Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Opportunity is present in this world, the controversy of Tianjiao, tacitly

"Oh, are you looking for me?"

   An indifferent voice sounded.

   Immediately afterwards, a beautiful divine phoenix flew from a distance. This divine phoenix was burning with an extremely pure crimson phoenix fire. When the flames filled the sky, most of the sky was dyed red, which made people look at it.

   The few Phoenix females beside the young master Jinlong couldn't help but shrink their pupils slightly, feeling that their blood was suppressed.

   Is this the power of the Pure Blood Divine Phoenix?

   As expected, it was terrible!

   And the young master Jinlong also showed resentment and unwillingness.

   If there hadn't been a madman from Chu to make trouble, he would definitely be able to use this pure-blood Divine Phoenix to cultivate into a stronger Dragon and Phoenix immortal body.

   can be annoying!

   Divine Phoenix came to the battleship and turned into a red-clothed girl. It was Chu Hong. She glanced at the Young Master Golden Dragon, and said indifferently: "I heard that you married Huang Yan, and the dragon and phoenix are married.

   "Hmph, the marriage of dragons and phoenixes is the general trend. Now, Shenlong Island and Wutong Mountain are alliances. I will definitely become the destiny world, Huang Hong, you will definitely regret your past actions."

   Young Master Jinlong snorted coldly.

   After Chu Hong left, Shenlong Island and Wutong Mountain put down their grievances and continued their marriage in order to resist the overwhelming Supreme Demon Court.

   It's just that the marriage partner has changed from Chu Hong to Huang Yan.

   "Why didn't Huang Yan come?"

   Chu Hong ignored the other party's words and asked instead.

   Young Master Jinlong flashed a different color in his eyes, and said indifferently: "Yan'er is unwell and inconvenient to come. Moreover, this time the opportunity of the ancient ruins is enough for me. You are just coming for a cutscene."

   He said this very confidently.

   seems to be inevitable for the opportunity in this ruin.

   "Oh, you are very confident, but I don't know, your strength is enough to support your confidence."

   On the horizon, a domineering aura suddenly poured out, and the surrounding void seemed to be condensed at this moment.

   Everyone looked at, on a golden warship, a young man dressed in a black robes and a jade crown stared at the Golden Dragon Prince, with a war spirit in his eyes, and his domineering aura was released without fear.

   "Xingtian Sacred Gate's Tianmingzi Yuanxu!"

   "Tsk tsk, such a powerful breath, it is said that this person's combat power is comparable to that of the fairies of the older generation, it seems true."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   are all shocked by Yuan Xu's breath.

   This destiny appeared one after another, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly rose to an unprecedented level. In the eyes of everyone, if these destiny played a few more games, then this time would not be considered in vain.

   "Yuan Xu, huh, I don't mind letting you withdraw from this fate battle now." Young Master Jinlong said with a cold snort.

   "Try it?"

   Yuan Xu is not at all shocked.

   His Xingtian Scripture has reached a higher level, and he asked himself that he could contend even with the earth immortals.


   Just when Tianmingzi's sword was drawn, the entire ancient ruins suddenly shook, and a beam of light rushed into the sky.

   And in the beam of light, a piece of treasure appeared.

   "It's a chance, the chance is here."

   Everyone exclaimed.

   I saw in the beam of light, piece by piece of treasure appeared, among them there was a large cloud of golden liquid flowing in bursts of light patterns.

   "That is, Ling Ling Yuye!!!"

   "According to the rumors, a drop of the nourishing jade liquid can enhance the soul power of the immortal. This large group is also of great use to the immortal."

   "Sure enough, this time I came right."

   Everyone looked at that nourishing spirit jade liquid, with a look of desire in their eyes.

  Although they are not practicing the way of the soul, if the soul becomes stronger, it will be helpful to them.

   If nothing else, the enlightenment will become easier.

   "This soul-raising jade liquid is mine, no one can fight with me!"

   Young Master Jinlong shot a ball of light in his eyes.

   saw him raise his hand to grab the jade liquid, a large amount of immortal yuan surged and turned into a golden dragon claw to grab it.

   "Huh, if you want this, you have to ask me first."

   hummed softly.

   Seeing Yuan Xu also made a move, he raised his hand to urge Xian Yuan, an overbearing aura appeared, and he slammed out.

   The fist and the dragon claw banged together, and the void roared.

  The air waves rolled, and some Tianjiao were directly lifted out.

   And just when Yuan Xu intercepted the Young Master Golden Dragon, Lin Yan on one side also shot, and several kinds of divine fire circulated, condensed into a big flame covering the sky and the sun and grabbed it towards the nourishing jade liquid.

   "I want the fisherman to profit, no way!"

   Yin Honghua shot a cold light in his eyes. Then, the spear in his hand pierced out, and a spear light turned into a rainbow light and hit the big flame hand.

   Lin Yan was shaken back by this blow for several steps, and snorted coldly, "Yin Honghua, you are really getting in the way, I don't mind solving you first!"

   "Then give it a try!"

   Yin Honghua laughed and rushed out with a gun, and fought with Lin Yan without saying a word. He swung his spear in a heroic manner.

   Lan Yu swept through the formation, but did not make a move.

   This is a battle of fate.

   is Yin Honghua’s battle.

   Of course, if the opponent is in danger, she will not sit back and watch.

   Not far away, the battle between Yuan Xu and the Golden Dragon Young Master was also in full swing, and the tyrannical Xian Yuan fluctuations continued to sweep out.

"good chance."

   Seeing that all the arrogances were fighting, Chu Hong laughed secretly, and her figure turned into a red light and rushed towards the soul-raising jade liquid.

   But at this moment, a few figures suddenly stood in front of her.

   is the dragon son of Shenlong Island and the Phoenix daughter of Wutong Mountain.

   "Huang Hong, you have betrayed Wutong Mountain, and you have committed a very heinous crime. Today I will clear the door for Wutong Mountain!"

   A Phoenix girl snorted coldly and raised her hand to urge the Phoenix Fire to explode.

   And Chu Hong also displays the Phoenix Fire, not only that, her Phoenix Fire is very powerful, UU Reading www. directly blasted the phoenix girl out, and a few holes were burned out of her gorgeous feather robe.

   "You..." The Huang female face was shocked.

   Both are Phoenix girls, so the gap is so big? !

   Is this the gap between the pure-blooded Divine Phoenix and them?

   Thinking of this, the Phoenix girl couldn't help being unwilling.

   "Looking at the old love, you get out of the way, I won't do anything to you." Chu Hong said lightly, she was surrounded by golden red phoenix fire burning, pure blood crushed out.

   Several dragons, phoenixes, and phoenix girls all felt pressure.

   "Huh, I want us to get out, you dream!"

   "Yes, let's go together!"

  Longzi and Huangnu shot together, fighting with Chu Hong, the prestige of the divine beast vented out, causing a sensation.

   All the Tianjiao fights fiercely, the fighting spirit is high, and in the void, the powerhouses of all the great lines are also restraining each other.

   The great master of the academy, the elder of the Yuqing Immortal Gate, the clan elder of the Xiangulin family, the elder of Shenlong Island, the elder of the Tianshengmen, etc., each of them is a resounding strong in the outside world.

   At this time, they were watching the battle of Tianjiao below in the void, and no one shot easily.

   Once they make a move, the rest of the people will naturally not sit back and watch, and then it will be a battle between orthodoxy.

   Therefore, with regard to the battle between Tianmingzi and the young Tianjiao, when it is not a last resort, everyone tacitly does not intervene.

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