Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: :1 Proverbs, the controversy between the world’s sons, a change that has never happen

Somewhere in a magnificent golden palace.

   Above a huge ancient tree, a ball of firelight is floating, and in the firelight, a phantom with two wings on its back and three legs on its abdomen can be vaguely seen, and a terrifying demonic air pouring out from it.

   At this time, a golden light flew into the golden flame.

   "Huh? Another celestial will?"

   "Could it be that I am the appointed man of fate?"

   The figure was a little surprised.

   But then, the golden flame dissipated, and a young man in a golden imperial robe appeared, with a shocked expression on his face.

   "What is the picture?"

   "Is it recorded by the will of the fairy world? It's so strong, it can kill three destiny sons at once, and there are so many immortals!"

   The young man's tone was a bit solemn.

   Originally, he thought his strength was invincible among the younger generation, even the young master of Golden Dragon was not his opponent.

   But now, the appearance of Madman Chu shattered his delusion.

   "If this person is immortal, my destiny will not sleep on the couch!"

   "Before you become a destiny world, you must find a way to solve this person first." The young man murmured.

   "Where is the Golden Crow Guard!"

   He called out to the void.

   Suddenly, several Golden Crow Guards walked out of the void.

   "See the Prince!"

   "Let's pass on the order, pay close attention to Chu Madman's every move, and report to me in time." Jin Diyi said.


   After giving the order, the Emperor Jin looked at the will of the immortal world and muttered: "Now I will refine the will of the immortal world first, and in the future, I will be able to have more confidence in the madman of Shang Chu."

   Even though that's the case...

   Can think of Chu Madman's way of holding life and death, he still can't help frowning, that kind of power is too tyrannical.

   has gone beyond the scope of Tianjiao.


   Hundred Colleges.

   The Madman Chu returned with Lan Yu and others.

   After seeing him, the many students in the academy were so ecstatic that they crowded around, shouting a gentleman.

   Chu Madman has a smile on his face, which is like a spring breeze.

   Seeing some female students, I couldn’t help being even more obsessed.

   There is a ranking of teachers in one hundred academies. The list is not based on strength, but on the popularity and prestige among students.

   And Chu Madman is at the top of the list.

   and far more than the second one.

   Unparalleled coaching level, knowledge reserves of all-round talents, and handsome appearance and temperament, the popularity of these crazy Chu people in hundreds of academies is absolutely unprecedented.

   Every time he lectures, there are no empty seats.

   "In a few days, I will arrange a lecture. If you are willing to come and listen, I welcome it." Chu Madman laughed.

   All the students were delighted when they heard this.

   "Mr. Chu is giving a lecture, I will definitely be there."

   "Go, I will definitely go."

   "Don't compete with me then."

   After a lot of noise, Madman Chu came to his residence.

   At the door, the dean is already waiting for him.

   The dean took a look, felt it, and then took a deep breath, secretly shocked, "I was promoted to the Earth Immortal so soon, and it was still the third rank of the Earth Immortal, and it was close to the third rank of the middle class. It is indeed an odd number.

   "The Dean."

   The madman of Chu bowed his hands in salute.

   "Friends of Chu Dao, you have not seen you in a few years, your style is better than before." The dean smiled faintly.

   "The dean is absurdly praised."

   The two walked into the yard and began to reminisce about the past, and Madman Chu also mentioned his previous experiences in the storm zone.

   "The other world..."

   The dean groaned for a while, and then he seemed to think of something, his pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly searched through the universe ring, and finally found a piece of jade slip.

   "What is this?" Madman Chu was a little confused.

"You know, fellow Taoist Chu, I am good at deduction, and my deduction method is inherited from a predecessor. That predecessor was a famous figure in the Qinglan immortal world many years ago. When deducing the secret, he was backlashed, and soon he left a motto, and the immortal passed away."

   "This jade slip is the motto of that senior!"

   Dean said solemnly.

   Chu madman heard the words and took the jade slip with some curiosity. When Xianyuan moved, a few lines of small characters suddenly appeared on the jade slip.

   "The battle for destiny, seven lights are one, is for the destiny world!"

   "The unity of all realms, the battle between realms, is the master of the fairy realm!"

   The madman of Chu showed great interest, "Interesting, the first half of the motto corresponds exactly to the fate dispute at this time, and the second half is more interesting."

   From the literal sense, it is not difficult to guess that it is the integration of many worlds, and then let the children of these worlds fight, and whoever wins in the end is the master of the fairy world.

"The storm zone is the boundary of the Qinglan fairy world. If the worlds merge, then the storm zone will inevitably bear the brunt. Perhaps this is the reason why the storm zone has changed over the years. The worlds have begun to merge!" The dean took a deep breath. With a breath, shocked eyes.

   "The worlds here should refer to the fragments of the fairy world in the ancient times, and now, these fragments of the fairy world are gradually merging, and it is about to be restored to a complete fairy world."

   "And so many years have passed, most of these dilapidated immortal worlds have given birth to new immortal wills, and now they merge together, so many immortal wills, who has the final say?"

   "Together together? Or, like a big fish eating a small fish, swallowing each other, that will inevitably cause turmoil in the fairy world. That's why the second half of this proverb...the battle of the world!"

   "Let each celestial world launch a realm, and fight in the integrated and complete celestial realm. Whoever wins, then the celestial will he represents is the new and complete celestial will!"

   Chu Madman tapped his fingers on the desktop unconsciously, and his thoughts flashed through his mind. He felt that he was close to the truth.

   The fate battle, UU reading is just a qualifier.

  The battle between the world's children is really a world of great competition!

   "Interesting, is the battle for the children of the world?"

   "Ha, with sentient beings as chess pieces, these immortal wills really played a big game of chess."

   The madman of Chu laughed.

  Besides, the dean also guessed an approximation, and his heart was also very shaken, "The fusion of worlds, the dispute between worlds, this is afraid to sweep the entire universe, a major change that has not been seen since ancient times."

   "This is interesting."

   The madman of Chu is full of interest.

   If he is alone on this fairy road, it would be too boring. He needs some flavoring too much.

   Besides, one Qinglan fairy world is not enough for him to play.

   The complete fairy world made him look forward to.

   After talking with the dean, the madman Chu called the little fox, took out the Jizhou Ding and the Tu Shan Jing, and said briefly about the fox family, "This is what your father left for you."

The little fox looked at the two things in his hands, and then handed Jizhouding to Madman Chu, "Big brother, you said this is the treasure of human luck, right? I can't use this thing with a fox. Give it to you, I. Let’s practice the celestial scripture my father left me."

   "Also, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask."

   Chu Madman did not refuse either.

   This Jizhou Ding, he is indeed interested.

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