Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : 1 punch to kill Tianxian in seconds, and 4 Tianmen shake

The first thousand and twelfth chapters of the main text: One punch kills the gods in a second


攫欝攫攝. Madman Chu looked at the Jinjia Tianxian in front of him with an indifferent expression.

Opposite, Jin Jia Tianxian stared at Madman Chu with cold eyes, "Don't you think you should give us an explanation?"

"What do you want to explain?"

"We have worked so hard to hunt down this behemoth in the starry sky, but all the star energy in it has disappeared, and your Excellency happened to shoot from this behemoth. Shouldn't this be an explanation?"

Jin Jia Tianxian said.

As he said, the rest of the people gradually surrounded him.

Kuangren Chu became the target of all people in an instant, as if he had become a thief who stole everyone's harvest.

But Madman Chu just looked at Jinjia Tianxian and others with calm eyes, "It seems that you want to take action against me."

"Explain to us, if we can compensate for our loss, maybe we will let you go."

Jin Jia Tianxian said.

The others also agreed.

"Yes, we can't come here for nothing."

"What the **** is going on, you must clarify."


Just as the crowd was enthusiastic, a cold breath suddenly spread out, completely covering the world.

Madman Chu stood with his hands indifferent and said indifferently: "Why do I have to explain to others in my life, give way, or die!"

The icy tone was biting like a cold wind.

Everyone's eyes shrank.

They know that this person is not easy to deal with.

The Golden Armor Heavenly Immortal is keenly aware of the cultivation base displayed by the Madman Chu, the seventh rank of the Earth Immortal!

He smiled.

"You can even dare to speak out in front of me even if you are a small Seventh Grade immortal, you know that the heavenly immortals can reach the sky!!"

He stepped out one step, and the heavenly aura broke out!

In the next instant, he raised his hand and grabbed it towards Madman Chu. There were a lot of immortal yuan fluctuations and Dao patterns in that palm.

"Boy, let you suffer a bit first!"

Facing this attack, Madman Chu remained motionless.

The palm of his hand hit his shoulder abruptly.

Jin Jia Tianxian sneered, then turned his palm into claws, trying to tear off one of Madman Chu's arm before speaking.

But then, his face changed slightly.

Because he noticed that his fingers seemed to be pinching a piece of top-notch gold, there was no harm in breaking half of it.

淘戅 apex novel network 淘戅. He only realized it now, after Madman Chu received a palm from him just now, his figure stood still, motionless!

This kid is weird!

Jin Jia Tianxian intends to retreat violently in the next instant.

But it was too late.

A white jade palm grabbed his arm.


The golden armor Tianxianxianyuan surged, trying to shake the Madman Chu away, but it didn't have any effect. When his Xianyuan touched the Madman Chu, it would be like an egg smashing into a stone, and immediately collapsed!

"Did you want this just now."

Madman Chu's calm voice sounded.

Then, with his arm twisted and pulled, Golden Armor Tianxian only felt an irresistible force pulling his arm.

A mist of blood gushed out.

Jin Jia Tianxian's arm was torn off abruptly! !


Jin Jia Tianxian forcibly endured the pain of a broken arm, and took out a dark ancient sword with his left hand, urging Xian Yuan to inject it into it, and cut it out with one sword.

This sword is a kind of kendo magic, sharp and unstoppable!

There was a spiteful color in the golden armor Tianxian's eyes.

No matter how strong your body is, can you resist the benefits of this fairy weapon?


Madman Chu flung out the broken arm in his hand, and then gently raised **** to clamp the sword that was enough to smash the stars.

what? !

Jin Jia Tianxian's pupils shrank sharply.

The others were also dumbfounded.

Two fingers caught the sword of the god? !

What strength is this? !

"Xianxian? Daofa can reach the sky? Are you worthy?"

Madman Chu sneered, and slightly force with two fingers, he pulled the Golden Armor Heavenly Immortal toward him, and then blasted out with a punch.

boom! !

A shocking sound!

The golden armor on Jinjia Tianxian's body was directly smashed to pieces, and the whole person was blasted out like a meteor, smashing a dozen stars one after another, and his body almost rotted into a pool of fleshy mud.

This punch shattered his body and soul!

When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked beyond words.

In the starry sky, deathly silence.

Kill the gods with one punch! !

What the **** is this terrifying power? !

"not bad."

Madman Chu felt the power of his physical body soaring, with a satisfied smile on his face. After absorbing the energy of the stars in the giant star beast, his star immortal body had made considerable progress.

He conservatively estimated that even a fifth-rank or even sixth-rank Tianxian would not be easy to hurt him.

After killing the Golden Armor Heavenly Immortal, Madman Chu swept away, and no one dared to stop him from the rest.


"It's surprising that a complete immortal world has appeared." Chu Madman's immortal knowledge collected various intelligence in a galaxy.

He took out a piece of jade slip, wanted to contact the empire.

It was discovered that the galaxy in which it was located was too far away from the empire.

"Tsk, this behemoth can really run."

He used the space transportation technique, followed his feelings with the sky star and heaven, and quickly returned to the empire.

On the way, he had already got in touch with the Empire.

The empire also knew the news of the complete immortal world, but although the empire has developed rapidly in recent years, it is still somewhat difficult to enter the complete immortal world.

Madman Chu told the empire not to act rashly.

Soon after, he returned to the Empire.

Lan Yu, Yin Honghua, Little Fox, Chu Hong and others were all gathered together, and they were about to follow him to the fairy world.

In today's empire, there are only these few people who have the ability and the opportunity to make a big splash in the complete fairy world. UU reading

Others are not without potential, but after all, the time is still too short to fully grow up.

After rectifying the empire, Madman Chu took Lan Yu and Chu Hong and the others began to go to the complete fairy world.


One of the four heaven gates of the complete immortal world, this is the closest heaven gate to the empire, but it also spans countless light years.

It took nearly a year for Chu Kuangren to come here.

"I don't know if the academy of the Qinglan Immortal Realm is still there after the integration of the many fragmented immortals?" Madman Chu muttered.

There is nothing worthy of his nostalgia in Qinglan Immortal Realm, the only thing that is still fettered is an academy.

Chu Hong and Yin Honghua also thought of Wutong Mountain and Yuqing Immortal Gate.

With the integration of many remnant immortal realms, the first to bear the brunt is the top orthodox forces in the major remnant immortals.

"Let's go."

The madman of Chu led people into the Way of Ascension.

And at the moment he stepped in, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons and phoenix soared into the sky. The vast auspicious weather made a sensation in the universe!

Not only the North Tianmen, the other three heavenly gates in the universe also appeared exactly the same weather.

On this day, the entire universe seems to be able to hear the endless sound of dragons and phoenixes, and see the boundless immeasurable celestial glory sweeping through the nine heavens and ten places, and the mysterious Taoist music sings the void...

This terrifying weather immediately aroused the attention of countless powers in the universe, and one after another released the fairy knowledge to spy.

But in the North Tianmen, the Madman Chu was facing the vast atmosphere like the immortal king's arrival, and his expression was unwavering.

Anyway, this kind of treatment was not the first time he encountered it.

It's just that this time the momentum is bigger.

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