Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : If I don’t allow me, who dares to pretend to be respectful, the power of a sword

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Bronze heaven outside the court.

Millions of warships are distributed in layers and turned into nine lines of defense, and on each line of defense there are powerful immortals.

Such an army, even if the immortals at the peak of the Azure Emperor galaxy are united together, they may not be able to break through.

In the extreme distance, among the stars, there are countless monks gathered here, and these people are all here to pay attention to this battle.

Most of the Taoists with names and surnames in the Blue Emperor Galaxy gather here.

Everyone wanted to see what kind of three-headed and six-armed Chu Madman dared to challenge the bronze heaven.

"I heard that the madman of Chu is very powerful. The first sword immortal Zhao Wujing is in front of the opponent, and he can't even take a single move."

"Really? So scary?"

"This matter has been seen by many monster races on the Sky Demon Star, and it is absolutely true, and the bronze heavenly court has put on such a big battle, obviously it also attaches great importance to this Madman of Chu."

"Oh, even if this Madman of Chu really has the power to surpass Zhao Wujing, how much storm can he set off against the thousands of troops in the Bronze Heaven? This battle will undoubtedly be defeated."


Everyone talked a lot.

Many people are not optimistic about Chu Madman.

And just under the eyes of everyone.

In the distance, suddenly there were warships flying into the air, and the monster races were densely standing on those warships.

Among the warships headed by them were all the survivors of the ancient family such as the fox demon clan and Gu Ruqing.

The first line of defense in the Bronze Heavenly Court was an old man in white. The old man was armed with a gun, and he felt awe-inspiring.

"The monster race, and the remnants of the ancient family. I didn't expect that you all took refuge in an outsider of unknown origin, and you dare to come and attack my bronze heavenly court. You are looking for death!"

The old man in white said coldly.

Gu ruthlessly said indifferently: "Mr. said, the rest of the people outside the top of the Bronze Heavenly Court will not kill those who descend, do you have to surrender?"

Hearing his words, the white-clothed old man laughed, "The remnants of the ancient family, you have a problem in your mind, see clearly, my bronze heavenly warship is millions, and the heavenly soldiers are countless!"

"Not to mention that there are still immortals sitting in town. The Grand Marshal and the Lord are the peerless powerhouses of the Qinghuang galaxy. Let’s look at you? There are a few warships, and there are not many immortals. I am a bronze heaven and dominate the world. How could it be you? Can such a group of crooked melons and split dates be shaken?"

The old man in white said loudly.

The terrifying fairy breath was released, sweeping in all directions, shaking the surrounding stars, and the countless heavenly soldiers on the battleship behind him also released their breath one after another, their faces full of pride.

There is also contempt and disdain for Gu Ruqing and others.

But when the breath of the white-clothed old man filled the starry sky, an aura far more terrifying than him bloomed awe-inspiringly, suppressing the Eight Wastes!

"Dominantly respect the universe? If I don't allow it, who would dare to pretend to be respected in front of me in this world of heaven?!!!"

An indifferent voice resounded across the starry sky, engulfing the extremely majestic celestial element fluctuations, and impacting the surrounding stars like a sea tide.

The breath of the white-clothed old man was suppressed in an instant.

The countless heavenly soldiers also changed their faces.

At this moment, they felt like an invisible Henggu mountain pressed against their bodies, their bodies trembling, as if they were about to collapse at any time.

Some soldiers lay on the ground unhelpfully.

"Such breath..."

Everyone watching the battle couldn't help but shrink their pupils slightly, their faces dignified.

On the battleship.

A white-clothed young man walked out, his hair reaching his waist, his eyes were like cold stars, and his gestures had an incomparable aura of detachment.

He walked slowly, not hurriedly.

But with every step taken, the terrifying coercion that enveloped the starry sky became stronger, and every step taken seemed to step on the hearts of everyone, making everyone's heart throbbing frantically.

Far away.

In the magnificent bronze heavenly palace.

A middle-aged man in a cyan armor opened his eyes sharply and looked towards Madman Chu, his gaze penetrated hundreds of millions of miles in the void, countless stars, and fell directly on the detached white clothes.

"Madman Chu... not bad!"

"Compared to the ancestors of the ancient family back then, this person is indeed stronger, and he is indeed qualified to be a strong enemy of the Bronze Heavenly Court, but the nine lines of defense I set up, even you, will take a lot of time to disintegrate. At that time, how much combat power do you have left in front of me?"

The middle-aged man, the Grand Marshal, said lightly.

He has seven or eight points of confidence in this battle.

In order to deal with the madman of Chu, among the nine lines of defense, he set up heavy killing formations and mobilized a large number of manpower. Once these killing formations broke out, even if he was himself, he would die in nine deaths.

No matter how strong the Mad Man Chu is, he is bound to be hit hard!

At least, he thought so.

And at the moment.

Outside the first line of defense.

The appearance of Madman Chu and the terrifying aura he exudes made everyone look at him and shocked.

Gu ruthlessly arched his hands: "Sir."

"I have seen Mr.." The rest of the people or monsters also bowed and saluted quickly, calling Chu Kuangren as Mr. like Gu Ruqing.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, then stood in the air, looking at the countless warships and heavenly soldiers in front of him, and said indifferently: "The last chance, the one who descends will not kill, the one who surrenders will not kill, the price will be at your own expense!

"It seems that you are Madman Chu. This strength and momentum are really crazy enough, but no matter how strong you are, you are destined to die under the fire of my millions of battleships in the Heavenly Court, everyone, kill me!!"

The old man in white said loudly.

Suddenly, those warships in the starry sky burst into energy fluctuations one after another, and beams of energy shot toward the madman of Chu like a torrential rain.

That power shook the starry sky.

But Madman Chu didn't care.

"It seems that you have chosen the worst path."

Facing countless energy beams, he saw his sword fingers condensed, and the immortal Yuan inside his body whizzed out, and a huge purple sword shadow appeared in the blink of an eye!

This sword shadow rises to the sky!

There are countless sword auras surrounding Jian Ying, forming a terrifying storm of sword aura. Before the sword shadow has fallen, the storm of sword aura has already whizzed out, sweeping through hundreds of millions of miles, shattering countless energy beams.

Everyone could not help but be shocked when they saw this scene!

"This, what power is this?!"

"Just a few escaping sword auras easily dismantled the attacks of so many warships. How many immortals is he?!"


The pupils of the spectators trembled frantically.

They couldn't imagine how powerful this sword would be if it were dropped, and what terrifying destructive power it would cause.

That kind of power, all of them must look up!


Just listen indifferently!

Madman Chu's sword fingers were cut towards the void.

In an instant, the horrible sword shadow fell across the sky, the sword edge passed, the void shattered, and the sword energy engulfed the space storm and swept the starry sky!

"Block me!"

The old man in white roared wildly, urging Xianyuan to the extreme, but he was too fragile under the sword aura.

At the moment of contact with sword energy, the white-clothed old man fell!

Not only him.

Those warships, the heavenly soldiers were also affected by the sword aura, all turned into the wreckage of the universe, and countless monks disappeared in smoke!

The first line of defense, break!

But it's not over yet!

Sword Shadow's power is beyond everyone's imagination. After smashing the first line of defense, it continues to blast towards the next line of defense!

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