Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The strength of Kuntian Daozi, time is suspended, I came just in time...

"Oh, strange rune fairy."

   Kun Tian Daozi gave Gu Ruqing a surprised look, then raised his hand and punched, exploding the hot beam.

   The power of this Yin-Yang ancient talisman is indeed good, but it is a pity that Gu Ruqing is not strong enough to fully exert its power.

   After Gu Ruqing, the other immortals also used their methods.

   Fox demon ancestor, Gu Xing and other immortals rushed up.

   But they are all ordinary immortals, they are not the opponents of Kuntian Daozi at all, and the opponent blasts them easily with every gesture.

   "Hao Ranfeng!"

   At this time, Immortal Haofeng shot again.

   I saw him gather the surrounding stars and earth energy, gathered on him and turned into a tornado storm, sweeping towards Kuntian Daozi.

   "Huh, little tricks of carving insects."

   Kuntian Daozi didn't care at all.

   He raised his hand to urge the immortal yuan, the power of the heavenly way, the radiant power of the sky spread, and the surrounding stars were shocked.

   "Huangtian God Seal!!"

   I saw the celestial splendor on Kuntian Daozi, the immortal element combined with the power of the Heavenly Dao, actually formed a huge seal from the sky.

   It was as if a whole starry sky was suppressed.

  The moves issued by the Haofeng Immortal couldn't be resisted at all under this attack, they were easily shattered and vanished.

   The shocking impact also rolled out, the Haofeng Immortal, Gu Ruqing, the fox ancestor and others flew out one after another.

   "Wolf Blood Sword!"

   At this time, a wolf clan demon fairy gave a cold cry and took out a blood-colored fairy sword. There were runes on the fairy sword, which was very mysterious.

   is exactly one of the rune artifacts obtained by the madman Chu from the treasure of the Qinghuang, this wolf clan demon fairy allocated a handful.

   I saw him urging Xian Yuan to the extreme and injecting it into it. The rune on the fairy sword was instantly lit, and then burst out, like a long rainbow wrapped in boundless sword energy, stab Kuntian Daozi.

   "It's another rune fairy, you have a lot of means."

   Kuntian Daozi said indifferently.

   He pushed out again with a palm, the power of the heavens burst out, and the blood-colored fairy sword flew directly.

   At this time, several cyan long pillars descended from the sky, blocking the movement around him. This is also a rune fairy.

  The user is the fox ancestor.

   He continuously injected Xian Yuan into a fist-sized bead in his hand, and those long cyan pillars were emitted from this bead.

   "Huh, it's really endless."

   Kun Tian Daozi's eyes showed incomparable indifference, and the power of Xian Yuan and Tian Dao exploded to the extreme, like a raging wave, endless.

   The several long cyan columns were impacted by this powerful force, cracking inch by inch, shattered, and turned into countless light spots.

   The powerful impact caused the fox ancestors and others to fly upside down.

  The chaotic Taoist and others who watched the battle were shocked.

   In their view, the immortal is already the end of cultivation, but now, Kun Yuan Daozi has shown the strength to crush the immortal!

   This has had a tremendous impact on them.

   "The vastness of the universe, the immortal, may just be the end we thought..." The Master of Ten Thousand Dharma said bitterly.

   "Everyone, hide behind me!"

   Gu ruthlessly said loudly.

   Then, he activated the yin talisman protection effect of the yin and yang ancient talisman, and a rune mask emerged to protect everyone behind him.

   "Hmph, do you think you can stop me this way?"

   Kuntian Daozi snorted softly.

   blasted out with a punch, and the huge fist mark was hit.

   The unparalleled power caused the starry sky to vibrate and hit the rune shield with a loud thunder.

   Gu's ruthless face turned pale, "This person's strength is close to the middle third-grade earth immortal. Even if it is guarded by the Yin Talisman, my strength can't stop it for long, everyone, help me!"

   Haofeng Immortal took a step forward, urging Xian Yuan, injecting it into Gu Ruthless's body, helping him maintain the rune shield.

   With the help of the immortal, the light of the rune shield is magnificent, and countless mysterious runes rise into the sky, blooming boundless brilliance.

   "I would like to see how long you can support it."

   Kun Tiandao said indifferently.

   The immortal element and the power of heaven on his body continued to gush out one after another, turning into fist marks, and smashing out like a meteor.

   bang, bang, bang...

   Rune mask turbulent one after another.

   "The strength of Master Daozi is really strong! Just a projection of the heavenly path, there is such a power, its deity, it is estimated that the strength of the upper three-level earth immortal!!"

   Not far away, Immortal Qingsong couldn't help but said with emotion.

   "The eight meridians of the heavenly path, the mysterious yellow heaven and the earth, the universe of the sun and the moon, and the Kuntian Daozi only rank eighth. I don't know what strength the Daozi of the other seven veins are, especially the first one..."


   Just as Immortal Qingsong was thinking about it, the rune mask had begun to shatter, and the runes shattered one after another.

   Seeing this, Immortal Qingsong chuckled, "Sure enough, even if these people have exhausted their means, they are not Daozi's opponents."

   "Huang Tian God Seal! Break it for me!!"

   Kun Tian Daozi gave a cold voice, the power of heaven swept through, turned into a huge knot and tied it out, hitting the rune mask.

   There was a loud noise, and the rune mask was finally unbearable...

   shattered! !

   The ancient ruthless, Hao Feng Xianren and others vomited blood and flew out.

   "It's over."

   There was a trace of despair in the eyes of the immortal Haofeng.

   It's hard to break through to the fairy, but if you haven't enjoyed the charm of this fairy, it will fall.

   Gu Ruthless, Gu Xing, fox demon ancestor, etc. are also unwilling.

   Especially Gu Ruthless.

   He is the king of immortal species. With his talent, as long as he does not die, he will become immortal in the future.

   fell before he became a fairy, how could he be willing to do this? !


   Kun Tian Daozi raised his hand and once again struck a seal formed by the power of the heaven, like a whole starry sky, crashing down, enveloped the ancient ruthless people, this blow was enough to kill ninety-nine percent of the people present.

   Just when everyone is desperate...

   The world trembled fiercely.

   A wave of incomparable mysticism emerged.

   twinkling the turbulent flow of energy, the seal of the heavens that descended from the sky, everything, as if the freeze button was pressed, was frozen in place and motionless.

   Kuntian Daozi's pupils shrank, and he had noticed something.


   "Someone stopped the time of this starry sky!!!"

   He was shocked.

   Time is something mysterious and mysterious, and even a clever monk can hardly reach it without enough opportunity.

   Since history, there have been very few monks who can understand the origin of time and prove the way to immortality by the way of time!

   And now, Kun Tian Daozi clearly perceives the power of time.

   "Who is it? Who has such ability!"

   Kun Tian Daozi runs the power of the heavens and resists the constant eroding force of time.

   He looked into the distance, and saw a young man walking slowly in the starry sky. He was dressed in white. He was slender and clean. His face was handsome. There was a sense of detachment between his gestures, which made the surrounding stars dim.

   What makes Kuntian Daozi even more concerned is that this person is the source of the power of time that fills the surrounding area! !

   "It seems that I came at the right time."

   The madman Chu said indifferently, his figure flashed before he came to the seal of the heavenly path, and the power of time around him also diminished.

   In an instant, everything was restored.

   Gu Ruqing and others only felt that a white figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

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