Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Young Master Jinlong visits Wutong Mountain, even Chu Madman can’t grab it...

Wutong Mountain.

Chu Hong went back to her home very depressed.

She felt the ultimate in this marriage. At this moment, she missed Madman Chu, "Brother, where are you..."

The madman of Chu nowadays is famous in the immortal world.

But Chu Hong stayed in this Wutong Mountain and awakened her blood. She didn't wake up until a few days ago. Therefore, she didn't know much about the outside world, and naturally she didn't know what Chu Madman did.

"The Phoenix Girl."

A voice came from outside the palace.

A woman in Tsing Yi and Liu Litong walked in. Behind her there were two other women, both of whom were stunning in the world.

Hearing the voice, Chu Hong came out to greet him, and after seeing the woman in Tsing Yi, she reduced her depressed expression, "Qing Feng, you are here."

"Chu Hong, I heard that you are going to get married. We come here to congratulate you, the young master of Golden Dragon on Shenlong Island, who is a young talent who wants to marry but is not available to many young girls in the Qinglan fairy world."

A phoenix girl behind Qingfeng said with a strange yin and yang.

This is Huang Nv Huang Yan from Wutong Mountain. When she mentioned Young Master Jinlong, she looked at Chu Hong with jealousy.

"Then you go get married."

Chu Hong said angrily.

"Huh, who doesn't know that Young Master Jinlong has appointed you to marry you, I think, but there is no chance." Huang Yan snorted lightly.

She had seen Young Master Jinlong a long time ago. At that time, she fell in love with the other party, and had always dreamed that one day she could marry on Shenlong Island and fly with each other.

But Shenlong Island and Wutong Mountain are indeed married.

But it is not her who will marry.

In her opinion, Chu Hong who got this opportunity was undoubtedly lucky, but the other party looked very disgusting.

This made her almost crazy with jealousy.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, Chu Hong, I heard that in two days, Young Master Jinlong will visit Wutong Mountain. Then, you will see him. If you really don't like it, it will not be too late to refuse. "

Qingfeng said softly.

"Anyway, I will never marry."

Chu Hong curled her lips, "There is already someone in my heart."

"Someone? Who."

Qingfeng, Huang Yan, and Huang Yinghong were curious.

"I do not want to say."

"Then what race is he, let's talk about it."


"Human race? This is a bit troublesome. Since ancient times, there have not been many examples of the combination of humans and monsters, let alone the combination of pure blood Divine Phoenix and human races, even rarer, almost unheard of."

Qingfeng Meiyu frowned slightly.

"I just like him anyway."

Chu Hong said.

She just likes Madman Chu purely. This kind of like can be said to be the instinctive closeness of the creation to the creator.

It's not that she must be a partner, as long as she can be with each other, she is very satisfied.

"Funny, there are a few people in this world who can compare to the Young Master Golden Dragon, let alone a human race." Huang Yan sneered.

Next to him, Huang Yinghong also agreed.

Young Master Jinlong has become an immortal, and his talent is so high, not to mention the human race, even in the entire immortal world, few people can match it.

"Not necessarily..."

Qingfeng seemed to have thought of something and whispered.

"What is not necessarily?" Huang Yan said.

"Among the human race, one day the arrogant immortal species, this person may not be weaker than the Golden Dragon Young Master." Qing Feng said with a smile.

"You mean... Madman Chu?!"

Huang Yinghong said.

Next to him, Chu Hong widened her eyes when she heard the name, "What did you say, Madman Chu? Where is he?"

Seeing Chu Hong who was extremely excited, the women present stared at each other.

"What's wrong, Chu Hong."

"You tell me first, what is going on with Madman Chu?"

Qingfeng simply said about the Madman Chu.

Chu Hong became more excited as she listened.

And Huang Yan and Huang Yinghong also guessed something.

Chu Hong, Madman Chu...

With the same surname, there are rumors that the Madman Chu can also control Huanghuo, which is hard not to remind people.

"The person in your heart is Madman Chu, right?"

Qingfeng said.

Chu Hong nodded with a red face.

Aside, Huang Yan flashed a strange color in her eyes, as if she was thinking about something, and beside her, Qing Feng had a headache.

"I used to know that Wutong Mountain's turning point was for you. Originally, I thought it was your marriage to the young master of Golden Dragon, but now it seems that something has changed." Qingfeng said helplessly.

Madman Chu, the man with a nihilistic life.

This kind of fate is even more unpredictable than Tianmingzi.

"Then I'm going to talk to the mountain lord and them now, will they give up this marriage?" Chu Hong said expectantly.

"I'm afraid it's... difficult."

Qingfeng knows his parents' personalities very well.

Everything is given priority to the interests of Wutong Mountain. This marriage with Shenlong Island is their decision to maximize the interests of Wutong Mountain.

It is impossible for them to give up easily.

Even, in order to make Chu Hong completely give up his thoughts, her father might even take some measures against Chu Madman.

"Anyway, wait until you have seen Young Master Jinlong."


Shortly after.

Wutong Mountain.

Several real dragons leaped into the sky, and a golden dragon headed by them was shrouded in dazzling celestial splendor, majestic and mighty, sweeping the situation.

The real dragon entered Wutong Mountain and transformed into a human form.

Leading the golden dragon into a handsome man, dressed in a golden robe, full of extravagance in his gestures, he looks like an emperor.

This person is the young master of Golden Dragon.

"so hot."

"Is he the young master of Golden Dragon? It really is extraordinary."

"It is said that he was the first destiny to become a fairy."

In Wutong Mountain, many female phoenix cultivators have brilliant eyes.

And Lord Fengshan, Lord Huangshan also came out to greet them.

"My nephew, don't come here unharmed."

"I have seen two mountain owners."

"Go, find Huang Hong."

Shortly after.

Chu Hong came, and when Young Master Jinlong saw Chu Hong's first glance, he couldn't help but see that his blood was boiling.

"This feeling, what a pure Divine Phoenix bloodline!"

"I am now close to the blood of a pure blood true dragon, but in front of her, my blood still feels suppressed."

"This woman is probably not an ordinary pure-blooded Divine Phoenix. If combined with her, I will definitely be able to cultivate into a dragon and phoenix immortal body!"

Young Master Jinlong said fiercely.

However, Chu Hong was extremely indifferent to him, and he was indifferent to answering questions, and did not put him at ease.

The Lord Fengshan next to him was a little dissatisfied, just about to say something, the Lord Huangshan next to him smiled and said: "With us, these young people can't let go, husband, let's let them be alone for a while."

Having said that, the two mountain owners left.

After they left, Chu Hong yawned, "Well, Wutong Mountain has a lot of scenery, you can find someone to watch with you."

After speaking, she didn't want to stay longer, turned and left.

The gaze that the other person looked at her made her very unhappy.

Young Master Jinlong frowned when he heard the words, and saw that the other party didn't like him, so he didn't stop him.

"Huang will be mine sooner or later!"

In order to achieve the dragon and phoenix fairy body achieve immortal feats, the young master of Golden Dragon will never give up easily.

"Oh, it's a pity, our Phoenix girl already has someone in her heart." A beautiful figure walked out behind the young master Jinlong.

It is Huang Nv Huang Yan.

Her words caused a cold look in the eyes of Young Master Jinlong.


"Madman Chu!"

"Kuangren was him."

Young Master Jinlong was a little surprised, and then his face showed arrogant expression, "The person I want, even Madman Chu, can't get it!"

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