Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Madman Chu, don’t mess around, refining the red lotus karma

"Good dog, don't get in the way!"

   The madman's phoenix of Chu screamed, directly blasting several immortals of the Lin family into scum, then stepped with their heads high and directly stepped into the Heavenly Fire Palace.

   In the Heavenly Fire Hall.

   A blood-red fire lotus the size of a human head is floating in the air, and a wave of extremely powerful fire energy spreads.

   This is exactly the red lotus industry fire.

   Around this karmic fire, Lin Zhaotian and the other elders of the earth immortals are laying out a formation, and they are forcibly collecting the red lotus karmic fire.


   There was a sound of da da footsteps, and I saw a young man in white slowly walking into the Temple of Heaven with a few people, with a playful look on his face.

   Seeing this person, Lin Zhaotian and others' expressions changed drastically.

   "It's him, Madman Chu!"

   "Damn, how could he appear here?!"

   "Fire dragon cover, they came here with the fire dragon cover, sure enough, they should have got the fire dragon cover first."

   Lin Zhaotian's faces were a bit ugly.

   They want to take action against the madman of Chu, but at this moment, they are collecting the critical moment of the karma fire, and they can't take advantage of it.

   "Chu Madman, leave immediately, your grievance with my Lin family can be wiped out!" Lin Zhaotian said loudly.

   "Oh, you want to write off, I don't want to."

   The madman Chu raised his hand and shot out a phoenix fire.

   Lin Zhaotian's face changed drastically, and he withdrew part of the immortal yuan, but also shot a divine fire, the two flames collided, and the fire wave flew.

   Lin Zhaotian couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his heart sank, he was now collecting the red lotus karma fire, and he couldn't do his best.

   "Chu madman, don't mess around. Once we withdraw our strength, the energy of the red lotus karma will be vented. Even if you have the fire dragon cover, you may not be able to hold it."

   "Yes, leave immediately, don't make mistakes!"

   "Friend Chu Daoist, although you and the Lin family have a grudge, but my Lin family appreciates you very much, you don't need to kill you here."

   Lin Zhaotian and others quickly persuaded.

   But under their gaze, Madman Chu raised his hand again and compared a **** to them.

   Lin Zhaotian and others can of course not see what this means, but for some reason, they feel as if they have been insulted.

   In the next instant, Madman Chu took a palm of his hand, and a phoenix fire that was even more violent than before burst out, hitting Lin Zhaotian and the others.

   "You lunatic!"

   "Not good, leave quickly!"

   Lin Zhaotian and others were swearing, but facing the attack of the Mad Chu, they couldn't remain indifferent. They withdrew the power of the Red Lotus Karma Fire on the spot, and jointly blocked the Phoenix Fire.

   The red lotus karmic fire that lost its suppression burst out, and a large amount of karmic fire vented out in all directions, like a huge red lotus.

   An elder Lin was affected by this force, and the effect of the fire-prevention pills in his body was exhausted, and he was burned to ashes on the spot.

   The rest of the people retreated violently, breaking through the ceiling of the Skyfire Palace, and rushing towards the distance frantically, for fear of being fluctuated by the fire.

   But even if they escaped at the fastest speed, they were still eroded by the fire of karma, and a lot of blood red flames emerged from their bodies. Their complexions changed drastically, and they quickly suppressed them with a more powerful fairy.

   "Damn Madman Chu, is this madman going to die?"

   "Damn, damn!"

   "We have fallen short, and have lost a few immortals, damn, Madman Chu, this account, my Lin family will never finish with you!!"

  The chests of Lin Zhaotian and others seemed to suppress a large mountain, they were extremely suffocated, and hated the Madman Chu to the extreme.

   "Let's go back first to expel the karmic fire in the body."

   "Damn it."

  The Lin family left in an aggrieved way. Although they had obtained a lot of good things in the Valley of Ten Thousand Fires, all of them were not as good as one-tenth of the Red Lotus Karma.

  They have been planning for so long, expending countless manpower and material resources, just to collect this red lotus karma.

  Even, so many immortals have been lost, but now they can't get the karma fire. Looking at it this way, what they got can't even offset the loss. It's really a waste of work.

   Inside the Heavenly Fire Palace.

   The red lotus karmic fire can vent, and Kuangren Chu and the others can be said to bear the brunt. The fire dragon around them roared and tried their best to resist the erosion of the karmic fire.

   But gradually, there are signs of unsustainable.

   When the madman of Chu saw this, he walked out of the protection range of the fire dragon cover, making He Fei and He Yun shocked.

   "Sir, no!"

   Ke Chu madman waved his hand so that they don't have to worry. In the next instant, he had stepped into the envelope of karma fire, his whole person was completely swallowed by karma fire, and his sin karma was instantly ignited.

   Is the crime of the madman of Chu serious?


   The Tianjiao he has killed is countless.

   He even did things like destroying civilization.

   He felt the sensation of sin karma being burned, and his body was instantly ignited, and his whole person turned into a fire man, blending with karma fire.

   "It is indeed the red lotus karma, it is indeed extraordinary."

   He felt that his physical body felt like it was about to collapse.

   You need to know that even the earth immortal can't cause him damage, but under the fire of this karma, he is about to collapse.

   "It's just that, after all, it's just the fire of no master, you can't fully use your power." Madman Chu said indifferently.

   In the next instant, the phoenix fire in his body erupted, and the golden red phoenix fire completely swallowed the whole body karmic fire, and then enveloped the red lotus karmic fire.

   In the blink of an eye, the Red Lotus Karma Fire was completely enveloped by the Phoenix Fire.

  The characteristic of the phoenix fire devouring all fires is activated!

   In the past, Madman Chu used the Phoenix Fire to swallow other flames very smoothly, but this time, he encountered unprecedented resistance.

   The red lotus karmic fire burned in the phoenix fire, entangled with the golden red phoenix fire, actually trying to eliminate the phoenix fire in reverse.

   "Interesting, but stubborn resistance cannot change your destiny."

   The madman of Chu urged Xianyuan to the extreme.

   Suddenly, the power of the Phoenix Fire increased again!

   Not only that, but the sole source body was launched, and a magnificent force swept out, suppressing the red lotus karma.

   Under the suppression of this physique, the original arrogant arrogance of UU Reading Red Lotus Karma suddenly weakened and began to be refined by the Phoenix Fire.

   The remaining karmic fires in the Heavenly Fire Palace also dispersed.

   Heyun looked at Madman Chu with a full face in amazement, "It's too strong, I couldn't refine this red lotus fire with the cultivation of the gods, but the son, he actually did it with the cultivation of the earth!"

   "Not only that, what was the physique fluctuation just now? It gave me a sense of trembling, it was terrifying."

   You must know that even if Lin Zhaotian and others came, it was not for refining the red lotus karma, but for collecting it.

   But the madman of Chu, using his own power to refine the red lotus karma, did what everyone in the Lin family and even He Yun could not do.

   Compared to Heyun's shock, Lan Yu is very calm, isn't it just refining a sacred fire? What's so surprising

   In her opinion, it's normal for Madman Chu to do this kind of thing.

   As the red lotus karmic fire was refined, the remaining karmic fires scattered in the Valley of Ten Thousand Fires also lost their source of power and gradually dispersed.

   Many people saw this scene and immediately speculated.

   "The red lotus industry fire has been refined."

"who is it?"

   "The Lin family? I saw Lin Zhaotian, the head of the Lin family, came with a few earth immortals. They must have come for the red lotus industry."

   "Tsk, this Valley of Ten Thousand Fires was also discovered by the Lin family. It seems that they have been planning for a long time. Now, the Lin family, who originally possessed a lot of sacred fire species, got this red lotus fire, which is like a tiger."

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