Maybe because they were bystanders,

Akemi and Shiho looked at each other and realized that Rena Mizunashi's behavior of making friends was a bit deliberate.

For a moment, both of them regretted not bringing Tailmon out, because the evolved Tailmon can sense the good and evil of people.

Fortunately, the somewhat awkward atmosphere did not last long.

As a busy restaurant, especially when there are some shortages of seats, the restaurant's serving speed is still quite impressive.

However, because the table is large, when the waiter came to serve the food, Rena Mizunashi stood up very politely and helped the waiter to bring the food to the table.

The whole process was polite and considerate, and couldn't help but leave a gentle personality to the people present.

"Sister Reina, are you usually very tired at work?"

Recalling Mizunashi Reina's previous sigh, Xiaolan held her chin and asked curiously

"It's really busy! I have to face all kinds of people and things every day....."

A trace of fatigue flashed across Mizunashi Reina's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a light called"hope"

"But it is very fulfilling! It is both a test and a growth for me, allowing me to become a better person...."

Looking at Mizuno Rena's weak but strong expression, Xu Yang could not deny that his heart was moved, even though he knew that the other party was deliberately twisting her words.

Excellent, strong, and keeping a certain light in her heart even in the darkness...

There is no doubt!

This is Mizunashi Rena...


This is a true portrayal of Hondou Eikai himself! He cleverly used information errors to express his true inner thoughts.

Therefore, these words have the power to move people! However

, he still admires the CIA agent's expression management, which is very natural and flawless.

He even suspected that the other party could even perform the unique blush of a girl.

If he didn't know the other party's background, he felt that he had believed the character set by the other party....

"Miss Mizuno is really optimistic!"

Vermouth sighed in an inexplicable tone.

The gentleman's arrangement is still so reasonable!

In addition to her high appearance and figure, the endurance, emotional management and action shown by Rena Mizuno today made Vermouth nod secretly.

As an Oscar-winning actress, she gave a positive attitude to Rena Mizuno's acting skills.

It's a pity that this woman is actually a hidden traitor, otherwise her status in the organization must be raised.

What's more regrettable is that the little man has already suspected...

It's like looking down at the chess pieces on the board trying their best to perform....

Thinking of this, Vermouth couldn't help but glance at Xu Yang's plain face, feeling like a meat bun hitting a dog and never coming back.

"Okay! Let's eat first....Let's eat!"

Xu Yang, who was about to start eating, froze, with a rather subtle expression on his face.

The reason was that he felt a silky and soft little foot sticking to his right leg, and gradually climbing up along his leg! Gradually approaching a certain indescribable part!

Who is it!?

Holding up his chin, Xu Yang secretly enjoyed the sudden benefit while pretending to be normal and began to observe the women at the dinner table.

First, he excluded the thin-skinned sister-in-law and the simple Xiaolan!

Even if they had a good impression of him and did not even resist his further attack, the arrogant little It is impossible for a sister-in-law to do such a bold act in public.

As for Xiaolan, it is a similar reason, and without her own development, the possibility is even lower than Shiho.


Xu Yang turned his attention to Mingmei, Beijie and Mizunashi Rena, whose expressions did not change much! It is different from the image of the one who always protects her sister and chooses to sacrifice herself in the previous life.

Maybe it is because the two sisters have escaped from the darkness, Mingmei gradually reveals some other attributes in front of Xu Yang besides being gentle and sensible.

Like to pit sisters, a black belly inherited from the same line, bold and lively personality...

In addition, Xu Yang didn't believe that Ming Mei didn't understand what Mizuno Rena had said just now, so Ming Mei had a certain possibility.

As for Sister Bei and Mizuno Rena?

One was a charming witch known for her mystery, and the other was a spy lady with super perseverance.

Both of them had great possibilities!

Even in Xu Yang's opinion, the candidate could only be between the two!

"It seems like we need to give it a try...."

However, just when Xu Yang was about to test it, something new happened.

He felt another calf with a different feeling climb up his left leg, and this calf was even more flexible, gently lifted up his trouser leg, and then chose to sneak in and go straight up.

Even though the purpose of the former owner was the same, the feeling it brought was completely different.

The wonderful feeling of being close to the skin made Xu Yang, an old driver, feel itchy in his heart.

People who can give full play to the advantages of women are really rare!

I didn't expect that I would meet two of them at once....

Thinking of this, Xu Yang shook his head, gave up the idea of testing it, and began to enjoy it with peace of mind.

After all, the situation is clear, isn't it?...

Opposite Xu Yang, Vermouth looked at Mizuno Rena, who remained calm, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She didn't know what had happened at first, but she was used to observing people's words and expressions, and she found the answer through the expression on Xu Yang's face and the slight noise under the table.

This guy Gil - is much bolder and more radical than she thought!

With a silent sigh in her heart, even Vermouth had to admit that the contrast between the inside and the outside is indeed a powerful weapon to capture men!

Secretly glancing at the Miyano sisters who were completely unaware,

Vermouth didn't know why she had the idea of taking action herself.

Maybe it was because of a bad taste, or maybe it was some unknown little emotion....

There is often a fight without the smoke of gunpowder between women!...

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