Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The madman of Chu descends, if you wait as an adversary, you all shall die

Text Chapter 1,122: Chu Madman comes, you will die

Outside the sky star field.

Two figures appeared, one black and one white, and it was the woman in the black dress who had just escaped from the sky star and the sky mirror traitor to the sky star.

"Sky Mirror, I didn't expect you to be dead."

攫欝攫攝. The woman in black dress looked at the sky mirror and said unexpectedly.


Tian Mirror's face was rather ugly, "Although I escaped by luck, my orthodoxy is gone."

Speaking of this, his tone was full of resentment.

That's the orthodoxy that he has been camping for countless years, so it's gone, it won't be good for anyone else.

"It's okay, after the star master swallows the sky stars, you can build a heavenly mirror system that is stronger than before."

The black dress woman said.

Then, she thought of something, and there was a hint of horror in her eyes, "Do you know who is that stopping us?"

That person is too scary.

She even felt that even if the star master was in front of that person, would he be as vulnerable as they were?

No, it is impossible.

The star master is so powerful, it can't be so bad.

"If I didn't guess wrong, that person should be the founder of the Sky Empire... Madman Chu!" Sky Mirror said solemnly.

"Kuangren Chu, I've heard of it, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful and good at time and space. Even the time and space spar can't help him. This person will be our biggest obstacle."

"Let's go, go back to the star master first."

The black dress woman said.


The man nodded.

Then, the two figures flashed, and swept away.

They were cautious, for fear of being discovered by the people of the empire, but they were puzzled that there was no one to stop or hunt them along the way, as if the assassination did not exist.

Although puzzled, it was important to escape, and the two did not think much.

A few months later.

In the mirror of the sky, the woman in the black dress returned to a star.

Here, it is not Seven Feather Star.

It was a planet without a heavenly path, and it was also the place where the Seven Feather Star Masters gathered to fight against the forces of the firmament stars.

At this moment, inside a palace on this planet.

"Meet the star master."

The woman in the black dress, the Sky Mirror and the two knelt in front of a middle-aged man. The man was square-faced, dressed in a golden robe, and a crown on his head. He looked majestic.

This person is the Lord of Seven Feather Stars.

"Your mission failed?"

Qiyu Star Master frowned slightly.

Hearing his words, the two of them looked a little ashamed.

"The star lord asked me to cause internal disputes in the empire, but somehow, the heavenly mirror orthodoxy was exposed, and the subordinates have the trust of the star lord, please the star lord to punish it." The sky mirror did not dare to have any sophistry.

Beside, the woman in black dress also truthfully reported the assassination.

"Oh, Madman Chu..."

Hearing this name, Qiyuxing’s main eyes flashed, “I’ve heard of this person, the sky galaxy, the Azure Emperor galaxy, this person’s reputation is so high that few people can compare it, but I heard that this person went to Qinglan. Immortal Realm, he didn't expect him to come back at this time."

"Or maybe it has already come back, but has been hiding behind the scenes?"

The Seven Feather Star Master was guessing.

巘戅Play it Novel Network 巘戅. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, "No, since Madman Chu has taken action, how can you escape safely? In addition, when you come back, what obstacles will you encounter."

"We acted secretly and were not discovered."


Star Master Qiyu yelled coldly, "Quickly, notify the major leaders, Star Master, and let them leave here immediately."

The two of them also seemed to understand something, their faces changed abruptly.

The major star masters and masters immediately acted upon receiving the notice from the seven feather star masters, planning to leave here.

A star master flew out of the domain and wanted to leave quickly.

But at this moment, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared in the sky, and the star owner slammed into it.

"what happened?!"

"No, our whereabouts are exposed!"

Someone thought of something, and his face changed drastically.

Someone watched the barrier carefully.

I found that the barrier was covered with countless Dao patterns, and the fairy radiance was flowing, and it contained an incomparably surging space-time power.

"This is a space-time barrier formed by space-time forces!"

"Who is capable of forming such a barrier of time and space, is he an immortal who is proficient in the ways of time and space?"

Star Master Seven Feathers solemnly said to the woman in the black dress next to him: "You said that Madman Chu is proficient in time and space, right?"

"Not bad."

"It seems that he has come."

Boom, boom, boom...

Some star masters and Taoist leaders couldn't bear to be trapped on this planet, constantly urging momentum to bombard the barriers of time and space.

The barrier made a roar, but it was only ripples.

Everyone's attack could not destroy this large array.

"Damn, this barrier is too strong."

"Who is it?"

When everyone was puzzled and shocked, outside the barrier, a white figure slowly fell and penetrated the barrier.

It was a detached figure with an ancient white jade sword and a book on its waist, white clothes like snow, ink hair reaching the waist, but the pervasive horror aura seemed like a raging wave, sweeping through nine heavens and ten places, like a fairy king Linchen!

"Introduce myself, I am the king of the sky empire, now in front of the king, you guys, don't you kneel down?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Immediately after him, the aura on his body skyrocketed again, and the terrifying coercion caused all the cultivators present to be softened by their knees and kneeled directly on the ground, like a respectful welcoming king.

Only a handful of earth immortals can barely support it.

"Well, what a terrifying power!"

The faces of Star Master Seven Feathers and others showed horror.

Just coercion has such power, if it is shot, how earth-shattering it should be! !

Everyone dare not imagine, but they know that this person in front of them is definitely an existence they cannot match!


"You, how did you find this place?" The woman in the black dress couldn't help asking even though she had guesses in her heart.

Madman Chu glanced at the opponent, his sword fingers condensed, and then the opponent's body burst open. Sword Qi escaped from the opponent's body, and some cultivators lying on the ground under pressure were killed.

"This is the answer. If you don't want you to lead me, do you think you can get out of the empire?"

Madman Chu looked at the mirror that day and said lightly.

Not bad.

As early as when the Sky Mirror appeared to rescue the black dress woman, he had already made his calculations, let the other party leave, and secretly left the sword energy on the black dress woman, and traced it with the help of the sword energy.


Tian Mirror's face changed, and there was no desire to contend with Madman Chu under such a prestige.

He turned to escape, but was blocked by the barriers of time and space.

This time and space barrier is a kind of fairy law developed by Madman Chu based on the way of time and space. Even if it is a heavenly fairy, it takes a lot of effort to break it, let alone an ordinary fairy like the sky mirror.

"You are all adversaries, you all shall die!!"

Madman Chu's tone was cold and his killing intent was so powerful that everyone present was trembling, and his eyes showed despair.

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