Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : It's time to end, draw the sword and cut the dragon immortal, you have to tie

"Shenhuo Avenue, Bahuang Scorched Earth!"

Lin Yan urged the sacred fire on his body, and saw that several sacred fires merged to form a torrent of colorful flames, brewing the amount of violent violence that would turn all the wastes into scorched earth, pouring towards the Madman Chu.

Young Master Chilong gave a long roar, and the dragon's energy surged out.

"Red Dragon Claw!"

The giant flame claws condensed by flames are caught by the madman of Chu!

Powerful, unstoppable!

"Thousand Army Jue, the sword is domineering!"

Yuan Xu threw the sword in his hand high, and saw that the long sword was spinning frantically, one, two, ten, a hundred, a thousand...

Countless sword shadows condensed, like a thousand horses.

"go with!"

With a cold drink, thousands of sword shadows turned into torrents.

"Bi Hai Jue!"

"Dao Xiao Qianqiu!"

"Changhong breaks the sun!"

Each immortal species that can fight also urges the strongest moves.

But as before.

The Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the sword intent of the thousand lotus was condensed, and the purple lotus surrounded the void, and all kinds of fairy attacks were still easily blocked by him.

The pupils of all the fairy species were trembling frantically.

"How could this be……"

"You don't have to save everything, you still can't shake him!"

The immortals gave birth to a wave of despair uncontrollably.

When Madman Chu saw this, his sword fingers condensed, and a sharp sword whistled out, covering the entire ring!

"It seems that this is your limit. If you have had enough, then it should be over." Chu Madman said lightly.

He gently raised his hand and pointed the sword towards the sky, "Sword Qi Weaving Heaven!"

Countless purple petals are condensed in the void, one petal represents a sword energy, and thousands of petals are thousands of sword energy! !

The sword aura whistled, like an endless gust of wind, and like a net of heaven and earth covering the sky and the sun, spreading the entire arena centered on the Madman Chu.

The various immortals suffered the impact of sword qi and were defeated one after another!

After the sword energy impact, on the entire arena, there was only one person standing proudly, standing where he stood before.

"You don't even have the strength to make me move one step? The fairy king, the son of destiny? Ha? It's so boring."

Madman Chu waved his sleeves and couldn't help but sneered.

The celestial species all around lay on the ground, either seriously injured or dying. They were incapable of fighting again? Looking at Madman Chu? A feeling of incomparable defeat was born in his heart, and the world was gray.

Such a fairy was born in the same era as them...

They are so sad.

"Everlasting only appears once? One madman forever, Chu madman? Everlasting madness... Oh, it's a well-deserved reputation."

"Alien, different."

The immortal not far away also shook his head with emotion.

They looked at their own fairy? They couldn't help showing worry in their eyes? After this battle, I hope they don't get dusty.


At this time? A red streamer swept towards the dragon rope!

It is the red-haired dragon fairy of the dragon clan!

"Huh, how can the Dragon Race not talk about credibility?"

Gong Yue snorted coldly.

When she just wanted to make a move? What did she seem to find? The corners of her mouth were slightly curled up? The immortal fluctuation was reduced? "Interesting."

I saw Madman Chu on the ring. I don’t know when he has disappeared. On the ring, only his footprints remain.

The stone pillar of the cave house? The dragon-binding cable was wrapped around it, and the red-haired dragon fairy suddenly came, and his eyes were fierce to grab the dragon-binding cable.

But at this moment? A white figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It is Chu Madman.

"My stuff, are you good to get involved?"

Madman Chu snorted coldly? A cold light burst into his eyes.

"Get out of here!"

In the eyes of the Red-haired Dragon Immortal, although Madman Chu could defeat a group of immortal species, after all, under the immortal, no matter how strong his combat power was, there were limits.

He is close to the top three immortals!

This Madman of Chu could not be his opponent.

He blasted out with a palm, the overbearing Xian Yuan whistled, and a ferocious dragon head madly biting towards Madman Chu!

"Xian, I haven't cut it before!"

Madman Chu's eyes narrowed.

Hundreds of source powers roared out of the body, and the horrible source of origin fluctuated vigorously, sweeping across the world! !

His sword fingers condensed, and a purple sword light swept out.

Accompanied by a shock!

The Red Haired Dragon Immortal was directly retreated by a hundred feet!

Countless monks were stunned.

Long Xian, was repulsed by a sword! !

"He didn't do his best in the battle just now!!"

On the ring, Yuan Xu and the others looked at the madman Chu, who was surrounded by hundreds of sources, couldn't help being shocked.

And the Red Hair Longxian couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

not good!

This person's combat power is far beyond imagination!

"He must be dealt with quickly and take away the dragon rope!"

It is impossible for the red-haired dragon immortal to just give up tying the dragon cable, he roared, and there was a red dragon gas roaring out all over his body.

He roared and blasted a punch directly, and the domineering Xian Yuan turned into a flame dragon energy and rushed towards the Madman Chu.

With this move, the Red Haired Dragon Immortal did not have the slightest reservation, it was enough to kill all the lower third ranks.

Even the third grade immortal who is not as good as him will be hit hard in an instant!


The Madman Chu drank indifferently, and the seals of proof also appeared in the air, echoing the power of the source.

"Thousand Lotus Sword Intent!!"

Kun Wu around his waist was instantly unsheathed.

A dazzling purple sword light broke out, suddenly cut out!

Sword light obscures the sky!

The sword energy and the flame dragon energy screamed and directly collided.

I saw the flame dragon energy collapsed under the impact of the sword light, and the sword light blasted on the red-haired dragon fairy like a broken bamboo.

Only a stern dragon roar was heard.

Red-haired Longxian's body was torn by sword light on the spot!

Golden-red dragon blood sprinkled all over the earth, where the hot dragon blood poured out, the earth ignited flames and turned into scorched earth! !

Madman Chu, draw the sword and cut the dragon immortal!

This scene made the battlefield silent and silent.

The immortals knew that Madman Chu's combat power had reached the level of immortals, but they did not expect that they would be tyrannical to this point! !

Pull the sword and cut the dragon fairy!

Still a dragon fairy close to the top three!

All the immortals present, except Gong Yue, who is located at the pinnacle of the Qinglan immortal realm, none of the others can do it!

Everyone was stunned.

The mentality of all fairy species collapsed.

This kind of combat power, even if they become immortals, is nothing more than a matter of Chu Madman's sword, and it is no different from now.

"Mad Chu, do you dare to kill the Dragon Fairy of my Shenlong Island?!"

Young Master Chilong said in shock.

Madman Chu glanced at him, "If you don't follow the rules and don't have credibility, you will kill if you kill it. What do you want?"

Young Master Chilong suddenly lost his temper.

He was afraid that he would say another word, UU reading www. even killed himself.

This person is unreasonable.

After cutting the red-haired dragon immortal, Madman Chu looked at the dragon-binding rope on the stone pillar, raised his hand and caught it.

Suddenly, bursts of fairy artifacts filled with mystery.

Countless monks looked at the dragon rope in his hand with envy.

This is a real fairy.

There are not many real fairy artifacts in the entire Qinglan fairy world!

Of course, envy is envious, they don't dare to go up and **** it, not only as stated in advance, but also the strength shown by Madman Chu, if they go up to **** it, I am afraid that it will not be cut by the opponent.

"Do you want to tie the dragon? This thing is extraordinary, especially above the three heads and six arms resenting the Buddha. If it is refined, it will be of great use to me."

Madman Chu thought, and he took care of the dragon rope with satisfaction.

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