Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1140: : She actually blushed and pushed a chief out

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"Do you want to fight too?"

Madman Chu looked at Zhao Fangfei and asked indifferently.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Fangfei was a little unnatural. Although she could barely maintain her composure, she still couldn't help showing panic in her eyes.

"Chu Jiezi joked, where am I your opponent."

Zhao Fangfei laughed and said.

Weird, monster!

So many worlds were defeated by him alone!

This kind of combat power is beyond common sense! !

Even if I use my full strength, it is estimated that it will only support a little longer than others, and there is no chance of winning at all.

Moreover, she was 100% sure that Madman Chu hadn't done his best!

At least she didn't see the two visions in the rumors.

The picture of a hundred schools of scholars, the heart of the snow mountain.

If these two visions are displayed, the blessings they will receive will only be stronger than Wang Chentian's King Qianjun Ying.

"It's pretty familiar." Madman Chu glanced at Zhao Fangfei, and he felt a strange breath from the opponent.

That kind of breath is somewhat different from the immortal essence of ordinary practitioners.

"Xiao Ai, analyze it."

"Yes, analyzing..."

After the analysis result came out, Madman Chu had a strange color in his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "interesting."

For some reason, Zhao Fangfei suddenly felt a weirdness.

She felt that she was stripped naked, standing naked in front of Madman Chu, without any secrets.

This guy……

It's really nice to laugh.

Although Zhao Fangfei felt a little uncomfortable, after seeing the smile on Madman Chu's face, her face turned red.

After seeing this scene, the Jiezi lying on the ground and the spectators couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded. The goddess actually blushed? !

She blushed! !

Now it's weird to say that she is not interesting to Madman Chu!

However, everyone found that although they were jealous and envious, their hostility towards Madman Chu was no longer so obvious.

Some people even worship.

The strength shown by the opponent is too strong!

Enemy him, do you want to die? ?

But when the gap between the two parties is large enough, jealousy will be greatly reduced, and even the other party will be worshipped.

The weak, yearning for the strong.

This is the law of nature.

"If I were Lan Yu or Zhao Fangfei, I would fall in love with someone like Madman Chu," a male cultivator said with emotion.

And beside him, several sisters were already staring.

"Before, I just liked his face. Now, I am greedy for everything he has. Is this Madman Chu? I love him."

"If I am a Jiezi, I must go after each other."

The female nuns are all in love.

Zhao Fangfei saw the performance of the people around her, and she suddenly felt that her calculations were a bit ridiculous.

Originally, Madman Chu killed two students in Mo Xue Academy directly or indirectly. She was dissatisfied in her heart, so she used words to provoke everyone's hostility towards Madman Chu, and wanted to make the other party a little troublesome.

By the way, test the opponent's strength.

But she forgot.

Ten will drop in one effort!

In the face of Madman Chu's absolute strength, any calculation is just useless, like a bubble, bursting with a poke.

After the Madman Chu analyzed Zhao Fangfei, although he saw the secret hidden by the other party, he did not say it.

He lifted his hand to dissipate the endless earth energy.

In the distance, in the pavilion of the famous teacher.

Lu Zi took a deep breath and said lightly: "Everyone, you should have seen the strength of Madman Chu."

The other famous teachers were a little silent.

Before today, even if they used their greatest imagination, they would never have guessed that Madman Chu had this kind of combat power!

"Kuang Man Chu is extraordinary. I have another information about him. Please take a look."

Lu Zi thought for a while, took out a jade slip and handed it over.

Everyone took the jade slips and watched them one by one, and then their expressions changed to varying degrees.

"The most famous saying?"

"This person can speak the most reasonable sayings in preaching?!"

"Moreover, have you ever lived through the immortal punishment? Although it is only a celestial punishment in the world of remnant immortals, what did he create that caused the immortal punishment?"

What is recorded in the jade slips is about the behaviors of the madman Chu in the academy of the Qinglan Immortal Realm.

These can be easily found if you are interested.

"What is said in this jade slip, is it true or not?"

There is still a famous teacher who can't believe it.

Lu Zi said lightly: "Not to mention whether these are true or false, but the combat power displayed by this person today is what you and me and others have witnessed. This person's potential is so high that it should be the best in the academy."

"What do Lu Zi think?"

"I think that with so many academies, it's time to introduce a chief to lead the students." Lu Zi said lightly.


The famous teachers looked at each other.

"By the way, what about he killing Yao Caizi?"

"At the Peach Blossom Academy, find someone to enlighten him. Yao Caizi is just one of the frustrations of Jin Yu. It is not worth mentioning compared to the Madman Chu." Lu Zi said calmly.

"That said, the madman of Chu killed the students of Mo Xue Academy and the world of Peach Blossom Academy before and after. If this behavior is the chief, will it cause criticism?" A famous teacher worried.

"This son is indeed cruel, but it is also measured. Lin Xian and Yao Caizi touched his bottom line, so it caused a murderous disaster. Look at the rest of the world, the people who fought with him seemed to be hit hard. But no one is hurt to the root, and he can recover after a period of training. As for criticism, heh, I believe he can handle it."

Lu Zi smiled faintly.

He said so, naturally other famous teachers have no opinion.


"That's what Lu Zi Academy.

On the mountain peak.

Madman Chu did not leave after defeating the world.

"Haha, Chu Jiezi, you are strong and strong, I have completely convinced you, please give me more advice in the future, ahem..."

Wang Chentian laughed and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood while smiling.

Although he was hit hard by the Madman Chu, he didn't show any resentment at all. On the contrary, he had some respect for the other party.

For people like Wang Shentian, it is actually very simple to convince him, just beat him up.

Madman Chu glanced at him, then slowly raised his hand.

In an instant, the meaning of life and death flowed.

A huge picture of Tai Chi completely enveloped everyone, and the horrible waves contained in it made the world's hearts chill.

What magical power is this? !

Also, what does Madman Chu want to do?

Could it be that he hasn't played enough yet?

When everyone was puzzled, they saw a bright white light on the life side of the Taiji diagram, and an extremely powerful breath of life poured into their bodies, and their injuries were quickly repaired.

The world's children can't help but be surprised.

"What a powerful healing method."

"The meaning of life and death can be freely switched between life and death. It seems that Chu Jiezi's attainments in the way of life and death are extraordinary."

"Thank you Chu Jiezi."

They thanked the madman Chu.

Then, I felt a little weird.

Because it was Madman Chu who injured them, but now, they want to thank each other? !

What is this called?

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"You don't need to be polite, you, me and others are all members of my academy. I have the honor to be together today. Why not sit down and talk about it?"

Madman Chu smiled lightly.


Everyone lit up and nodded.

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