With Xu Yang's words,

Maori Kogoro was able to shine on his own at night.

I don't know if it was because of the butterfly effect fanned by Xu Yang, the murderer's alibi method of deliberately planning the time difference of the crime in the original plot was not used.

Instead, he chose to disguise it as a burglary and murder!

But all this did not hide from Maori Kogoro, the former criminal policeman. A few clues left at the scene allowed him to quickly identify the murderer!

Since then, Maori Kogoro has also accepted his first apprentice as a part-time fan...

Fortunately for Xu Yang, perhaps because she felt sorry for Sonoko's sneaking behavior, Xiaolan took the initiative to hide their relationship from everyone for the time being.

Without the interruption of the intrusive case,

Xu Yang, Mingmei and his sister-in-law also had a rare relaxing fireworks party together.

If it weren't for the tsundere sister-in-law who had a stomachache and had to end the trip, Xu Yang might have stayed in the hot spring hotel for a few more days.

After all, the feeling of taking a hot spring bath with a beautiful girl is always very wonderful, isn't it?...

After returning to Tokyo, Xu Yang's life fell into a fairly peaceful atmosphere again. However

, unlike before, his daily schedule was always full because he had to date girls. After receiving a message from Shinaka Hosato last night, Xu Yang came to Polo Cafe early today. While picking up the"Detective Samonji" he just bought and started reading, he enjoyed a relaxing morning tea time.

"Xu Yangjun, this is the Americano you ordered!"

After putting the large cup of Americano on the plate on the table, Azusa Enomoto secretly glanced at Xu Yang who was turning the pages of the book, and a glint flashed in her eyes."

Detective Samonji", which has recently gained a higher reputation, was optimized under the guidance of the handsome man in front of her!

Outsiders may not know, but she, who was a waitress in the cafe that day, heard the conversation between Xu Yang and Shinname Kaori clearly.

Thinking of the Naoki Prize that was just announced yesterday, the work was the new"Detective Samonji", and Azusa Enomoto suddenly had some guesses about the meeting between the two.

Naoki Prize- famous for its popular value.

It appreciates works with strong storytelling, never selects famous artists, but pays more attention to newcomers and non-famous ones. It is one of the most important awards in the Japanese literary world and is given to well-known writers. Winners usually only receive the award once.

Shinna Kaori never expected that her father's novel, which failed to win the award, would be nominated and win the award after her sequel.

This is an honor that no one has ever achieved in the past thirty years!

Even Xu Yang noticed that all major online communication platforms and Twitter have exploded, and"Detective Samonji" has become one of the hottest words on Line.

In less than a day, it suppressed news about a certain star cheating or a certain star shitting in their pants, and successfully made it to the hot search list.

Even some foreign media have reported on"Detective Samonji", calling it a new breakthrough in mystery novels.

"Originally, I was fed up with all the long-winded, literary romance stories in the Naoki Prize, but I didn’t expect that this year’s Naoki Prize would bring new surprises!"

"Let's say that Samonji is a mystery novel! It doesn't look like a complete mystery novel! Let's say it's a romance novel? It has a lot of achievements in mystery! The specific criminal methods are very refreshing...."

"I never liked mystery novels before, but I didn’t expect that Detective Sawamonji would successfully draw me in, especially the stomach-churning emotional descriptions. It was so stomach-churning that I really want to recommend it to my bestie!"

"The devil upstairs has been identified!"

"Initially, I rejected the novel because it was classified as a detective novel. But after seeing all the silly netizens discussing it online, I resisted the urge to buy some happy water and chose Left Character!...It smells so damn good!"

"Although it was Mr. Xinming's daughter who wrote the sequel, I was actually quite worried about the quality of the left text. But I didn't expect that Miss Xinming would learn from the original and surpass it. It's great!"

"You may not have seen her, but Miss Xinming is both talented and beautiful! I wonder which lucky guy will marry her?"

"I don't know about others, but the licking dog above should forget about it..."

"Didn’t you read the epilogue? Ms. Niina said that she got the inspiration with the help of a friend, which led to the success of this book!"

"What?! Friend? But the person who could come up with such a stomach-wrenching plot must be a woman, right?"

"I think too much! Miss Xinming said it was a male friend..."

"Woo woo woo...Am I going to fall out of love before I even start dating?..."

"This is so funny, you didn't even start!"...

Unlike Japan's best-selling light novels, detective novels are actually classified as traditional novels.

In Japan, traditional novels still have a very high status!

Even ordinary government officials treat such authors with great respect.

Although the Naoki Prize is not a top award like the Edogawa Ranpo Prize, its circulation and popularity are quite good! As long as it is not particularly poorly written, it will have a huge social impact every year after the relevant publicity from the publisher.

In particular, the Samonji series is also released simultaneously with the TV series, which further increases its popularity....

Like many Japanese, Conan also likes detective novels very much. As long as there are new detective novels on the shelves in the bookstore, he will buy one to read and collect.

Although most of the novels are quite boring, they are all slightly modified based on the plot of Sherlock Holmes, with the background of the times and the names of the characters changed. It is difficult to find a novel that can make people applaud.

But occasionally there are one or two good novels, such as the"Dark Night Baron" series written by his father, which is very good in the design of criminal methods!

In addition, after he recently discovered that Xiaolan might be in love, he wanted to use detective novels to numb his heart....

"Detective Samonji? This novel is certainly novel, but it doesn't seem to be up to the level of winning an award."

Recalling the Samonji series he had read before, Conan couldn't help but shake his head, feeling that detective novels are really getting worse year by year....

However, even though he felt a little disgusted, he still planned to see it with his own eyes in the spirit of detective practice.

"I hope it's not a boring novel."

Because of his body shrinking, Conan was forced to go to elementary school recently under the arrangement of Dr. Agasa and Yukiko in order to avoid suspicion.

But he is a high school student after all, and elementary school knowledge is something he can do with his eyes closed, so during the lunch class, he took out"Detective Samonji" and started reading it openly.

"Huh? The criminal method seems to be a lot more obscure, I can't even see it at a glance?"

Feeling that the clues in his mind were not sufficient, and the novel's writing style seemed to have improved a lot, Conan immediately became interested and continued to read with relish.

However, after reading for a while, Conan found that this latest chapter of the left-handed book seemed to be a little different.

The connection between the plot and the description of the writing style have been significantly improved, and even the hidden lines secretly interspersed in it are very exciting.

As the plot progresses, the true face of the case is also revealed to Conan. The unexpected murder method and the use of narrative tricks make Conan feel cheated.

But - what impressed him most was the love triangle entanglement at the end of the article.

Maybe Shinichi Kudo didn't understand it in the past, but after experiencing his body becoming smaller, losing his favorite childhood sweetheart, and now being self-numbed, Conan can actually understand the bitterness and heartache revealed in the book.

This made him feel a little empathetic....

"This book is really..."

"This book is really fascinating! It can make Conan not pay attention in class...."

"Did you say..."

Conan said it subconsciously, but suddenly reacted and looked up stiffly.

As expected,

Kobayashi Sumiko, with a solemn expression and a teaching stick in her hand, stared at him closely, and a large black gas seemed to rise behind him.

"Conan, today's cleaning after class is up to you! Remember to copy the school rules 10 times when you get home!"

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