Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 102: : To fight the magic repair with one's own power, one stone and two birds

   The madman of Chu held the Tianhuang Demon Spear, and felt the power contained in it. It was very powerful, much stronger than his Kunwu Holy Sword!

   "It's a pity, it's a gun, not a sword!"

   The madman of Chu has some regrets.

   But soon, this idea was left behind by him. After all, he didn't really lack weapons when he came to find this magic weapon.

   "The magic weapon is here, and this evil should be solved."

   Chu Madman whispered, and then threw the magic spear into the universe ring.

   As the magic spear disappeared, the other monks who had been puzzled by their minds gradually returned to normal, each of them felt their scalp numb.

   "Damn, that magic spear is too evil."

   "What a terrible magic weapon."

   "I can't control myself!"

   The monks have a lingering fear.

   But the madman Chu didn't have any interest in them, and after going out of the ground, he said lightly towards the mountains and rivers: "Spread the news, the Tianhuang Magic Spear is with me, if you want, let them come to me!"

   Shanhe Daozi and others also guessed what Chu Madman thought.

   He wanted to use the magic spear as a bait to attract all the magic repairs in Beilingdao prefecture, and then kill them all at once!

   "I'll notify Patriarch Li and let them be prepared."

   Shanhe Daozi said solemnly.

   It is not a simple matter to catch all the magic repairs in the Beilingdao state. It requires a lot of manpower.

   Even those who were sent out need to be called back.

   "Don't do unnecessary actions, you only need to be responsible for disseminating the news." At this time, Madman Chu said.

   "Friend Chu, what do you mean?"

   Shanhe Daozi is a bit wrong.

   "Just do what I said." Madman Chu said lightly.

   Seeing his calm look, Shanhe Daozi suddenly shrank his pupils, and a terrifying and absurd thought popped up in his mind.

   "Daoist Chu, are you planning to deal with these magic repairs alone? This is impossible. Now there are too many magic repairs in the entire Beilingdao state, how can you handle it alone."

   "I have my own measures."

   After persuading to no avail, Shanhe Daozi had no choice but to follow suit.

   Then, the news of the magic spear's emergence began to spread, and Shanhe City, the center of the city, became even more known.

   Everyone guessed what Madman Chu thought, and knew that he wanted to use Tianhuang Magic Spear to bring all the magic repairs together.

   But it's useless to know it, because this is a conspiracy. If you want a magic spear, you have to go to him even if you know it is a trick.


   "Unexpectedly, this madman of Chu found the Tianhuang Demon Spear. It is really surprising. Is it a good idea to use this magic spear to attract all the magic repairs and kill them all at once?"

   "Hmph, how could he have wiped out all the magic repairs in Daozhou with his little manpower, he should also come to us for help."

   "Hey, I really don't know what Madman Chu looks like when he asks for help. It's really exciting."

   "Yes, let's enjoy it together then."

   In the city of mountains and rivers, the Tianjiao of several sacred places and the manpower they brought were all standing still, waiting for the Madman Chu to come and ask for help.

   can be one day, two days...

   Three days have passed, but Madman Chu still didn't look for them.

   And the news of the magic spear's emergence has spread throughout Beiling Daozhou, and many magic repairs have already arrived in the direction of Shanhe City.

   If you don’t make preparations, I’m afraid it’s too late.

   Now, the Tianjiao in Shanhe City can't sit still.

   "What the **** is this crazy man doing!"

   "Why doesn't he come to us for help?"

   "Hmph, without us, how would he get all the magic repairs in Beiling Dao prefecture, should he directly ask Dao Tong for help?"

   "Impossible, far away can't quench our near thirst, and this evil is also an experience given to us by the older generation of strong men. They won't take it rashly. Damn, what on earth is this madman going to do?"

   All Tianjiao people are a little confused.

   Then, another news came.

   The madman of Chu left Shanhe City and went to a nearby mountain range. It seemed that he wanted to fight a group of demons there.

   Now, all the Tianjiaoes know what the other person thinks.

   He wanted to use his own power to fight against all magic repairs!

   "Damn, does this guy want to die?"

   "Does he not know how many magic repairs are there in Beiling Dao? How can he handle it alone, huh, he wants to die."

   "I heard that he didn't even summon the few Dadao disciplined disciples he sent out so that they could continue to save people everywhere."

   "Now, he is dead."

   In the mountain and river city, the mountain and river Daozi, Patriarch Li and others naturally knew the plan of the Madman Chu, and couldn't help feeling, Chu Dao friends are righteous!

   And this news also spread in the city.

   All refugees and ordinary people knew that Madman Chu had to fight against all magic repairs with his own power.

   This shocked and impressed countless people.

   For a time, the image of the madman of Chu in the minds of the people is infinitely elevated. Compared with Gu Changge, Fang Tianzhi and his like do not know how many times they are taller.

   These ordinary people are indeed weak, but they are not blind, and they can see who is really solving the evil for them.

   "Any spiritual sacred place, Ziyang Valley, and saints are all shit, not as good as a hair of Chu Gongzi."

   "Yes, since Master Chu came, he accepted refugees and sent people to various disaster relief efforts. Compared with the others who only know about pleasure, they don't know how many times better they are."

   "Master Chu is the one who really wants to save us."

   Public opinion broke The madman of Chu was extolled by everyone, and became the savior of Beiling Province. As for the other Tianjiao, they were sprayed into wine and rice bags, and the Taoism behind them was infamy.

   Aocang, Lin Batian, Fang Tian and others couldn't sit still.

   Why did they come to Beiling Province?

  , of course, is to increase the prestige of the orthodoxy, but now that the madman of Chu is doing this, let alone prestige, this is almost infamous.

   "Friend Lin, let's make a move too."

   In a lobby, Lin Batian and others are gathering together, and the person speaking is Fang Tian of the Five Elements Sect, his expression is a little worried.

   "If you don't take any action, the madman of Chu will take all the limelight." Yuan Hong of Wan Fazong also proposed to take action as soon as possible to eradicate evil.

   "Why do you want to shoot?"

   At this time, Ao Cang spoke.

   Everyone looked at him with puzzled faces.

   "Even if we take action now, the limelight, people's popularity, and prestige are all occupied by Chu Kuangren, and the people will only think that we are under the pressure of public opinion to take action." Ao Cang said indifferently.

"so what should I do now?"

"Wait, wait for the Madman Chu to fail! With so many magic repairs, I don't believe that he can really fight it on his own. As long as he fails, the people will be desperate. Then we will try to turn the tide! Save the people from water and fire for this The evil draws a complete end."

   Ao Cang's proposal made many people shine.

   Anyway, there is no way to save face with a shot now. It is better to wait for the Madman of Chu to fail and collapse, and then they will try to turn the tide, firstly to increase the prestige, and secondly, to defeat the reputation of the Madman of Chu.

   "Haha, two birds with one stone, I agree."

   "I agree too."

   "I see how the madman Chu will die."


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