Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1138: : 1 person to all worlds, 9th grade cultivation base

Madman Chu is very low-key.

Yes, he has been very low-key these years.

As long as there is no one to provoke him, he has spent the past few years in the sea of ​​books to study all kinds of knowledge.

Now, he has read almost all the classics in the sea of ​​books.

He felt that he had to find other things to do, for example, to suppress these worlds.

Since he is staying in the academy now, he feels that he needs to obtain some status and rights for himself.


No, this is not enough.

There are nineteen Jiezi, oh no, there are only eighteen left now, he is just one of them.

He wants to be the indispensable only one of a hundred colleges!

The premise your strength!

"Are you coming one by one, or are you coming together?"

Madman Chu looked at the group of Jiezi in front of him and said lightly, he stood with his hands in his hands, his white clothes fluttered, his aura was not revealed.

The worlds opposite him are on the contrary, the breath flowing in their bodies, the majestic and coercive, pouring out!

From the face of it, Madman Chu looked too small in the face of this coercion, like an ant facing the might of heaven and earth.

However, no one in the audience dared to think so.

With that sword just now, Madman Chu had already demonstrated his almost overwhelming strength to Jiezi.

"This person's cultivation level is still incomprehensible to me. When he killed Yao Caizi with a single sword, the faintly revealed cultivation base was the sixth rank of the earth immortal? The seventh rank? It's too vague and hard to figure out."

"This shows that he has not used his full strength just now!"

"This person is very strong, probably better than anyone in the room. The only question is, how strong is he?!"

People in the world have different minds.

In the end, Li Wangchen, the organizer of this elegant meeting, took the lead and said, "Let me learn it first."

He uses a sword.

He also saw Madman Chu's sword just now. Although he was jealous in his heart, he also had a sense of excitement.

With a cry of Canglang, the long sword from Li Wangchen's waist was unsheathed, and a surge of sword intent swept out, and the sword aura poured toward Madman Chu.

"Dahe Jianqi!"

He didn't reserve this sword and did his best!

This sword is like a surging river, surging turbulently, with countless patterns intertwined, and a great river of thousands of miles emerges vaguely.

The madman Chu stood still, pointing his sword into a sword, and swiping towards the void, heaven's will transforming sword intent and sword intent into sword energy.

Sword Qi tore through the river and split it into two!

Strike the river with one sword!

But Li Wangchen continued to shoot, waving the long sword in his hand, the sword shadows intertwined, turning into a dense sword net.

"Wang Yang's sword!"

Swords flow in the sword net, making the sound of surging waves.

If you say, it was a river just now.

So now, a vast ocean has set off an endless tsunami!

"Either you, the river or the ocean, in my eyes, is nothing more than a small pond. How much storm can it cause?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He pointed it into a sword and headed towards the sword net in front of him.

But when the sword fingers fell into the dense sword net, the surrounding sword aura whizzed away like a tsunami, but in the next instant, the fingertips swallowed sword aura, actually tearing the boundless sword net abruptly! !

"not good!!"

Li Wangchen's pupils shrank, holding the sword against his chest.

The sword finger and the sword collided with a clang.

The majestic sword qi bursts everywhere!

The fairy sword in Li Wangchen's hand bent down, and with a bang, he was directly hit hundreds of feet away by Chu Madman's sword.

The fairy sword in his hand was buzzing endlessly.

He looked at Madman Chu with a look of horror in his eyes, "My sword art was easily broken by him, and he couldn't even hurt him!"

The monks who watched the battle all around also took a breath.

From their point of view, Jiezi is above all.

But now.

Jiezi seemed insignificant in front of Madman Chu.

"Come on together, maybe it will interest me a little."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, the rest of Jiezi looked at each other, then took a deep breath and rose into the air, the aura on his body exploded to the extreme.

"Chu Jiezi, see my strength!"

"With outnumbered enemies? Really think you can stop us from joining forces?"

With the complete release of their cultivation bases one by one, the appalling Xianyuan fluctuations spread, and the entire Floating Cloud Academy was shaken.

Even a few colleges nearby took notice.

"What a powerful breath."

"These are the breaths of the world's children, they actually released such a powerful aura at the same time, what are they doing?!"

Immortal knowledge spied out.

Soon, they saw the scene of the Yahui.

And the scene before them was shocked!

"Zhujiezi, are you targeting Madman Chu?"

"How is this going?!"

The world's children urged their breath to the extreme, their eyes were solemn, and they did not dare to be careless in the face of the madman Chu who showed his powerful strength.

The Madman Chu faced Jiezi and joined forces, standing proudly.


He gave a chuckle.

The next moment.

A majestic coercion erupted from him, his cultivation base was fully opened, and the fluctuations of the immortal yuan spread like a tide.

Dixian nine products! !

far away.

In the pavilion of famous teachers, Lu Zi and other famous teachers were also watching this battle. After seeing Madman Chu's cultivation base, he couldn't help taking a breath of air, calm as Lu Zi, and couldn't help standing up.

"Ninth Grade Immortal?!!!"

"Moreover, this breath is that the Ninth Grade Immortal Great Perfection!"

"This, how is this possible!"

It's not how strong this cultivation base is.

It was that they had just met Madman Chu a few months ago, and Madman Chu at that time was nothing but Earth Immortal Seventh Stage.

But now, the opponent has directly skyrocketed to the Ninth Stage Great Perfection!

Before that, they were still guessing how many years it would take Madman Chu to catch up with the rest of the world.

But now it seems that it will not take a few years at all.

People caught up and surpassed it in a few days! !


"This is an unscrupulous spiritual evildoer, I am afraid that even Cao Yun of Bailu Academy is far inferior."

Cao Yun is recognized as the first person in the academy within the Mingshige.

The nine ranks of the earth immortal, and also possess a certain powerful immortal body, carrying the inheritance of a certain holy ancestor, with extraordinary combat power.

But even for Cao Yun, it took more than ten years to rise from the seventh rank of the earth immortal to the ninth rank.

But how long did Madman Chu use it?

No more than one month.

"Cultivation does not represent combat power, and we can't jump to conclusions. He is not necessarily better than Cao Yun." A famous teacher said.

"Let's keep watching. He is now facing many worlds. This is an opportunity to observe his specific combat power."

Floating Cloud College. UU Reading www.uukā

On the mountain peak, the world's sons were not surprised to see Madman Chu who showed his nine-tier cultivation base.

After all, it is normal to have such a cultivation base to kill Yao gifted with a single sword, and there are also a few 9th-grade earth immortals among them.

"What makes people even more concerned is his combat power."

"It's just that no matter how high the combat power is, it is impossible to surpass the cultivation base too much. The cultivation base of the 9th rank of the earth immortal is not a god, and it can win!"

"let's go!"

A jiezi took the lead.

He raised his hand to urge the immortal law, a palm blasted out, and the power of the five elements gathered in it and turned into a colorful palm print.

Madman Chu didn't retreat and he cut out with a sword.

Break the five elements with one sword!

The rest of Jiezi also quickly took action, and various immortal techniques emerged in endlessly, and the majestic immortal yuan fluctuated, flooding the entire void.


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