Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Storm Wall, the experience in the Storm Wall, leaving the Qinglan fairyland

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The proof of Kunwu Cheng can be ever-changing. The madman of Chu experimented and was quite satisfied. In addition to the ever-changing feature, the power of the immortal tool itself was the focus of the madman of Chu.

After all, what about the ever-changing things?

In front of the real strong, one force can break ten thousand laws.

The most important thing is strength.

This proves that Fakunwu's power is not uncommon, comparable to the top earth immortal artifacts, and it also possesses two abilities that make the madman of Chu very excited.

First, Zheng Dao Kunwu can absorb the seal of the method for his own use, and even the seal of the method of other immortals can absorb and refine.

Second, it can absorb aura on its own or be tempered by a monk to continuously improve its resilience, and finally reach the point where it is indestructible and unbreakable.

These two abilities give Zhengfa Kunwu a terrible growth potential, and will even be comparable to the original treasure in the future.

Compared with these two capabilities, ever-changing is just a small means.

In the end, Zhengfa Kunwu reappeared as a sword, tied to the waist of Madman Chu, this is the most comfortable form for Kunwu Sword Soul.

"Mr. Chu, your sword is really peculiar."

Mr. Da came and said curiously.

"Oh, some strange tricks made everyone laugh."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

A few days later.

Madman Chu found Gu Ruqing and asked about the destruction of the ancient family. He planned to deal with the matter of the ancient immortal.

Gu Ruqing was very moved.

If the madman of Chu appeared, then his ancient family would have revenge.

Next, Madman Chu found the dean, explained that he planned to leave the Qinglan Immortal Realm, and asked how to do it.

He knew from his mouth that every time the Qinglan Immortal World appeared, it would take decades, but the road to rise to the immortal could be difficult to get out. In order to get out of the immortal world, one must first cross a barrier of immortal world called Storm Wall.

According to the director's guidance, Madman Chu came to the Storm Wall with Gu Ruqing. As for Lan Yu, Little Fox and others stayed in the academy for the time being and did not go with him.

Storm wall.

Also known as the immortal barrier.

There are endless terrifying storms here, these storms are like a wall, surrounding the entire Qinglan fairy world.

Even immortals are extremely jealous, if one is not careful, even an earth immortal will fall here.

According to the Dean's description, the power of the storm wall has grown stronger in recent years, as if something has changed.

This change, even the dean who is proficient in deduction, was unable to calculate it, and it was hidden by a will.

"What a terrifying storm."

Gu Ruqing looked at the gloomy sky in the distance and the endless storm under the sky, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He felt that the storm only needed to hit him hard.

If you are in it, being killed is only a matter of minutes.

"Why, are you scared?"

"A husband is here, what am I afraid of."

Gu ruthlessly smiled.

Madman Chu can always give people a sense of peace of mind, as if as long as he is there, no matter how big things happen, they can be safe.

"Oh, don't worry, let's go."

He flashed with Madman Chu's figure, and swept towards the storm wall.

In the distance, some monks who passed by saw this scene and couldn't help but stunned.

"Look, someone has swept towards the storm wall."

"Oh my God, isn't this going to find death?!"

But the next scene happened that shocked everyone's attention.

I saw that the young man in white clothes rushing in the front, the white jade sword suddenly unsheathed from his waist, on the sword body, the rune brilliance circulated, a sword cut out, a magnificent purple sword light burst out into the sky!

In the bang, Jianguang fell on the wall of storm, only a loud noise was heard, the void broke, and the storm was surging. The wall of storm that was lying in front of Jianguang was actually split in half.

In an instant, the wind stopped and the sky was clear.

The next moment.

Madman Chu and Gu Ruoqing disappeared from everyone's vision and entered the depths of the storm wall.

After a long time, the wall of storm that was split by a sword gradually healed, and the monks who witnessed this scene also recovered.

"Is this a sword to open the sky?"

"What a strong force."


Inside the wall of storm.

The madman of Chu walked in it with ancient ruthlessness.

Here, the ground was barren and lifeless, and even the void was occasionally torn apart, creating a scene of nothingness.

The surrounding storm is like a blade, flooding the world.

Madman Chu's sword swirled around his body, turning into a giant purple lotus, covering him and Gu Ruthlessly, and isolating the storm outside.

"The dean said that it takes time to cross the wall of storm. If you are unlucky, you will get lost here. Is there a way, sir?"

Gu said ruthlessly.

"No, I just keep moving forward. My luck has always been good." Madman Chu laughed.

Gu ruthlessly stunned.

Is this really good?

But now he can only follow Madman Chu to move forward.

The two walked for seven days in a row.

In the past seven days, the storm they encountered was getting stronger and stronger. Madman Chu needed to keep the sword aura running to resist the storm.

This is very expensive.

It's just that he had been prepared for coming here, and he had refined some elixir to restore immortality in advance, but he could still persist.

"It looks like it's almost here."

"Almost there?" Gu Ruqing was puzzled.

"This storm wall, the farther in, the stronger the storm's power. The storms we have encountered in the past few days have continued to strengthen. This shows that our direction is correct and we are almost approaching the final barrier."

"That's it."

at this time.

A violent wind swept towards Madman Chu.

The power is far better than all the storms he has encountered before.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the thousand lotus sword intent spurred to the extreme and cut out a sword, instantly splitting the storm.

The void was torn apart, and a huge spatial crack appeared.

"Sir, look!"

At this time, Gu ruthlessly exclaimed.

I saw in that void, not a space where there was nothing in the past, but a magnificent spectacle.

Mountains and rivers beasts, auspicious beasts...

As if in that void, there is another world.

But this world gave Madman Chu an unreal feeling, just like a mirage encountered in the desert. After a while, the scene dissipated, and the cracked void gradually healed.

"What's the situation?" Gu Ruqing was puzzled.

Kuangren Chu thought thoughtfully on the side, "The dean said that the power of the storm wall has been continuously strengthened over the years. Will it be related to this?"

If you say that the scene is a mirage.

Where is it projected from?

There doesn't seem to be such a sight in the Qinglan fairy world.

Could it be... another celestial being?

Madman Chu showed curiosity.

He didn't think too much, and continued to move forward with Gu Ruqing, and it didn't take long before he came to a brilliant colored light curtain This light curtain was the barrier to the outside of the fairy world.

And in this light curtain, Madman Chu suddenly saw scenes of all kinds of mountains and rivers and beasts. This light curtain was like a window, and beyond the window, there was another world.

But in the next instant, the scene disappeared again.

"Oh, interesting, are these sights coincidentally encountered by me, or is it something deliberately made me see by some will?"

"Xianjie Will, do you want to play any game with me?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

Then, the sword's fingers condensed and cut a gap in the light curtain in front of him, and then he took Gu Ruqing into the gap and left the Qinglan Immortal Realm.

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