Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Gods and Demons 8-tone Tuzhongxian, Eye of Blood Crow, Mayfly Shaking Tree

Kuangren Chu served as an elixir for three days and was promoted to immortal! !

  The terrifying Xian Yuanli centered on him, swept out vastly, whether it was a human or a demon, even half-immortal level was directly shattered into blood mist in front of this vast Xian Yuan!

   "When I was not an immortal, I slaughtered an immortal like a dog, but now I am an immortal, do you have the courage to listen to a divine and evil eight?!"

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   The next moment.

  He pressed his ten fingers on the strings.

With a clatter of   , the boundless immortal element burst out with the sound of the piano, and the terrifying sound waves spread wave after wave like a tide.

   In an instant, one after another monk, the monster race was crushed one after another under this terrifying sound wave.

   The shattered armor of the holy city law enforcers, the broken sword repaired by the burial sword and the sea knife, mixed with their broken arms and limbs, flying in the air, blood-stained feathers, head horns, and skeletons. The monster races also burst into death one after another...

   The piano sound made by the madman of Chu being promoted to the fairy queen was terrifying to the extreme. With the blessing of the Nine Heavens Ring Pei, even the fairy took a breath of air-conditioning, which was extremely shocking.

"How can this be!!"

   The holy city gun crown was full of horror, and he stabbed a shot fiercely, only to see the gun light sweeping towards Madman Chu like a tornado.

   And the madman in Chu picked up the strings, pulled and put them off, the sound of the vast piano was like a big bell of Hongyin, magnificent, burst out.

   The spear light collapsed and shattered in an instant, and the gun crown was even more difficult to resist this force, and was hit **** the spot!

   A piano sound, hitting seven crowns!

   When everyone saw this, they only felt that the scene before them was too fantastic!

   "How can there be such a thing?!"

   "How can this person's combat power be so terrifying!"

   The immortals of the various avenues were terrified.

   Originally, they joined forces to encircle the madman of Chu. This should have been a sure thing, but what is going on now? !

   They were actually scared by Chu Madman! !

   Chu Madman's piano sounds more than ever.

  The sound of the piano turned into countless sharp blades, densely packed, covering a radius of 100,000 miles, turning into a piano sound barrier?  Everyone present will be besieged, and the endless sound of killing and cutting will suddenly resound!

   is the ambush of the eight sounds of gods and demons!

  At this moment?  The monks of various pedigrees only feel that they are not surrounded by Madman Chu, they are surrounded by Madman Chu!

   This recognition made them gasp.

   panicked, fear and other emotions surged into my heart.

   Someone wants to escape.

  But, in ambush on all sides, the sound of the piano is like a thousand horses?  Sweeping away from all directions?  They have no way to escape!

  Qin sound reverberates continuously between heaven and earth, accompanied by the screams of monks from all the great masters?  Wailing sounds, intertwined to form a terrifying scene of purgatory on earth?   Every monk is heartbroken to see.

   That white dress and a guqin became the most unforgettable memory in the minds of the spectators?  The lingering memory.

   can even say...Nightmare!

"kill him!"

  The great immortals took action against the Madman Chu.

  The Fallen Immortal screamed in anger?   Endless flames flowed towards him madly?   Turned into a roaring fire dragon?   The flame fairy and Dao lines intertwined and flowed, baking and cracking the square.

   On the other side?   Jinshan Temple Arhat made a long roar?   Peiran Buddha's light turned into a tall Buddha image?   took action to suppress the madman of Chu.

   The Golden Wraiths also shot.

  The demon spirit is all over the world?   Each urged the eruption of the fairy law.

  The dragon fairy of Shenlong Island urges the immortal?  I saw a dragon gas wandering in the void, turning into a dragon claw and blasting out.

  The immortals from all sides make a strong shot?  The mighty power, turning into a vast ocean of energy, disturbing the sound of the piano?  Want to kill the madman of Chu in one fell swoop.

   "The eight sounds of gods and demons, the heavens and the earth are ringing!"

  Chu madman’s ten-fingered fingers?  The piano sounded through, and countless Dao patterns spread out centered on him, power shocking the sky and the earth!

  The mountains and rivers are shaking, the universe is out of order, and the world resonates!

   The sound of the piano is like a tide, impacting everywhere!

   All kinds of fairy methods that blasted towards him were easily blasted to pieces!

   Not only that, but the great immortals shrank their pupils in the face of this terrifying piano sound, panicking and wanting to flee and resist.

   Jinshan Temple Arhat roared, his benevolent face became extremely hideous, his hands clasped together, and the Buddha light turned into a shield.

   But the light of Buddha can hardly stop the sound of gods and demons, but in an instant, the light of Buddha shattered into countless spots of light, and the Arhat of Jinshan Temple burst into blood mist!

   Fallen sun celestial beings transformed into divine fire clones, and wanted to use these clones to block the power of the piano sound.

   But the sound of the piano is like a wave, wave after wave, no matter how many copies of him are around, it won't help anymore, and it's like a scum!

  The sword fairy buried in Jianhai was not even spared, all of them exploded on the spot!

   Demon Court, Shenlong Island is also a deadly death, wounded wound.

   "Okay, what a terrifying sound!"

   "This person's strength has actually reached this point!"

   "Damn it, miscalculation!"

   The immortals looked at Madman Chu with lingering fear, as if looking at a monster, and their bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

   "Let's go!!"

   "Not an opponent, hurry up!"

   Some immortals have lost the confidence to continue fighting with Madman Chu, and turned around and wanted to escape.

   "Do you think you can go now?"

   Chu madman's sword fingers condensed, between the heaven and the earth, there is sword energy, intertwining in the void, turning into a net of heaven and earth.

   Sword Kiori Tenra!

   The combination of sword energy and piano sound blocked the fairy’s retreat.

   In the next instant, several sword qi bursts from the fingertips of the madman of Chu, and there is a lotus blooming across the sword qi, which is the Qianlian sword intent!

   bang, bang, bang...

   Those immortals who wanted to escape were killed by Jian Qi on the spot.

  Chu madman can kill ordinary immortals before he becomes immortal. Now he uses the three-day ascending pill to step into the immortal realm. Even the seventh-crowned ninth-rank immortal can hardly resist his one-and-a-half moves.

   What about these ordinary immortals?

   "Chu Madman!"

   At this time, a loud shout sounded.

  The madman of Chu looked over subconsciously, and saw the commander of Moya in the Golden Crow Guard staring at this. There seemed to be two whirlpools in the blood-colored pupils, and an invisible impact shook the soul!

   This is, UU reading soul attack!

   This is also the supernatural power of the blood-pupil crow, the eye of the blood crow!

   "Hurry up, do it!"

   Mo Ya commander roared.

   His supernatural powers are very powerful. Under the immortal, his soul can be shattered with just a glance, and he will never be superborn.

   Even immortals will be affected.

   In his opinion, Madman Chu was powerful at this time, but he was attacked by his magical powers and should now be in a short-term dizziness, and this time was enough for them to kill each other ten times!

   The rest of the immortals have started.

   Various immortal methods blasted towards Chu Madman again.

   But at this moment, Madman Chu's fingers moved.

   refers to picking the strings, the sound of the piano is silent, the heavens and the earth are silent, and death comes silently. !

   The immortals who shot one by one were bombarded and killed by Qin Yin!

   Everyone is stunned.

   What happened? Didn’t it mean that it was affected by magical powers? !

   Even Mo Ya commanded himself stunned.

   You must know that his magical powers have always been unfavorable, even immortals will be injured, and they have never failed.

   But today, it can't make any difference in Madman Chu!

   "Soul attacks are indeed rare, but unfortunately, this level of soul attack is for me, but the mayfly shakes the tree."

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