Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : 1 sword cut 2 cents, declared war on the Lin family

Three days have passed since the last time the Lin Family Immortal came to negotiate with the Madman Chu. In the past few days, the Lin Family has been quiet, but Madman Chu can always detect the peeping gaze.

   is not just the Lin family.

   There are some other forces.

   "Oh, it seems that I am out of the academy, and many people are not at ease." Chu Kuangren chuckled, but his eyes were cold.


this day.

   Lan Yu is accompanying He Fei to buy something in the city.

   The Crane family is good at alchemy, and the same is true for Crane Fei. She has been avoiding the Lin family from chasing after him during this period. She hasn't touched the elixir for a long time, so she wanted to buy some medicinal materials to practice her hand.

   can be this time.

Lan Yu's eyes condensed next to   .

   I saw a big hand of Xianyuan drilled out of the void and blasted towards Lan Yu. Unwilling to show weakness, Lan Yu raised his hand and punched it out.

   Accompanied by a loud noise, the void exploded directly, a terrifying air wave swept across, Lan Yu flew upside down dozens of feet, and a fairy was also bombed out of the void, looking at Lan Yu in amazement.

   "What a Tianjiao fairy."

   "Your Lin family is looking for death!" Lan Yu recognized the immortal, who had come to negotiate with the madman of Chu in the past.

   "This is what you forced."

   This Lin Family immortal shot and intercepted Lan Yu.

   While in the void, an immortal rushed out again and flew out towards Hefei. The immortal power exploded, locking the opponent completely.

   "Behave and catch it!"

   The immortal shouted coldly. With his strength, he wanted to take He Fei severely and take away instantly. This is not a problem at all.

"not good!"

   Hefei's face changed drastically, and he wanted to leave, but with her strength, there was no room for struggle in front of the fairy.

   The immortal yuan is coming, has fallen on Hefei.

   There was a sneer on the fairy face.

   But at this critical moment, an incomparable sky-shattering sword intent suddenly broke out in He Fei's body! !

  The sword aura poured out like a flood, and in the blink of an eye, the fairy's immortal yuan was completely shattered, and the sneer on the opponent's face turned into panic at this moment, "How is it possible!!!"

   Boom! !

   In an instant, the fairy was cut to pieces by sword qi!

   Not only that, the sword was like a broken bamboo, and the momentum was like a rainbow, flying towards the immortal Lin family who fought Lan Yu.

   "Chu Madman!"

   The Lin Family's pupils shrank sharply.

   He figured it out in an instant, this was done by Madman Chu.

   They knew that Madman Chu was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong. Just a sword aura left on He Fei's body would have the ability to kill immortals. This method was too scary.

   "Shenhuo opens the sun!"

  The Lin Family Immortal roared, urging the divine fire in his body, turning into a fierce fire stream and flying towards the sword energy.

   But, not enough!

   Sword Qi smashed the flow of fire in an instant, and fell on the Lin Family Immortal, beheading it like a smash.

   The monks watching around were shocked.

   What is this?

   A sword qi, killing two immortals? !

   And He Fei was also stunned in place, her mouth slightly opened, and she also felt unbelievable, "This, this is what Madman Chu can do?"

   She has heard a lot of rumors about Chu Madman.

   But it was shocking to hear that there were witnesses!

   Originally, when the immortal's Xianyuan called, she was already desperate, but she did not expect that between the electric light and flint, the opponent and the other immortal were all killed by a sword in her body!

   And myself, unscathed!

far away.

   Inside a certain restaurant.

   The madman of Chu suddenly opened his eyes, and a majestic force soared into the sky, straight into the sky, blasting the clouds out of a big hole.

   The whole city couldn't help shaking.

   "What a Lin family, dare to attack my people!"

   The indifferent voice resounded like thunder, and all the monks in the vicinity heard the voice of Madman Chu.

   There was a lot of discussion for a while.

   "Is this Lin family crazy? Go to provoke the madman Chu."

   "Hey, that madman, I can still remember what happened on Shenlong Island."

   "What does the Lin family want to do?"

   and in the Lin family.

   Lin Zhaotian clenched his fists, his expression gloomy, "What a madman Chu, is he planning to smash with us to the end?"

   "Patriarch, Madman Chu's strength is unfathomable. It is not suitable for conflict with him for the time being. We are still...not good!"

  An elder also wanted to persuade Lin Zhaotian.

   At the next instant, his face changed abruptly and he looked into the distance.

   From where the madman of Chu was, a purple sword shadow suddenly rose up into the sky, wrapped in boundless power, and slashed towards the Lin family!

   That sword shadow covers the sky and the sun, and countless people have seen it.

   "What a powerful sword spirit!"

   "Is Madman Chu fighting against the Lin family?!"

   Everyone stared at Jian Ying, their faces extremely solemn.

  In the forest home.

   Lin Zhaotian also saw the purple sword shadow that had been cut across the sky for thousands of miles. He soared out, and golden flames roared out all over his body. Under the intertwined Dao patterns, a flame giant formed!

   "Block me!!"

   Lin Zhaotian yelled coldly, and the flame giant folded his hands together and held the huge sword shadow in his hands. The moment the two forces collided, the extremely powerful impact spread, causing the entire Lin family to fall by a hundred feet! !

   Jianying, the flames dispersed almost simultaneously.

   But Lin Zhaotian's face is not very good-looking, "His power is already infinitely close to the gods."

   He is the existence of the pinnacle of the earth immortal, but even if he takes this sword, he feels a bit difficult, which shows the strength of Madman Chu.

   "Unless the ancestors personally come forward, no one in the Lin family will be his opponent. Such a arrogant person is indeed terrifying."

   Before Lin Zhaotian could finish his emotions, the madman Chu's voice came from afar, "The actions of the Lin family, I, Chu, will return to the house someday!"

   The voice came, and everyone in the Lin family was shocked.

   Chu Madman's words are declaring war on the entire Lin family!

   "This guy is going to challenge an ancient Taoism?!"

   "It's crazy!"

   Not only the Lin Family, but almost half of the Qinglan Immortal Realm was dumbfounded.

   After Shenlong Island, the Madman Chu declared war on the Lin Family!

   This guy, UU reading is in line with the ancient Taoism?

   "Come on, really when my Lin family is not a vegetarian, my Lin family's background will make you break here!" Lin Zhaotian coldly snorted.

   After finishing the battle book, Lin Zhaotian pondered for a while, and then said to the elder beside him: "It seems that it is impossible to catch Crane Fei. Let people prepare a fire pill. We can only force the red lotus karma fire."


  The elder Lin nodded, "If you can get the red lotus karma fire, you will have a better grasp of the Shang Chu madman at that time."


   Inside the inn.

   Lan Yu, He Fei has returned.

   And Hefei also heard the words of the madman of Chu declaring war on the Lin family, with gratitude in his eyes, "Mr. Great kindness, Hefei is grateful."

   "The Lin family is looking for a dead end."

   The madman Chu said lightly: "Are you all right."

   "It's okay."

   "Thanks to Mr.'s expectation, a sword aura was left in my body, otherwise it would be unimaginable."

   "Well, let's leave tomorrow for the Ruins of Valley of Fire."

  The reason why the Madman Chu didn't go to the Lin family immediately was because he wanted to get the Red Lotus Karma Huo first.

   Moreover, the Lin family is also mining the Ten Thousand Fire Valley site, and they will naturally encounter it when they get there.

   Anyway, I have found an excuse.

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