Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The dragon and phoenix battlefield, Chu Hong came, the bloodline of the awakened Di

"Okay, I know about Xiaohong, just leave it to me." Chu Madman smiled lightly.

Then, he closed the communication.

Beside, Lan Yu walked up, "My son, if you take a warship to go, here is another three months away from the Dragon and Phoenix battlefield."

"Well, not in a battleship."

Madman Chu said.

He has the space transport technique and can quickly reach the Dragon Phoenix battlefield.

"He Yun, you and He Fei go to a hundred academies first, I will talk to the dean and them." Madman Chu said.

"Mr. has something to do, we dare not trouble him."

He Fei said.

Then Madman Chu took the little fox and Lan Yu and left.

As for why Chu Hong wanted to go to the Dragon Phoenix battlefield, Madman Chu could probably guess seven or eight points.

No matter how far Chu Hong and Wutong Mountain are at odds, they are also Divine Phoenix and belong to the same family. In addition, Wutong Mountain indeed provided some help when Chu Hong first arrived in the immortal world, provided her with shelter, and awakened her pure blood Divine Phoenix. Bloodline.

Based on this, now Wutong Mountain and Shenlong Island are in a bitter battle, she will not ignore it, thinking about repaying Wutong Mountain for helping her.

"This silly girl, forget it, when Wutong Mountain and Shenlong Island were provoked a long time ago, I also guessed that this happened, but it was not too surprising."

As Chu Hong's elder brother, how could Madman Chu not understand Chu Hong's temperament? This incident was still expected.


In the dragon and phoenix battlefield.

The war between Wutong Mountain and Shenlong Island is in full swing

Originally, Shenlong Island had been harassed by the madman of Chu, and his vitality was greatly injured. In addition, the young master of the golden dragon was beheaded by the madman of Chu. The morale was at the lowest time, and he was at a disadvantage against Wutong Mountain.

In fact, when the war first started, Wutong Mountain was also in the upper hand, and it annexed many areas of Shenlong Island, gradually attacking the core island of Shenlong Island, and gained a lot.

But then, the Supreme Demon Court suddenly intervened.

Shenlong Island surrendered to the Supreme Demon Court as a condition, in exchange for the Supreme Demon Court to help them to fight back Wutong Mountain.

No, not only to fight back.

With the help of this dragon and phoenix battle, the Supreme Demon Court has a tendency to annex Shenlong Island and Wutong Mountain together.

Over a sea area.

Several divine phoenixes and real dragons are fighting, and on the real dragon side, there are dozens of Golden Crow Guards assisting.

The Supreme Demon Court and Shenlong Island joined forces, and these few divine phoenixes couldn't support it at all, and soon there were casualties.


A Phoenix Fairy's expression was a little cold, "The Supreme Demon Court took advantage of the Dragon and Phoenix battle to take advantage of it. It's too despicable!"

Opposite her, a demon sneered and said: "What is mean and not mean, when did you Wutong Mountain learn from the human style, as long as you can win, what other means are you using?"

"Don't talk nonsense with her, kill them, break through this line of defense, join with the large forces, and wipe out all the phoenixes surrounding Banyue Island in one fell swoop!" a dragon fairy said coldly.

There was a cold color in his eyes.

"it is good!"

Yaoxian and Longxian made a move, and gradually forced that Phoenix into a desperate state, and the rest of the Divine Phoenix couldn't bear it.

"Is it possible that Wutong Mountain cannot escape this disaster?"

There was a look of despair in that Huang Xian's eyes.


Dragon Immortal and Demon Immortal each played a magic trick.

But at this moment.

Behind that Huang Xian, a golden-red flame suddenly roared, blocking the two energies of the fairy law.

Long Xian and Yao Xian couldn't help but change his face slightly.

"who is it?!"

In the distance, a sharp phoenix sound resounded across the battlefield!

A beautiful divine phoenix leaped into the air with a sky full of phoenix fire, and most of the sky was stained with a golden red color.

The beautiful Divine Phoenix soars in the sea of ​​clouds. In addition to the sky full of Phoenix Fire, there are bursts of auspiciousness, and the terrifying divine beast's coercion covers the audience.

The divine phoenixes felt a throbbing from the coercion, that was the awe and surrender of the higher bloodlines deep in the bloodline.

"What a pure Divine Phoenix bloodline!"

"Who is this?"

"Pureblood Divine Phoenix, she, she is Huang Hong!"

Divine Phoenix recognized Chu Hong and couldn't help exclaiming.

And Longxian, Yaoxian looked at Chu Hong who was flying into the sky, and his eyes couldn't help showing an extremely solemn color.

"Such a pure-blooded Divine Phoenix is ​​unheard of in the Qinglan Immortal Realm. Is it a pure-blooded Divine Phoenix that has been awakened twice?"

Long Xian said in shock.

According to rumors, some pure-blooded beasts with pure blood can perform multiple blood awakenings, and each awakening, in addition to the substantial increase in cultivation base, their talents can also be greatly enhanced.

In the Qinglan Immortal Realm, pure-blooded divine beasts are rare, let alone pure-blooded divine phoenixes that awakened twice.

The only known example is Chu Hong.

Chu Hong came into the air and turned into a girl in a golden and red armor. Her willow eyebrows were erected, and she looked at the demon immortal opposite with cold eyes. Long Xian said coldly, "You want to slaughter the phoenix, you are really **** it!"

Long Xian said coldly: "Sure enough, it is you, Huang Hong, you have already left Wutong Mountain, why do you want to intervene in this Dragon and Phoenix battle?"

"Hmph, it has nothing to do with you."

Chu Hong didn't talk nonsense, his cultivation erupted, and when he raised his hand, a golden red phoenix fire screamed towards the dragon fairy and the demon fairy.

"This cultivation base, Ninth Grade Immortal!"

Yaoxian, Dixian's face changed slightly.

They teamed up to strike a blow, and the two forces collided, causing the sea below to roll over, and little sparks fell on the surface, instantly evaporating a large area of ​​sea water.

"This phoenix fire is not inferior to the Divine Phoenix of the Earth Fairyland. No, I am afraid that the average Divine Phoenix of the Earth Fairy does not have this kind of phoenix fire."

Demon fairy, Long Xian was shocked.

At this time, Chu Hong had already shot again, and the powerful Golden Red Phoenix Fire continued to fire, even if the Dragon Immortal and Demon Immortal teamed up, they were not opponents, and they were burned to ashes by the Phoenix Fire in a short while.

"So strong, is this the pure-blooded Divine Phoenix who awakened twice?"

The Phoenix Fairy who was lucky enough to be saved murmured.

She looked at the girl in the scarlet armor, and suddenly felt that Wutong Mountain had lost something important.

If Chu Hong can stay in Wutong Mountain, why marry Shenlong Island?

Given time, with Chu Hong's aptitude, becoming an immortal or even a true immortal is just a matter of time.

At that time, under her leadership, why would Wutong Mountain be afraid of the Supreme Demon Court, or even any forces in this Qinglan fairy world?

"Are you all right?"

Chu Hong walked to the front of the Divine Phoenix and asked.

The gods and phoenix looked at each other, UU reading www. uukanshu. com didn't know what to say for a while, were they rescued by the traitors of Wutong Mountain?

"Huang Hong, thank you very much."

It was Huang Xian who took the lead to recover and walked to Chu Hong to thank him.

Chu Hong waved his hand and said lightly: "You don't need to be polite, Wutong Mountain has been kind to me, I just came here to repay my kindness, and my name is Chu Hong."

Chu Hong said that the first sentence indicated his purpose of coming here, and the latter sentence was to divide his position and show that he was no longer from Wutong Mountain. He came this time just to pay back his kindness.

"Oh, I see, Chu Hong."

Na Huang Xian sighed and didn't say anything.

"Where are Qingfeng and the two mountain owners?" Chu Hong asked.

"On Half Moon Island."

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