Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Sword Qi is smashed and buried in the sword sea

A purple sword aura was whizzing in the buried sword overseas.

   The powerful sword pressure engulfed the entire sword burial sea, and many swordsmen felt palpitation when they saw it.

   At this time, several figures rushed out from the Sea of ​​Burying Swords, and these people were the sword fairy in the Sea of ​​Burying Swords.

   They looked at the sword light that came quickly, their faces dignified.

   "The sword intent contained in this sword aura is no weaker than the sword crown, and this aura is...thousand lotus sword intent?!"

   "Who made this..."

   In a daze, a name appeared in everyone's mind.

   Chu Madman!

   In today's Qinglan fairy world, apart from the sword crown, there is only one Chu Madman who understands the sword intent of this thousand lotus.

   Thinking of this, their hearts became more solemn.

   "In any case, block this sword light first."

   said the black-robed man, and then he put his hand on the hilt of the knife around his waist, and a surging sword intent came out.


   saw the long knife around his waist suddenly unsheathed, and a dragon-shaped knife gas whizzed out, slashing towards the purple sword light.

   At the moment when the sword light and the sword energy collided, the void exploded, but the sword light was like a broken bamboo, moving forward!


   The expressions of several sword fairies present drastically changed.

   The other sword immortals still have to shoot, but it's too late. Jian Guang has already arrived in the sea of ​​burial swords and hit it directly.

   Accompanied by a loud roar, sword light circulates, countless Dao patterns interweave and circulate, turned into a huge purple lotus!

   The purple lotus almost enveloped most of the sword burial sea, and a series of sword auras split from it, spreading from all directions!

   The earth broke, the earth moved and the mountains moved!

   For a moment, the entire Jianhai Burial was in panic, and the swordsmen avoided the scattered sword energy in horror.

   But there are still many swordsmen who inevitably lost their lives under sword aura, stumped limbs, and blood splashed...

   The entire sea of ​​burial swords seemed to be reduced to purgatory.

   Then, a magnificent voice came from Jian Qi.

   "Seven days later, come to visit Jianhai Burial!"

   That is the voice of Chu Madman.

   The expressions of all the swordsmen were shocked.

   "It's Madman Chu, he really made this sword qi."

   "This is... the book of war!!"

   "He wants to challenge the entire sea of ​​burial swords..."

  In the depths of the sea of ​​burial swords, a majestic sword intent swept out, extinguishing the sword aura, and the sword's crown was like a torch?   Looking into the distance, "What a madman of Chu?   So you are the pinnacle of the sword!"

   Hearing the words of the knife crown, everyone gasped in air.

  The meaning of this...

   Doesn't it mean that Madman Chu is above the sword crown? !

How can it be!

   Isn't he still a fairy? !

   Soon after, the news that Madman Chu was about to challenge the sword crown suddenly swept the entire Qinglan fairy world like a hurricane.

  仙界?  It's boiling.

   Countless sword repairs are even more exciting.

   "The sword crown says that Chu Kuang talent is the pinnacle of kendo? It seems that this person is above the sword crown?   As long as he can defeat the sword crown, then our sword world can definitely regroup."

   "Chu madman?  The world sword repair is dependent on you."

   "This battle must not be missed."

  The various immortal-level Taoists don’t want to miss this battle?  I want to take this opportunity to take a good look at the strength of Madman Chu.

   Even some people want to take this battle and do something.

  In their opinion?  There are too many secrets in the madman of Chu?  Among them?  There are too many benefits.

  Shenhuo Mingjiao.

   Several immortals are gathering together.

   "The madman of Chu killed my **** and **** son one after another?  This hatred has long been unsatisfactory. This time he is fighting the sword crown?  May be an opportunity."

   "Not bad?   If you can take this opportunity to take out the secret of using Phoenix Fire from him?   It would be great."

   "This battle?   Don't miss it..."

   and on the other side.

   Holy City.

  The gun crown of the Lord of the Holy City looked at a dark red spear in front of him?  A cold light burst into his eyes, "Madman Chu?  You kill my lover, do you really think I will just forget it?!"

   "What about the academy, the dean has been ignoring the affairs of the world for many years?  If you really think that there is a college shelter, can you really sit back and relax?"

   "This battle?   is an opportunity."

   "And... those people probably won't be able to sit still."

   He slowly held the blood-drinking gun, and suddenly, the sound of guns rang through the sky, and there was a cold killing intent hidden in it.

   Somewhere in an island where dragons linger.

   Several dragon shadows gather.

   "The Madman Chu and the sword crown are about to fight. This is an opportunity to see his strength clearly. This person is not a destiny, but it is an anomaly. It may become a major disaster in the future and has to be guarded."

"Yes, and the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant is still in this person's hands. If we want to marry Wutong Mountain, this piano is a good condition. It must be taken from the other party's hands. There is also a dragon rope. The dragon tendons of a pure-blooded dragon can be infinitely useful to us."

   "Not only that, this person has the chance of Penglai Island, several top immortal artifacts, it is a human-shaped treasure house, I heard that the other immortal Taoist people are also secretly preparing to shoot."

   "Well, let's send a few people over. Let's not talk about other opportunities for the time being, you must get the Nine Heaven Ring Pendant."

   A few real dragons left Shenlong Island soon after.

   is also a demonic force.

   In a glorious palace hanging in the sky, there is a looming monster ghost in a group of dazzling golden fire.

   "Interesting, a person who has not yet become an immortal, actually offends so many immortal-level orthodoxy, now he wants to challenge the sword crown? Is he really afraid of death." A laugh came from the fire.

   "Speaking of which, last time I asked the Golden Wuwei to invite this person, but I didn't reply. I wanted to come to the Golden Wuwei to have encountered an accident. There are not many people in this world who can refuse the demon court."

   "Chu madman, courage is not small."

   There was silence for a while in the flame.

   Then, a golden light flew out from the fire.

   Soon after, several Golden Crow Guards flew over. Each of these people was a top player in Golden Crow Guards, and they were all immortal level.

   "Go to bury the sword sea, follow the sword crown and the madman of Chu, wait for the opportunity, if you can capture this person alive."

   "If it doesn't work, it will do if you die, but there is one thing, that is, the Qingluan mirror on the opponent's body must be obtained."

  The Golden Crow Guards' complexions condensed, "Yes."

   After the Golden Crow Guard retreated, the demon shadow in the fire murmured: "Yaochi Immortal Sutra, the relationship is not small, and I don't know if this madman of Chu has practiced this immortal sutra..."


   All the avenues all moved, but the Madman Chu who was in the center of the whirlpool at the moment was like an innocent person.

   Before the battle, he was in a leisurely appearance in the academy, teaching, watering the flowers, watching the mountains, sitting and watching the clouds rise...

   The ups and downs caused by him in the outside world seem to have no effect on him.

   On this day, Madman Chu was sitting on the top of the mountain, and an incomparably mysterious magic formula emerged in his mind.

  Shangqing Lingbao Sutra! !

   This is the name of this method, and it is also the biggest gain of Chu Madman in Penglai Island, apart from his own origin.

   This is the inheritance of the master of the interception.

   is a complete fairy tale!

   The madman of Chu has been comprehending the mystery of this celestial scripture all this time, which has benefited him a lot.

   Now, he is also cultivating the two immortal sutras of Yaochi and the Shangqing Lingbao immortal sutra. The original power in his body is constantly improving and growing.

   He believes that it won't take long for him to master the complete source of self-improvement and invincibility, and step into the realm of immortals!

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