Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Immortal Qingsong flees, the immortality of the stars is perfect

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In the sky star.

The rest of the people also looked stunned, looking at the warships and the monster monks on the warships, their hearts were shocked.

Madman Chu told them that someone would come to support him.

Originally, they thought it was just some imaginary immortals. If they were great, it would be very difficult to find one.

But who would have thought that the immortal is here.

Not one or two.

It's a group!

"Wang has been able to find so many immortals in these years, what he has done in the outside world, it is amazing."

"As expected to be the king."

"Now, we are determined to win."

Sword Master, Ten Thousand Dharma Master and others are very excited.

And the starry sky.

Immortal Iron Sword and Immortal Qingsong glanced at each other, and without a word, they flew towards the distance and fled straight away.

"Oh, I want to go."

Immortal Haofeng's eyes condensed, and he raised his hand to grab it, and the majestic Earthxian Yuan exploded and turned into a big hand to grab it.

Terrorist pressure locked the two together.

The iron sword immortal roared and cut out a knife, trying to resist, but in front of the earth immortal, his strength was too weak.

This knife didn't cause any waves at all, it was directly smashed by Xianyuan's big hand, and even the whole person was turned into blood mist and exploded.

When Immortal Qingsong saw this scene, his face was pale and bloodless. Without a word, he turned into a cloud of blood and exploded, and in this blood fog, thousands of **** rays spread to all directions.

"Oh, is this some kind of escape?"

Immortal Haofeng was a little surprised.

He could feel that in the tens of thousands of blood lights, there was a trace of consciousness of Immortal Qingsong in each one.

He raised his hand and urged Xian Yuan to intercept most of the blood light, but one of them was still missing.

"It's fateful."

Immortal Haofeng snorted coldly, somewhat dissatisfied.

He had just broken through the earth immortal, and he was not yet familiar with his own power control, otherwise, the green pine immortal would not be able to escape.

"Well, the rest is to solve these people."

Hao Feng looked at the army left behind by Immortal Qingsong.

It doesn't need him to say anything more, the rest of the people are already aware of it and take the initiative to attack these people.

With the fall of the two immortals, these people had already lost any fighting spirit, and the combat power of Gu Ruqing and others were far stronger than this army, and after a while, the remaining people were completely killed.

Then, Gu Wuqing and others entered the sky star.

Seeing the Taoist master in front of them, they felt the level of cultivation and civilization on this sky star, and they couldn't help but wonder.

"A cultivating civilization where even immortals were not born, unexpectedly gave birth to such a stunning existence as Mr."

"It's incredible."

"Although this cultivation civilization is not powerful for the time being, the heaven on the stars is surprisingly powerful, plus sir, it is estimated that the sky star will stand on top of hundreds of millions of civilizations in a short time."

"Yes, the growth potential is very high."

Gu Ruqing and others thought secretly.

And Gu Linglong and others also received them.

"You guys are the king invited?"

Master Wanfa Dao hesitated for a while, and then asked.

When he heard what he said, Gu ruthlessly said: "Mister's order, I dare not wait, how can I use the word please?"

Wanfa Daozhu and others are secretly speechless.

It can be seen that these people are truly convinced by the Mad Chu.

They couldn't imagine that after only a few years of work, that Madman Chu who was only the master of Tao when he left the firmament stars...

How far is it now?

"Wang, is he a fairy?"

Wanfa Dao Master asked curiously.

"This is natural."

Gu Ruqing said with a faint smile, it's more than becoming a fairy, but people have turned the entire Qinglan fairy world upside down.

"Haha, good, good, that's great."

The Taoist Master of Wanfa couldn't help laughing.

In his view, whether a civilization can truly stand in the universe, the most important thing is whether it can have its own immortal.

And now, Madman Chu has become a fairy.

This news excites him more than anything else.

"that is really good."

"I knew that Wang and he would be able to become an immortal."

Luoshui Dao Master, Chaos Dao Master and others are also smiling.

"You all came from afar, it's been hard work. I have asked to prepare a banquet for you all." Gu Linglong said.

"Thank you."


Purple gold galaxy, in a barren star.

A ray of blood suddenly came.

This **** light turned into an old man, the Qingsong fairy who escaped from the hands of Immortal Haofeng.

At this time, he was extremely weak, and there was not much left in the strength of a fairy, even one thousandth.

"Damn it, **** it!!"

"How could it be like this? Where did that little sky star find so many immortals?"

Immortal Qingsong was angry and puzzled.

A group of immortals suddenly appeared in a cultivation civilization where even immortals were not born. This is really incredible.

"By order of Mr.?!"

"Mister, who is it?!"

Although puzzled, there is no doubt that the sky stars have a background and a very powerful background.

"But even if there is a background, what background in this universe can compare to my Heavenly Dao Sect?"

"This frustration, the body of the immortal, the immortal element, and the immortal consciousness are all damaged. I absolutely can't just let it go. It seems that I can only ask Daozi to come forward." Qingsong fairy thought to himself.

However, his Kunmai Daozi is too far away from the Zijin Galaxy, and he doesn't know how long it will take to find him.

"You can only use the Heavenly Dao projection to summon Daozi clones. Although it is not as good as the deity descending, it should be enough to deal with these people. However, to use this method, you need to use the Heavenly Dao as a guide and a lot of creature sacrifices..."

Immortal Qingsong looked at a life star in the distance, with a cold color in his eyes.

"Use you as a sacrifice to summon Daozi."

After Immortal Qingsong had almost recovered his injuries, he swept towards the star of life, like a heavenly demon, bringing endless disasters...


In the Blue Emperor Galaxy.

Where the original star was, only a fireball the size of an ordinary planet was left.

And just today, the fireball suddenly and quickly collapsed toward the inside, swallowing a large amount of flames.

A burning man stood in the sky, exuding extremely powerful light and heat, shining all over the world and shaking the starry sky.

The star change has attracted the attention of many monks. They looked at the fire man with a solemn color in their eyes.

"He is out."

"Unexpectedly, he could actually swallow the energy of a It's terrible."

As everyone watched, the flames on the surface of the fire body gradually dissipated, revealing a figure in white clothes.

It is Chu Madman.

At this moment, his skin is crystal clear as jade, filled with fairy radiance, and the blood in his body is rushing like a river. Every piece of flesh and bone is covered with mysterious Dao patterns, giving people an unshakable feeling.

"The immortal body of the stars is finally complete!"

Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction.

He raised his hand at will, without using any energy, punched into the void.

In an instant, the starry sky set off a violent cosmic wind, and an asteroid belt tens of thousands of miles away was affected by the fist wind, exploding one after another!

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