"Ah Yang, is this true?"

Xin Ming Xiang Bao Li looked at Xu Yang in disbelief, and after getting his nod of affirmation, her gaze towards Judy turned into complete disgust and hatred.

She thought Xu Yang was right!

How could a criminal who attempted to kidnap someone's family have the nerve to come to the victim and ask for help?

"Yeah, I'm sorry......."

Judy bowed 90 degrees in shame. She was anxious to get the organization's information from Miyano Shiho and couldn't hold back her inner impulse.

"Miss Judy, I have met you once...."

Xu Yang looked indifferently at the whiteness that was barely visible due to bending over, and said calmly:"When you kidnapped my family, did you even consider the friendship between us for a moment?"

"I'm really sorry!"

Judy lowered her head even lower, her cheeks flushed.

She really didn't expect that Shuichi Akai would be framed by the organization and sent to prison, and even faced the possibility of being sentenced soon, and she didn't expect that there would be a day when she would need help from Xu Yang.

However, the current situation is too dangerous!

Because of James' relationship, it will take time, and the day when Shuichi Akai will be sent for inspection and sentenced is just around the corner.

With the hatred of the Black Organization for Shuichi Akai, maybe they will prepare snipers to snipe directly on the day he is sent for inspection, and they may even bury explosives on the road....

Thinking of this,

Judy's face turned pale, and she gritted her teeth and made her request:"Mr. Xu Yang, I would like to ask you to help me get my colleague, Akai Shuichi, out of the Metropolitan Police Department safely, so that he will not be sentenced!"


Hearing Judy's words, Xu Yang was slightly stunned, and looked at Judy in surprise,"Ms. Judy, if I remember correctly, as long as your FBI puts pressure on the Japanese side, can't your colleague come out?"

As far as he knows,

Akai Shuichi's incident was entirely caused by Gin's tricks and a series of coincidences.

Wouldn't it be fine if the FBI just puts some pressure on him?

"Actually, things have changed and become less simple...."

Judy forced a smile.

Hearing the disappointment and helplessness in the other party's tone,

Xu Yang raised his eyebrows, guessing that something unexpected must have happened in the middle of the journey. He immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the web page, and began to browse the recent news.

After seeing that the media had directly reported that Akai Shuichi had committed a crime and attempted to escape from prison, and had already revealed the other party's identity and carried out a strong smear campaign against him,...

Xu Yang was also a little speechless.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so reckless and dare to directly attack the police and try to escape from prison....

It would be fine if you succeeded in jailbreaking, but you failed...

Isn't this a loss-making operation?

After continuing to scroll down the screen and seeing the indignant comments and curses from netizens, Xu Yang almost understood the situation.

Originally, the matter was very simple!

As long as the FBI went directly to clarify the facts, Shuichi Akai could be released. This is what FBI agents in Japan did in the past.

But I didn't expect Shuichi Akai to try to attack the police and escape from prison after being arrested.

Even more unfortunate is that this matter was exposed by the media, and there were even follow-up reports....

If the Japanese government releases Akai Shuichi at this juncture, I am afraid it will have no credibility. It is even possible that riots will occur and the situation will become like that of North and South Korea.

Of course!

If the FBI pays a certain price, it will definitely be able to complete the deal. After all, the essence of politics is compromise!

But from the current point of view,

Akai Shuichi does not seem to be able to reach the level that the United States will do its best to rescue him....

"Akai Shuichi!? Is he the scumbag who destroyed social stability, hired paid dating girls, and tried to attack the police as reported on TV?"

Shinaka Hosori slapped her head and suddenly remembered the news she had seen before.

"Xiuyi didn't find a prostitute! He was framed...."

Hearing what the other party said, Judy immediately stood up and slapped the table emotionally and retorted

"Miss Judy, you scared my girlfriend!"

"Sorry, I got a little excited...."

Judy immediately bowed and apologized to Shinname Kaori, then looked at Xu Yang with a sad look in her eyes,"Mr. Xu Yang, please...No, I beg you to get Shuichi out of jail...."

"Even if you beg me, it's useless, Miss Judy! This matter is so serious, and I'm not omnipotent...."

Xu Yang waved his hand, a smile on his face,"If I pull Akai Shuichi out of jail, it will definitely cause great unrest in society, which is a very offensive thing...."


Judy knew that if Shuichi Akai was rescued at this time, it would definitely have a huge impact on society, and anyone who was not stupid would definitely not agree to it.

But she couldn't just watch Shuichi Akai being sentenced to prison, or even face life-threatening situations....

Judy gritted her teeth and her voice trembled slightly:

"If you can get Xiuyi out safely, I can agree to any of your conditions! Whatever you want to do, I will do my best to do it...."

""Hey hey hey!?"

Hearing the hint in the words of the American woman in front of her, Shinname Kaori's face froze.

She didn't expect that just a date would let her see such a shocking scene....

At the same time, more questions arose.

Were the woman in front of him and the arrested scumbag both FBI agents? Or were they framed and imprisoned?

Even the FBI couldn't handle this, but the other party came to Xu Yang for help?

Moreover, this woman clearly liked that scumbag, but she would actually go to such lengths?...

Too many questions lingered in her mind.

For a moment, because of the huge amount of information she received, Shinname Kaori felt her brain was in a mess.

"Oh? Miss Judy, do you know what you are talking about?"

Glancing at the still dazed Xin Ming Xiang Bao Li, Xu Yang smiled slightly and looked at the desperate Judy with a playful look.

"I know! And I can take responsibility for everything I do now!"

Judy seemed to have finally gotten over the hurdle in her heart. Her complexion recovered a little and she nodded seriously.


Hearing the other party's promise, Xu Yang nodded inaudibly.

There are actually quite a few solutions to this matter, but the FBI is not fighting on its own soil after all, and the Japanese government has finally seized an opportunity to suppress it, and will not easily choose to let it go.

However, in his opinion, this kind of thing is actually very easy to solve!

"I agree! But Miss Judy, you should be prepared to resign from the FBI..."


"To be honest, although Miss Judy's ability in the FBI is not very good, she is still qualified as a secretary, and I just happen to need a secretary to take care of my life...."

Since Shinname Kaori was present, Xu Yang changed his statement to a more peaceful one.

As for what exactly this secretary did, he had already developed some interest in it.

"No problem! I promise! When will you get Xiuyi out?"

Although she didn't know if the secretary Xu Yang mentioned was a serious one, Judy was ready to give everything.

"Don't be anxious. This incident has a huge impact. If you pull him out directly, he will probably be killed as soon as he comes out. So before you pull him out, you need to make some preparations and do some public relations...."

"OK! I believe you!"

"By the way, Miss Judy! Now that the deal has been concluded, don't violate it! Otherwise, you may not be able to bear the consequences...."


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