Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Bo Xun confronts Vulcan and explodes the heavenly weapon again

"Let you see the power of Demon Buddha Bo Xun!"

   "Po Xun's phase!"

   The madman Chu said indifferently, and saw him finger the sky and finger the ground, it is the power of the only one in the sky and the earth.

   Immediately afterwards, the immortal power in his body was transformed into a black Buddha light mixed with desires!

   The light of the Buddha soars into the sky and transforms into a four-armed Buddha image in the void. It is the Demon Buddha Bo Xun in ancient rumors!

   The wave of the Xun method came out, the devilish energy between the heaven and the earth was strong, and the Buddha's light was shining.

   The madman of Chu at this time is both solemn and sacred, but also strange and wicked.

   Two completely different temperaments flowed through him, cleverly blending together, which made people feel like they could not stop.

   Some female cultivators are eager to see, and their eyes are obsessed.

   But most of the monks were dumbfounded.

   Even the masters of the ancient Taoist tradition couldn't help being astonished after seeing Madman Chu's posture, and their faces were puzzled.

   "The madman of Chu can still practice Buddhism?"

   "Wait, isn't this the method that the blood Buddha used before? How can he do it, and it is more powerful than the blood Buddha!!"

   "Did he learn his practice in a short time after killing the blood Buddha? How could it be possible?!!!"

   "Weird, too weird, kendo, fire, time and space, now there is another Buddhism practice, he can do too much, right? What is the matter with his immortal yuan?"

   Most of the monks only walked on one spiritual path. Even if there are monks who are part-time cultivators, it is impossible to be proficient in everything, because the condensed immortality of the monks is bound to be closely related to the path they follow.

  Using this kind of immortal element to motivate other Dao is undoubtedly half the effort, and even one might even backfire itself.

   But in Madman Chu's body, no one can see this. His Xianyuan is too weird, as if it can be applied to any Tao.

   And he himself has extraordinary attainments in many ways.

   "Regardless of what weird immortality and weird practice you practice, I will kill you today, and you will never be troublesome!!!"

   Lin Zhaotian said loudly.

   I saw Xianhui flowing around him, and the Vulcan magic appearance behind him punched the Madman Chu, and the terrifying spirit burst out.

   "Then try."

   The madman of Chu smiled faintly, urging the wave of the wave behind him, the vast black Buddha light surging, and the same punch was blasted out.

   Two tall and powerful Buddhas bombarded together.

   The powerful force makes the world turbulent.

   "Break me!"

   Lin Zhaotian roared, urging the sacred fire on his body, and with the blessing of the heavenly artifact, he knocked back the phase of Bo Xun with a punch.

   "Chu madman, my current cultivation is close to the immortal, plus the blessing of the immortal, you are not my opponent!"

   "Give me defeat!"

   Vulcan's phase fists fisted, and the majestic fire vented out.

   The boundless power is about to engulf Bo Xun.

   On the other side, the cultivators of the Lin Family also urged their energy, took out the immortal weapon, and attacked Madman Chu with various moves.

   "Heavenly artifact, no one said the same."

   The madman Chu chuckles.

   Then, he took out a fairy artifact similar to a vajra.

   That is the mortal pestle he got from Jinshan Temple in the past!

  The magic pestle was in his hand, and a burst of magical purple light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the phase of the wave, and the black Buddha light on his body soared!

   There was a boom, and the children of the Lin family were blasted back by the Buddha's light, and their attacks had collapsed before they even approached Madman Chu.

Not only that.

   The black Buddha's light spread around like a boundless tide, and some of the Lin family's children lost to the power of the Buddha's light and were directly killed.

   Even the Vulcan look was blasted out.

"How could this be?!"

   Lin Zhaotian's face changed, and he urged the immortal in his body to the extreme.

   But Vulcan is still invincible.

   bang, bang!

   Bo Xunzhi's phase blasted out several punches, each punch was enough to smash hundreds of stars, that fire god's phase was blasted to rupture, and a large amount of fire could escape from it and almost collapsed.

at this time.

   on a volcano in the distance.

   A terrifying wave of celestial origin rose to the sky, and the moisture in the air was quickly evaporated. Under this wave of fluctuations, the water of the river that brought hundreds of thousands of miles to the Mad Man Chu was quickly evaporated to clean.

   The earth is cracked, and a radius of a million li seems to be turned into a furnace!

   "This breath is... a god!"

   Chu Madman narrowed his eyes slightly and looked towards a volcano in the distance.

   The fluctuations are just gushing out of the volcano.

  The monks watching the battle in the distance couldn't help but become serious.

   "God, the ancestors of the Lin family are ready to take action!"

   "The heavenly immortal, the Taoist law surpasses the sky, and the earthly immortal are two levels of existence. Can Madman Chu cope with this kind of existence?"

   "It's terrible..."

  The magma in the volcano gushes out.

   The earth seemed to be furious.

   "Come to my Lin's family to make trouble, junior boy, you are looking for death!!"

   The voice of the ancestor of the Lin family came from the crater.

   The madman of Chu smiled coldly when he heard the words, "Your Lin family has repeatedly offended me, I am not only trying to make trouble, but also to destroy you!"

   "As for you, an old immortal wants to stop me?"

   The words fell, and he threw the blamed Buddha Demon Pestle in his hand, and a dark light burst out of the Demon Pestle, as if he was about to swallow everything around him, and then plunged into the crater in an instant.

   Then, a horrified voice came out.

   "Bloat the heavenly weapon?!"


   Accompanied by a loud roar, black and deep magic light poured out, centered on the volcano where the ancestor of the Lin family was located, hundreds of thousands of li volcanoes were shrouded in magic light and turned into ashes! !

   Everyone looked at this scene and gasped!

   That's a heavenly weapon!

   If you blew yourself up, you blew up!

   Without hesitation, what kind of play is this? !

   "This guy is too decisive!"

"Generally, a monk who took a heavenly artifact is not careful to hide it. UU reading is the hole card to save his life. This guy is good, and he actually used it to explode, my god, this, this is too embarrassing. Right!"

   "What kind of play is this!"

   "Think about it carefully, this doesn't seem to be the first time Madman Chu has done this. The last time he blew himself up on a heavenly weapon on Shenlong Island."

   "My God, are all the Chinese cabbage artifacts of his day?!"

   Many monks couldn't help but shudder.

   Chu Madman's style of exploding heavenly weapons at every turn, no one in the entire Qinglan Immortal Realm could stand it.

   is too abnormal.

   Of course, Madman Chu himself did not have this consciousness.

   In his opinion, things like fairy artifacts are nothing but tools, and the correct usage is to fully utilize the value of tools.

   He has Jiuzhou Ding, the treasure of luck, so why do he need a magic pestle? Of course it was self-pop.


   A long howl came from the ruins.

   saw an embarrassed figure rush out.

   This is an old man with shawls spread out and his eyes are splitting red. The armor he wears has become tattered. There are many Taoist patterns on an immortal body, and it is obvious that the damage is not small.

   "Oh, this is not dead, it was the defensive fairy on your body that saved you, but it seems that you are not feeling well."

   The madman of Chu looked at the old man, the ancestor of the Lin family, with a chuckle.

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