Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Suppress the heavens, the yin and yang diagram of life and death, the law of resent

"Oh, is the power of the heavenly way of the heavenly envoy?"

   The madman of Chu gave a chuckle, the sword in his hand deflected, Xian Yuan Li whistled out, Qian Lian sword intent again.

   Only this time, his sword aura fell into a disadvantage.

   With a bang, the sword aura shattered, and the huge seal formed by the power of the heavens and the heavenly immortal essence smashed at him in the air.

   "He is dead!"

   Almost everyone thinks so.

   Tianxian, Earthxian, there is a word difference, but the gap between heaven and earth is so great, no matter how powerful the earthxian can stop the power of the heavenly fairy.

   This is almost a consensus in the spiritual world.

   And the Madman Chu who faced the seal did indeed feel a tremendous pressure that was dozens of times more terrifying than just now.

   But his face remained unchanged.

   In the next moment, under all eyes, he raised his hand, grasped his five fingers, and slowly smashed towards the seal.

   This punch is unremarkable.

   He didn't even use Xian Yuan Li.

   But it was this punch that set off an extremely strong cosmic wind in the starry sky, and the extremely terrifying front of the fist burst out along with billions of celestial splendor, smashing the shining gods into pieces!

   The storm formed by the collapse of a large number of heavenly powers and immortal powers swept in all directions, and asteroids were shrouded and destroyed.

  The madman of Chu stood in place, his white clothes as old, his body was filled with dazzling celestial glory, and even the surrounding stars were dim.

   "God, how many punches can I get?" Chu Madman's voice resounded in everyone's ears, cold, arrogant, and moving.

   The white-haired fairy's face couldn't help being solemn, "This kind of physical strength, it seems that this is your strongest method."

   Chu Madman didn't say much.

   He stepped out, jumped across the starry sky in an instant, came to the white-haired fairy, raised his hand, clenched his fist, and blasted out in one go!

   The white-haired heavenly immortal screamed coldly, and the immortal essence surging in his body, combined with the power of the heavenly path, gathered a radiant **** seal in his palm and printed it out.

  Fists and palms, the battleship under the feet of the two turned into ashes in an instant, the surrounding monks had no time to dodge, were swallowed by energy, and were swallowed in the blink of an eye, and there was no scum left in an instant.

   A punch was blocked, and Madman Chu blasted another punch, and the power of this blow was stronger than before.

   The white-haired heavenly immortal roared and urged the power of the immortal origin and heaven to the extreme, and once again cast a radiant seal of the gods, but this time, the madman Chu burst out with stronger power than him, directly blasting him back!

   Immediately afterwards, the madman Chu got close to his body, and various fierce melee fighting methods erupted one after another. The Kunwu sword in his hand was transformed into various weapons, knives, guns, swords, and halberds, which were fickle and unpredictable.

   Under the attack of the madman of Chu like a violent storm, the white-haired Tianxian retreated steadily. Even if he urged Xianyuan and put a layer of Xianyuan shield on his body, he still suffered some injuries.

  Moreover, Madman Chu’s attack power is constantly strengthening!

   As if, there is no limit!

   In these successive attacks, the power of the chaotic **** and demon body that Madman Chu had just merged gradually showed.

   Every attack is accompanied by the Qi of Chaos God and Demon.

   "Ha, let you try this trick!"

   Chu madman's chaotic **** and demon body was activated, and a powerful chaos **** and demon gas vented from his body.

   "Born in the palm of one hand!" He raised his left hand, and a bright white light bloomed, filled with an endless force.

   "Hold it to death with one hand!"

On the right hand of   , a black flame emerged, and a terrifying aura of destruction was vented, as if to bring death for the world.

   "Chaos gods and demons, yin and yang life and death chart!"

   The madman of Chu merged his hands and pinched out a mysterious seal.

  The white light and the black fire merged into a black-and-white intertwined, slowly rotating Tai Chi picture, which contained an extremely terrifying meaning of yin and yang of life and death, and rolled away towards the white-haired god! !

   This is exactly the chaotic **** and demon body with magical powers, the yin and yang life and death chart!

   Boom! !

   Only a loud noise was heard, and the Xianyuan shield on the white-haired Tianxian burst fiercely, vomiting blood and flew out.

   Seeing this, the madman Chu stepped out and came to the opponent.

   The white-haired fairy's face changed drastically, "Not good!!"

   He hurriedly wanted to activate the Xianyuan body guard.

   He deeply wants to know that in front of a powerful body refiner like Madman Chu who is good at melee physical combat, it would definitely be a nightmare without the Xianyuan body guard! !

   His body will be dismantled in minutes.

   Unfortunately, he has been slow for a moment.

   The madman of Chu caught his body guard Xian Yuan at the moment when he was broken, Kun Wu in his hand turned into a heavy hammer, he lifted his hands and smashed it out, and hit the opponent's chest fiercely.

   The sound of bone cracking sounded, and the power of this blow directly dented the white-haired Tianxian's chest. The bones and flesh and blood were mixed and splashed out of his mouth, making him almost unconscious.

   The white-haired heavenly fairy was smashed and flew out, smashing dozens of stars one after another, and an impeccable heavenly body like a white jade became extremely embarrassed.

   Everyone looked dumbfounded.

   A **** was crushed and beaten by an earth god! !

   This is really incredible.

   The strength of this person is too terrifying!

   "I'm not mistaken, is this really an earth fairy?"

   "God TM's earth fairy has such a fighting power, this guy is not an old monster pretending to be."

   "But the cultivation base that he showed is indeed the immortal!"

   "Also, what exactly is that Tai Chi diagram, and the meaning of life and death in it, just looking at it from a distance makes me shudder, it's terrible."

   Everyone talked about it, very shocked.

  Especially the Yin-Yang life-and-death map displayed by the other party, the magical powers give them an extremely terrifying feeling.

   That move directly caused an earth fairy to directly cross a great realm, shattering the heavenly immortal body guard!

   Apart from being terrible, they couldn't think of any words to describe it.

   At this moment, Madman Chu's figure flashed to the front of the white-haired Tianxian.

   The other party is now lying on a piece of star fragment, with blood spraying continuously in his mouth.

   Chu Madman walked up, stepped on the opponent's chest, UU reading condescendingly said: "You, you are defeated."

   The white-haired heavenly fairy heard this, and his consciousness was a little dazed. He actually lost, and his dignified heavenly fairy lost to an earth fairy!

   Thinking of this, an incomparably powerful anger surged into his heart, and a resolute color appeared in his eyes, "I'm going to kill you!"

   A powerful heavenly power erupted from the opponent, and this contained an extremely deep grievance.

   That resentment is incredibly strong.

  Because this is not human grievance, this is the grievance of heaven! !

   "Bad God!!"

   Accompanied by a roar, the resentment on the white-haired Tianxian became even more violent, instantly shattering the surrounding void.

   This is a secret method of the Heavenly Dao Sect, which can forcibly enhance one's own strength by burning the power of the Heavenly Dao.

   When the madman of Chu saw this, his eyes lit up, "It's good to come."

   He didn't say a word, and swallowed the gods to perform!

Although the strength of the white-haired celestial immortal who used the sky of resentment skyrocketed, it was difficult to control the power of the Heavenly Dao in his body. In front of the Madman Chu’s Heaven-Swallowing Divine Taoist Art, he had no resistance at all and could only watch the power of the Heavenly Dao continue Was swallowed by the madman of Chu.

"If you do not use this method of resenting the sky, with your cultivation base of the gods, I will not be able to swallow the power of the heavens in your body, but unfortunately, the power of the sky will be out of control when the method of resenting the sky is used. I accepted this power without any kind of courtesy!"

   Chu Madman smiled lightly.

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