Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Enter the body of the star behemoth, the fairy world begins to merge

Text Chapter 1,124: Entering the body of the star behemoth, the fairy world begins to merge

Looking at the giant starry sky beast that swallowed a ninth-level planet in two or three mouthfuls, Madman Chu suddenly felt that the sky star was very lucky.

At least before he grew up, he hadn't encountered such a terrifying disaster as the giant star beast, otherwise, the small body of the sky star is probably not enough for the giant star beast in front of him.

After devouring the ninth-level planet, the starry beast hovered in the universe, gradually escaping some starlight from its surface.

That is the energy of the stars, the star beast in front of him is now digesting the nine-level planet that has been swallowed.

"and many more."

In the distance, Madman Chu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This behemoth in the starry sky swallows the stars, so there must be a lot of star energy in his body. Then, can I use the immortal body to absorb this energy and turn it into my own use?"

"Xiao Ai, analyze it." Madman Chu thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and immediately used Xiao Ai to analyze the star behemoth.

The results of the analysis made him very satisfied.

The feasibility of his idea is as high as 80%.


"It seems that I have to break into the belly of this behemoth today."

Madman Chu whispered.

His figure flashed and flew towards the star beast.

And just after eating, the behemoth in the starry sky that was digesting seemed to have noticed something, his head moved, and a pair of eyeballs larger than some asteroids stared in the direction of Madman Chu.


A roar resounding throughout the world echoed, and some nearby asteroids were shattered by the roar.

Immediately afterwards, a thick blue beam of light gushed out of the body of the giant star beast, and shot towards Madman Chu.

What wisdom is the star behemoth is true.

However, danger can also be detected.

From the starry sky behemoth's point of view, that small Madman Chu, who was inferior to dust, now brought himself an incomparable threat.

"An attack formed by high-purity star energy?"

Madman Chu looked at the blue beam of light, and felt the power on it, perhaps even an ordinary **** could not stand it.

But he didn't avoid it, and even punched him up.


An extremely violent wind is set off in the universe!

The majestic fist swept out and smashed into the blue beam of light. The two energies crashed and the surrounding planets burst into pieces.

"Although it is not a practice method, it is just a simple launch of energy to have this kind of attack. It is truly a star beast."

Madman Chu whispered.

No wonder there are rumors that even some of the kings of the star beasts, even the existence of the Da Luo Jinxian level, are not willing to provoke rashly.

The head in front of him is not the king of giant beasts, but it should not be considered weak among the giant star beasts.

After blocking the next attack, Madman Chu's figure flashed, turned into a stream of light, and rushed in directly between the teeth of the giant beast.

Once it entered the body of the giant beast, it was unparalleled, and the majestic star energy completely enveloped Madman Chu on the spot.

"What a huge amount of energy."

"So strong."

The terrifying star energy impacted Madman Chu's body, intending to smash him. If the ordinary heavenly immortals were crushed by this energy, they would definitely not be able to stand it.

But Madman Chu's body is strong, but it might be able to hold it.

And here, he also saw the remains of the 9th-level planet that had been swallowed before, being continuously decomposed by the stellar energy, transformed into new stellar energy, to maintain the action of the star behemoth.

"let's start."

Madman Chu took a deep breath, and then the immortal celestial body in his body began to rotate, swallowing the celestial energy in the behemoth.

Almost endless stellar energy is pouring from all around, and Madman Chu feels that this is more than ten times more efficient than his own consuming stars, "It seems that this trip is the right one."

In this way, Madman Chu stayed in the body of the giant starry beast, endlessly devouring the energy of the stars accumulated by the giant starry beast for countless years. The giant beast worked hard for many years and made a wedding dress for him.

And in the outside world.

The star behemoth let out a low roar.

It feels like he is a little hungry again.

It's going to find food again.

And just as the madman Chu was constantly devouring the energy of the star behemoth, the outside world was facing unprecedented changes.

The fairy world gradually merged!

In the entire universe, all the forces have noticed the immortal world that is gradually merging, and can't help but feel a little excited.

"For many years, the fairy world has finally merged."

"Haha, countless years ago, I had foreseen the occurrence of this event, planning for many years, and finally waiting for this opportunity."


"A new era is here!"

Somewhere in the universe.

In a magnificent palace.

Eight lights and shadows came one after another, and with the arrival of the eight lights and shadows, a terrifying force of heaven fell from the sky.

An old man in a white robe appeared in front of Eight Lights and Shadows.

"I have seen the lord!"

"Yeah." The white-robed old man nodded slightly, "The Remnant Immortal Realm is merging, and the complete Immortal Realm is about to appear, and the battle of the Realm Son is about to kick off. My Heavenly Dao Sect has been deployed in various Remnant Immortal Realms for today, and you Now they have become jiezi one by one."

"How to do it, I don't need to teach you, go, enter the complete immortal world, no matter who it is, as long as he can stand out in this world-child dispute, then he will be the next lord of my Heavenly Dao Sect!"

After the white-robed old man finished speaking, the body of the eight lights trembled slightly.

One of the light and shadow said indifferently: "Compared to the position of the Sect Master of Heavenly Dao, I care more about that supreme Lord of the Immortal Realm!"

"Lord of the Immortal Realm, give me someone else!"

An unparalleled aura broke out from that light and shadow.

Hearing what he said, the rest looked at him unexpectedly.

Lord of the fairy world...

Compared to the Heavenly Dao Sect Master, the position of the Lord of the Immortal Realm is naturally more tempting. UU Reading is just that, they just think about it in their hearts, and no one is sure to win the position of the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

There are too many arrogances and evildoers this time.

"Should I be said to be the strongest Tiandaozi? It really is full of boldness, I look forward to your performance."

The white runner smiled faintly, the light and shadow nodded slightly, and then disappeared in the next instant.

The remaining seven are also preparing to leave.

At this time, the white-robed old man said, "Kuntian Daozi, the Madman Chu you talked about last time, I hope you can pay attention to it. If he really has the kind of exercise you said in his hand, it will be our natural enemy. !"

The other Daozi who were about to leave also showed interest.

"Oh, Madman Chu... interesting."

"Did the **** and demon monk who came to the Tiandao Sect to make trouble last time to protect him? It's just this world-class dispute. Da Luo-level monks are not allowed to interfere. The **** and demon monk can't protect him."

After Kuntian Daozi heard the three words of Madman Chu, a cold expression appeared in his eyes, "Sect Master, don't worry, if I meet this person, I will definitely thwart him and bring him back the exercises."


The white-haired old man nodded slightly.

Several lights and shadows left, and when they left, the white-haired old man thoughtfully said, "Interesting, there is a god-devil body in this era. I don't know if he participated in this world-child dispute."

"In addition, those moral traditions shouldn't sit still."

"Lord of the Immortal Realm, heh, such a big name, who is not interested, just don't know who will end up."

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