Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1020: : Messenger of 7 Feather Stars, Space-Time Spar, Assassination

Text Chapter One Thousand and Twenty: The Messenger of the Seven Feather Stars, Time Spar, Assassination

"Welcome to the space in the sleeve."

Madman Chu looked at the young man in front of him with a faint smile.

It was the moment he was attacked and killed by Ren Ying that he put this assassin in his sleeve.

"Who are you?!"

The young assassin looked at Madman Chu with a deep jealousy in his eyes, and there was... fear in his eyes.

Madman Chu's methods made him feel incredible.

Being able to move his existence at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Dao Lord to this strange space without knowing it, this is at least the existence of an immortal.

In the face of the fairy, he has no power to resist!

"Who asked you to kill Ren Ying."

Madman Chu did not answer, and asked directly.

"As a killer, I will not betray my employer easily." The assassin said coldly.

"is it?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, slowly spreading his palms, and a vivid and beautiful red fire lotus was swaying.

He threw the fire lotus out, and soon the fire lotus fell on the assassin on the opposite side.

"This, what is this?"

The assassin's face changed slightly, and he felt that something on his body was being burned again.

He urged his energy to resist the flame erosion, but it was of no avail, and intense pain was constantly impacting his mind.

Sin karma is burned, and the pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

And Madman Chu had the ability to magnify this pain ten times a hundred times more, making this assassin bitter.

Not many people can insist on not letting go under such torture.

Obviously, this assassin is the same.

He confessed that the main messenger behind the scenes was done by a top orthodox person in the sky star. The reason why they killed Ren Ying was not only for Ren Ying, but planned to kill the other party after this matter. Put blame on another family in the empire, the Bai family.

Both the Ren family and the Bai family have one characteristic.

That is absolute loyalty to the empire!

Some people want to provoke a family dispute and throw the empire into chaos.

"It seems that the empire is also unstable."

Madman Chu murmured.

He casually burned the assassin to ashes, then informed Gu Linglong of the matter and asked her to investigate.

Having managed the empire for so many years, Gu Linglong was able to handle these things very well, and she soon gained something.

"The chaos is the Tianjing Taoist school, but the most troublesome thing is not the Tianjing Taoist school, but behind this Taoist school there is an alien civilization...Seven Feather Stars!" Gu Linglong said indifferently.

When the backbone of the empire heard her, they looked at each other.

"Seven Feather Star, this civilization should not be underestimated. It is different from other civilizations. When this civilization comes into contact with us, it surrenders almost without fighting, and there is almost no loss of civilization power."

"I have heard some news. Over the years, Seven Feathers has been wooing some defeated civilizations. I want to fight against the sky stars. I have been sending people to investigate. I wanted to prepare evidence for reporting, but I didn’t expect that they were the first One step to start."

Chaos Taoist said in a cold voice.

"If this is the case, there is no need to say anything more, just send troops and beat them up."

As the warrior faction in the empire, Dao Master Tiansha always believes that force is the best way to resolve contradictions.

"It's okay to send troops, but it's not now. Now that we are fighting, it's a bit horrified." Gu Linglong said, "Seven Feather Star has sent a few envoys recently. See you."

"Then what about the Tianjing Taoist who assassinated Ren's prostitute this time?"

"Eating inside and out, there is no need to keep it."

Gu Linglong said coldly.


In the imperial capital and the imperial city, several monks are gathering together, the head of which is a woman in a long black dress with slender legs and a slim figure.

These people are the messengers sent by Qiyu Star this time.

"Everyone, I should have heard about the Heavenly Mirror Orthodoxy."

The black dress woman said indifferently.

"Oh, I see."

Everyone nodded, with solemn eyes.

"I didn't expect the Sky Empire to find out the Heavenly Mirror Orthodoxy so quickly, and I don't know if we exposed it."

"It shouldn't, otherwise, that Linglong empress should have taken action long ago. There is no need to panic, the plan remains the same."

"it is good."

There was a cold look in the eyes of the woman in the black dress, "This time I am visiting the Sky Star, and assassinating the Queen Linglong in the name of the confession, if it can succeed, the sky empire will have no leader and there will be chaos.

"At that time, with our gathered strength and counterattack in one fell swoop, the empire will be taken down in one fell swoop and replaced!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes showed excitement and determination.

They all know.

Coming to assassinate the Queen Linglong this time is a very dangerous thing. Regardless of success or failure, they are all alive and well, but for the sake of the Seven Feathers and the glory of civilization, they still have no hesitation!

"It will be time to meet the Queen Linglong in a few days. Try not to go out these days, let alone talk about anything about the Taoism of Heavenly Mirror." The woman in the black dress said.

"it is good."


Three days later.

The envoy of the Seven Feathers came to the imperial palace and met the Queen Linglong.

Seeing the exquisite queen who sits high on the throne and holds the supreme authority of dozens of galaxies, the women in the black dress can't help but marvel.

"I have seen her Majesty the Queen."

Everyone salutes.

"No need to be polite."

Empress Linglong said indifferently. She looked at the women in the black dress, her eyes calm as water, without the slightest emotion.

On the contrary, the woman in the black dress feels that when other people around are looking at them, UU reading looks hostile.

Is it because they come from other civilizations?

The woman in the black dress was a little disturbed.

"Back to the queen, we are here today to present ten billion souls and one hundred thousand fairy crystals on behalf of the seven feather stars, and to express our sincerity."

Ten billion spirits, especially the one hundred thousand immortal crystals, even for a civilization with immortals, it is not easy to take out, at least Qiyuxing's surface is full of sincerity.

"My empire is very grateful to Seven Feathers."

Gu Linglong said lightly.

The woman in the black dress glanced around. Although everyone was very wary of them, she felt a little more confident about the ability of the trump card in her hand.

"Your Majesty, in addition to the spiritual marrow fairy crystal, we also have a treasure we want to dedicate to the empire." The black group woman said.

"Oh, this is interesting, I don't know what treasure it is?"

"Your Majesty, please see."

The woman in the black dress took out a fist-sized white spar.

This spar circulated a faint white fairy radiance, intertwined with mysterious Dao patterns, revealing an incomparably powerful space-time power.

"The name of this object calls the crystal of time and space, and its biggest function freeze time and space!" said the woman in the black dress.

In the next instant, the white spar burst into bright white light, and a white mask spread, covering the entire imperial palace.

In an instant, even the immortals felt an incomparably powerful binding force that made them difficult to move!

"not good!"

Everyone's complexion changed.

At this moment, the black dress woman and others moved, and at the moment when the space-time spar was activated, she flew towards the Linglong empress.

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