Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Destroy the Knife King, crystallization of the grievance, revenge

Madman Chu did not immediately leave Jianjian Sea.

He came to Shenjian Lake in the depths of the buried sword sea, even if the sword here was drawn by him with the fairy body, and he fought the sword crown.

But there still remains a lot of sword resentment here.


Here, Madman Chu saw a person.

One of the twelve kings of immortal species, the sword king.

The other party was walking out of Shenjian Lake, still holding a dark, irregular head-sized stone in his hand.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, "That's..."

"The essence of this grievance is still there. As long as there is this thing, I will have the opportunity to make a comeback. Now that the Sea of ​​Burying Jian has been destroyed, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Madman Chu, I definitely cannot let you go!"

The knife king murmured.

When the Madman Chu was mentioned, his eyes showed resentment.

But at this time.

A figure in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I seem to hear someone calling me."

Seeing the white figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, the pupils of the knife king shrank suddenly, and the original meaning of spite was also replaced by panic.

"Chu, Madman Chu!"

Although he wanted to seek revenge from Madman Chu.

However, the premise is that he has that ability, and now he has no room for resistance in front of Madman Chu.

"Yes, it's me, how are you."

Madman Chu laughed softly.

Then, he slowly pointed out a finger.


I saw the sword king's head suddenly turned into a blood mist and burst open!

Madman Chu's expression did not change, he took the black stone in his hand and examined it carefully for a while, "Xiao Ai, analyze it."

"The crystallization of the curse, the resentment of heaven and earth is born..."

After some analysis, Madman Chu figured out the effect of this grudge crystallization. To put it bluntly, it is a treasure that can transform the spiritual aura of heaven and earth into grievances. The horrible sword grievance in Shenjian Lake is mostly caused by this. Life, this thing, can be said to be the foundation of Buried Jianhai.

For monks who practice the path of the grievance, this crystal of grievance is the supreme treasure that they dream of.

Its value is not even worse than that of a heavenly artifact.

However, although this thing is powerful, it is very difficult to refining this thing. If you are not careful, your mind and soul will be eroded by resentment and become a killing machine.

Even the sword crown did not dare to refining easily, and could only slowly absorb and refine this thing by accumulating the qi of sword grievance.


"It's not in vain that I came to this Shenjian Lake for nothing."

He came to Shenjian Lake because he sensed some strange aura here, and it seemed that it was the crystallization of this grievance that came out.

This treasure is of great use to him.

Although he does not practice the path of grievances, the source of self-improvement and invincibility can be transformed into any source known in the universe.

This includes the source of the grievance.

And the source of grievance happened in the source he had enlightened before.

This thing, he can completely absorb refining.

"Preliminarily predicting that after refining this thing, I should be able to truly advance to become an immortal." Madman Chu murmured.

Collecting the grievance crystals, he turned and left.

Buried at the gate of Jianhai.

Jian Guan had already processed Caiyi's corpse. He stood on the original ground with a cold face, and the cultivators around him looked at him with curiosity.

They are all wondering why each other is still alive.

"You said, I grabbed the sword crown before the sword crown, why not kill him directly and lock him up. Does it make sense?"

"It is said that it was because of a woman's pleading."

"I heard that the woman is still the wife of the sword crown. Tsk, I heard that the sword crown had a relationship with that woman back then..."

"No way, Madam Jianhai Tangtang actually did this kind of thing, and this sword crown can actually stand it?"


A few sword qi strokes across.

The monks who were chewing their tongues were killed on the spot.

Sword Crown put down his hands indifferently, and everyone was silent when they saw this scene, and they did not dare to talk nonsense.

Although Jianguan's reputation today is far worse than that of the past, his strength is still rare in the Qinglan Immortal Realm.

"Sword Crown, after traveling for so many years, when will you come back?" Taoist Long Yin walked to the sword crown and said.

Jian Guan glanced at him and said, "The Dragon Yin Sword Sect will let you take care of it now. As for me, I am determined to follow the son."

"Chu Madman... okay."

Taoist Longyin pondered for a while and nodded slightly.

The current Madman Chu has extraordinary strength, with a sword crown as a bond, and they can establish a good relationship with each other first.

This is beneficial and harmless to the Dragon Sword Sect.


Madman Chu, who had searched the sea of ​​burial swords, came out.

Seeing this, the sword crown greeted him, "I have seen the son."

He had already heard of what happened here, and knew that Madman Chu challenged the entire Jianjian Sea for him, and was even besieged by a group of Daoists, which made him more desperate for the other party.

"Well, let's go."

Madman Chu looked into the distance, "The matter is not over yet."


Jian Guan followed Madman Chu and left the Sea of ​​Burial Jian, but many people were a little confused when they heard Madman Chu's words just now.

"It's not over yet? What does this mean?"

"Could it be that Madman Chu intends to retaliate against the immortal Taoist traditions who participated in the siege of him?!!!"

Someone took a breath after thinking of something.

Suddenly, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

This is incredible.

And the battle of Burying Jianhai quickly spread throughout the Qinglan fairy world.

Many people were scared to death.

In a magnificent city.

An immortal rushed out and said with a horrified expression: "Open the holy city defense formation, everyone, first level alert!!"

I saw countless Dao patterns intertwined in the void, and a huge white mask enveloped the entire city.

"Vice-City Lord, what happened?"

A law enforcement officer couldn't help asking the fairy.

The immortal, the deputy city lord of the holy city, took a deep breath and said, "Holy city...a disaster is imminent!!"

Haven't waited for the law enforcement officer to continue questioning.

I saw ripples in the void, and then two figures walked out of the void, it was Madman Chu and the sword crown.

"Friend Chu Dao, my holy city is willing to apologize to you for the past behavior, and I ask you to have a lot..."

The deputy city lord of the holy city hadn't finished speaking, he saw Madman Chu gently raise his hand, and a bright sword light shot out from his fingertips.

The sword light was like a flood, and instantly fell on the defensive array of the holy city.

The entire array shook frantically.

Then, cracks spread out from the shield.

Accompanied by a loud noise.

The Holy City Defense Array...break! !

Madman Chu watched all this indifferently, UU reading then pointed out a sword casually, and the terrifying sword light locked the vice-lord of the holy city.

The City Lord's pupils shrank sharply, and hurriedly slammed out a palm.

But I saw that the sword light was like a broken bamboo!

Palm, burst!

And the deputy city lord of the holy city turned into a cloud of blood and exploded on the spot.

Many monks in the holy city pale with fright.

That was the top immortal in the holy city second only to the spear crown, but such an existence could not even stop the Madman Chu.

This gap is too big.

It's so big that everyone can't resist.

"After today, the holy city will no longer exist in the Qinglan Immortal Realm." Madman Chu said indifferently.

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