Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Cut the blood fairy, my sword, the world's only

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"Who do you want to find revenge?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely majestic coercion swept out of the void, and a white figure walked out of the void.

This coercion changed the expressions of everyone present.

"It's him, he's here!"

"Sure enough, this guy won't miss this treasure."

Everyone's eyes flashed, and some cultivators who had planned to take action suddenly didn't dare to mess around, and one after another reduced their breath.

Only the head of Tianfeng looked at Madman Chu with a hint of war in his eyes, "Such pressure is indeed extraordinary."

And the Blood Devouring Immortal also flashed, "Second-Rank Immortal? This kind of aura is far superior to Second-Rank Immortal, it is a third-Rank Immortal!"

However, what they perceive is only the cultivation base of Madman Chu.

As for combat power, non-realm can be measured.

Especially those monks who had witnessed the battle between Mad Man Chu and the Bronze Heavenly Court, they knew better how terrifying this person was.

"In any case, I am bound to get the fairy medicine in the Azure Emperor's treasure, and whoever comes!" A cold light burst into the eyes of the blood-devouring fairy, and a blood-red little sword appeared in his hand.

That little sword is an extremely powerful fairy sword. Once activated, even the top Ninth Stage Immortal will be killed!

The only drawback is that this small sword is a one-off, so it has always been used by the blood-devouring fairy as the final hole card.

"It is rumored that Madman Chu can kill the Lord of Bronze Heavenly Court. His combat power must be far stronger than his realm. I am definitely not an opponent."

"Only a blood sword trained with these billions of life sacrifices can be killed. This sword is not a loss if you use it on your body!"

The Blood Devourer secretly activated the Scarlet Sword.

In an instant, a blood stream flashed across the void, swiping towards Kuangren Chu at a speed that seemed to travel through time.


The madman Chu gave a whisper, perceiving something, and subconsciously pulled out Kun Wu from his waist, and slashed toward the void.

With a clang, the Scarlet Little Sword collided with Kun Wu, and after a burst of sparks, the Scarlet Little Sword was cut to pieces!

And Kun Wu in the hands of Madman Chu was also buzzing and shaking.

"What! It's blocked!"

The blood-devouring immortal's pupils shrank sharply, and without saying anything, he turned and swept away, but he fled immediately.

"It's decisive."

"It's just a pity that when you shoot, the outcome is already doomed." Chu Madman said indifferently.

A dragon shadow suddenly appeared in the void, and the dragon shadow turned into a crimson rope, which firmly bound the Blood Devouring Immortal.

Immediately afterwards, a sword air swept across.

The blood-devouring fairy bled on the spot!

Then, Madman Chu took back the Dragon Strap, and he looked at the head of Tianfeng and said lightly: "You just said, who should I seek revenge?"

After seeing Madman Chu slaying the blood-devouring immortal again, the head of Tianfeng also showed solemn eyes, "Your strength far exceeds the realm, but it is not invincible."

"All sword repairs, form a battle!!"

After the words fell, I saw the sword repairman of the Tianfeng Sword Sect rushed out and surrounded the Madman Chu to Tuan Tuan. The sword intent on his body resonated, forming an extremely powerful sword formation!

Endless sword energy, flooding all directions!

"Kunren Chu, come and see the power of the highest sword formation of my Tianfeng Sword!" The head of Tianfeng shouted, and he stepped out of the sword formation, resonating with the sword intent!

The endless sword energy used by him, coupled with his original immortal realm, the strength displayed at this moment is extremely shocking.

As if you can easily smash the stars with a gesture!

"Mad Chu, come on, let me see your strength!"

The head of Tianfeng said proudly.

As soon as the edge of the fairy sword in his hand turned, the sword light flickered, and a magnificent sword aura of one million feet had fallen violently towards the Madman Chu!

This sword, mighty, shocked the world!

And this is just a sword handed by the head of Tianfeng.

Everyone was shocked by the strength displayed by the other party, and at the same time they were very curious, can Madman Chu create an undefeated legend?

Facing the magnificent sword spirit, Madman Chu looked calm.

The sword finger condensed, Qianlian sword will show.

Raising his hand and cutting it out with a sword, there was a lotus in the void, and that magnificent sword aura was easily disintegrated by the madman of Chu, and it would not hurt him at all.

"Since you want to compare swords, then look at my sword."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He stepped forward.

Immediately, the immortal body nine-aperture exquisite sword heart was activated, and the invincible source of self-strength in the body was instantly transformed into the source of kendo.

At this moment, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, the sword repairs of the major beings and stars seemed to have some feelings, and their expressions changed greatly.

Their swords are shaking!

Sending out a thought as if to surrender!

"This, who is this swordsmanship, so terrifying!"

"My God, is there such a sword fairy in the Azure Emperor Galaxy?"

Countless sword repairers couldn't help being shocked.

Outside the Qinghuang Treasure.

Within the sword formation, the sword repairman of the Tianfeng Sword Sect couldn't help swallowing his saliva, trying his best to control the sword in his hand.

But as the celestial body fluctuations in Madman Chu's body became stronger and stronger, the kendo that made Wan Jian surrender became stronger and stronger.

Finally, a sword repairman couldn't control the sword in his hand.


A sword flew out.

Two swords, three swords, ten, one hundred, one thousand...

Tens of thousands, millions of sword weapons rose into the sky, hovering above Madman Chu, the sound of sword chants resounded throughout the starry sky.

Without the sword, the sword intent of the sword repairmen of the Tianfeng Sword Sect was also suppressed, and the sword formation was naturally broken.

Only the head of Tianfeng was still resisting stubbornly with a sword intent, but his expression was hard to see the extreme.

Vaguely, there was a look of panic in his eyes.

"This is my sword!"

"Supreme to strong, with a single sword, the world is unique!!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, his voice resounding throughout the world, like a sword emperor, filled with endless majesty.

"No, this is impossible!"

"I have already broken through the earth immortal. No matter how strong your kendo is, you can't easily make up for the huge gap in cultivation base!"

Holding the last glimmer of hope, the head of Tianfeng gave a long roar, the sword intent rose to the extreme, and the fairy sword in his hand buzzed.

"Sword Art, the wind is crazy for nine days!!"

Slashed out with one sword, the sword aura swept through nine days like a violent wind!

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, motionless like a mountain!

The sword intent and the sword weapons were combined, and the surrounding sword weapons were arranged to form a huge lotus shape, blocking the violent wind and sword energy.

Madman Chu stood among countless swords, his expression indifferent, his white clothes were still slender and inviolable.

"Now you can take my sword."

Madman Chu swiped casually.

The sword weapon circulated with the sword intent and turned into a mighty sword weapon torrent, engulfing the madman Chu's sword energy and rushing out.

The head of Tianfeng looked at the millions of long swords overwhelming the sky, and at this moment there was a feeling of vastness and incomparable insignificance.

In the blink of an eye, the head of Tianfeng was buried by the torrent of swords, and before even the screams were made, they turned into powder.

The head of Tianfeng...fallen! !

The Madman Chu flicked his sleeves, converging the waves of the fairy body, and countless long swords lost the control of their sword intent and scattered in all directions.

The surrounding monks were silent, silently shocked!

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