"That man?..."

Hearing what Xiaolan said, Eri Kisaki had a complicated expression for a while.

Strictly speaking, she had only met the other party twice, but both times left a deep impression.

The first time was when Xiaolan participated in the karate competition.

At that time, because of Kudo Shinichi's impetuousness and leaving without saying goodbye, Xu Yang's extraordinary conversation and steady temperament were particularly eye-catching.

This also made her start to consider for the first time whether Kudo Shinichi's character of reckless when encountering a case is suitable for her daughter.

Although Yukiko once intended to hope that the two families would get closer, for the happiness of Xiaolan, Eri Kisaki would not make a rash decision.

Even if the other party is a very good girlfriend!

From the beginning to the end of the competition, Xu Yang performed relatively well throughout the whole process of getting along, and Xiaolan herself also had a good impression of him, so Eri Kisaki was more in favor of the two. The second time the two met was at the office.

In addition to the"wonderful misunderstanding" that almost ruined her reputation during the period, Eri Kisaki also discovered the strength of the other party.

It is no exaggeration to say that the acupuncture was the most miraculous medical skill she had ever seen. At the same time, it also made Hibiki Eri feel a sense of regret that she was already old when he was born.

If he had been born ten years earlier, perhaps she would not have been so tired.......

After more than 20 minutes of walking,

Xu Yang quickly arrived at the crime scene, which had been cordoned off.

He was originally unable to enter, but unexpectedly, a police officer on duty outside happened to see him and let him in.

"Hey! Brother Xu Yang, why are you here?"Inspector Megure was very happy about Xu Yang's arrival.

"Because someone who cares is here!" Xu Yang answered softly and waved to Xiaolan and Kisaki Eri.

Does he care about me?

Xiaolan and Kisaki Eri had the same thought at the same time, and then lowered their heads slightly.

Noticing the performance of the two girls, Xu Yang raised the corners of his mouth and turned to look at Inspector Megure beside him,"Inspector, what is the situation of this case? Can you tell me about it?"

Although he had recalled the truth of the case when he saw the people at the scene.

But in order to prevent the world line from changing, he was still prepared to listen to the case and then analyze it.

"No problem! Here's what's going on..."Inspector Megure nodded, and then began to narrate:

"At first, according to our speculation, the murderer entered the toilet from outside and intended to rob the victim but was resisted. Therefore, after killing the victim, he left the murder weapon at the crime scene and escaped from the window...."

"But after an on-site inspection, we found that the toilet window was covered with thick dust and there was no sign of climbing through the window...."

"So we narrowed down the suspects to the people who entered the toilet and quickly screened them out, but we still don't know the murderer because we still don't know the method of murder...."

At this point, Inspector Megure scratched his head in embarrassment.

After a pause, Xu Yang slowly spoke,"I wonder if the inspector can follow me into the bathroom to take a look?"

"Of course!" Inspector Megure nodded.

"I want to go too!"

At this time, Fei Yingli suddenly spoke, scaring Xiaolan.

"Mom, why do you want to go in again?"

"Because I want to see his complete reasoning!"Hina Eri adjusted her glasses, a hint of competitiveness flashed in her eyes.

She also investigated the scene, and although she had some clues, she always felt that they were scattered and could not be integrated together.

She wanted to see what Xu Yang's true level was!

"Then I want to go too!" Xiaolan agreed


After the group entered the scene,

Xu Yang carefully observed the scene and compared it with his memory.

As expected, the victims all died in the toilet cubicle, forming a very simple secret room, and the only way in and out was the space above the toilet and outside the window.

If the murderer had climbed out from above the toilet, there would have been bloodstains, but the partition above the toilet was not stained, so the police believed that it was also possible that the murderer escaped through the window.

"Mr. Inspector, do you have any other doubts?"

"Yes! And the murder weapon! Look at this...."

Afterwards, Inspector Megure handed Xu Yang some suspicious photos taken by the forensic personnel.

After quickly browsing through the photos, Xu Yang smiled softly:

"I think I know the truth now!"

His wise look surprised everyone at the scene.

"What?!"Inspector Megure exclaimed, and immediately asked,"Brother Xu Yang, do you already know who the murderer is?"

"That's right!"Noticing the surprised and suspicious look on Fei Yingli's face, Xu Yang did not keep her in suspense and explained directly:

"Actually, you are blinded by one thing! The murderer must have killed the victim outside the toilet and then thrown the victim into the toilet, creating the illusion that someone else had entered the toilet to kill the victim, in order to get rid of suspicion...."

"Nani!?"Inspector Megure exclaimed again

"According to you, the murderer should be the tall sports coach, Dianshan Jusan...."

Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows and then asked,"Do you have any evidence? If you don't have evidence, you can't accuse the other party...."

Although she was harsh and stern, Fei Yingli did not want Xu Yang to be so complacent because of some clever tricks that he would ignore the most important evidence.

""Mom! Xu Yangjun certainly has evidence!" Xiaolan muttered.

"Actually, there is..."Xu Yang smiled and took out the photo that Megure had just handed him."Look! The bloodstains on the handle are very unusual, so I have some guesses...."

"After killing the victim outside the toilet, the murderer wrapped something like a belt around the handle of the knife, threw the victim into the toilet, and then slowly pulled out the knife with the belt!"

"The murderer had no time to destroy the tape, so he had to carry it with him...."

"But, brother Xu Yang, something is not right!" Inspector Megure interrupted in time,"We have searched you! We did not find what you said...."

Xu Yang did not reply, but cast his eyes on the two girls, signaling them to think about their answers.

"It's the bandage on the big guy's finger!"

After about two minutes of silence, Xiaolan realized and screamed,"The big guy's bandage was wrapped around the ring finger of his left hand! Then it changed its position!"


Inspector Megure was stunned for a moment, and asked hurriedly,"Xiaolan, is it true?"

""Inspector, Xiaolan remembered it correctly!" Kisaki Eri explained in time,"The man mentioned this when he was chatting with the boss before!"

Seeing Kisaki Eri also said this, Inspector Megure's face suddenly became serious.

Logically speaking, these are things that can be investigated, but he did not get this information.

It seems that the professional quality of the Metropolitan Police Department still needs to be improved!

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