yang's philandering...

It's really difficult!

Even Vermouth can't dissuade a girl who is addicted to love with just a few words.

However, she doesn't want to give up!

"Why don't we go to the hotel I booked?"

Vermouth raised her wrist to check the time, her lips slightly curved,"It's getting late now, you won't be able to find a vacant seat if you go out now...."

"It's decided then!"

Looking at Sister Bei in surprise, Xu Yang made the decision and turned to call Mingmei and Shiho...

The hotel that Sister Bei booked is not far from the hot spring hotel, just on the left side of the busy street.

Perhaps considering her status, the price of the hotel is not very high, but it is quite famous in Saitama Prefecture and has many specialties.

If you don't book in advance, you won't be able to get a chance to eat there just because of the popularity of the world's first night festival....

Looking around the layout of the store, Xu Yang said in amazement,"Wow! I didn't expect the new doctor to be so well prepared for his trip?"

"When you are out and about, it never hurts to know more...."Vermouth took a sip of the red wine in her glass and smiled shyly.

Although there were five people eating together, Mingmei and Shiho were more reserved and silent, perhaps because they knew Vermouth's identity, while Xiaolan always blushed and glanced at Xu Yang from time to time, with her eyes lowered.

Instead, Xu Yang and Vermouth chatted a few words to kill time.

Originally, Xu Yang thought that this situation would have to wait until the food was served, but things always develop unexpectedly.

""Huh? It's you!?"

A pleasant voice broke the awkward atmosphere.

The three girls looked up in surprise and found that the other person was a very beautiful woman, especially her bright cat eyes, which attracted people's attention like a whirlpool.

""Eh!? Are you Miss Mizunashi Reina!?"

Xu Yang looked at the person who appeared in confusion, and subconsciously looked at Vermouth, and saw a playful smile on her face.

Was this sent by the organization?

"Feel sorry——!"

Mizunashi Reina bowed slightly, looked at the people present without leaving any trace, and said helplessly,"The dishes here are very famous. I wanted to try them specially during this opportunity to work in Saitama Prefecture, but my luck doesn't seem to be very good...."

As expected of an elite CIA agent who has infiltrated the organization, this is a very beautiful statement, and there is nothing suspicious about it....

Sighing inwardly, Xu Yang glanced at Mingmei, Shiho, and Xiaolan. Seeing that the three had no objection, he smiled and nodded,"No problem! Ms. Mizunashi Reina, please sit down!"

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