Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1154: : Reincarnation Tribulation Light, 2 Great Visions Blessing, Killing the 4th Realm of

Inside the Four Elephants Extinguishing Immortal Formation, the four great Faxiang towers, like four giants standing on top of the earth, staring at Madman Chu with indifference.

   Under such pressure, the ordinary monk has long been so scared that he can't stand still.

   But the Madman Chu still looks calm and calm.

   I saw the aura circulating on his body, and a mysterious wave of reincarnation spread out, shaking the sky in all directions!

  The small book booth that book friends used before    has gone down, now basically they are using \Mic\Mic\Reading\\ .

   And when this wave of reincarnation circulates, the powerful people who are secretly spying can't help but shrink their pupils and are shocked.

   "This power is...reincarnation celestial body!!"

   "The reincarnation celestial body, one of the top ten supreme celestial bodies, this, the chief of the academy is actually carrying the reincarnation celestial body, it is actually like this..."

   "No wonder this person can control the reincarnation seal."

   All the powers couldn't help taking a breath.

   As one of the ten supreme immortal bodies, the reincarnation celestial body is still very famous. Its power of reincarnation is one of the most mysterious powers in the world, and it has been studied by countless immortals.


   Xiao Zhurong also noticed the reincarnation fluctuations in Madman Chu, his face changed slightly, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

   He immediately let the other three people shoot together.

   I saw immortal origins bursting out of the four dharma statues, each of them played a celestial technique and attacked the Madman Chu from all directions.

   The power of these four immortals is unmatched, each of them is enough to kill the ordinary gods, and at the same time, with the blessing of the formation, the power is even higher.

   It can be said that this trick can hardly be resisted even at the third rank.

   "Reincarnation Tribulation Light!!"

   The madman Chu drank indifferently, and his body was surging with immortal origins. A gray halo containing incomparably terrifying power of reincarnation spread out from him as the center, and impacted the immortal law coming from all around him.

   It is the reincarnation celestial body with its own magical powers, reincarnation catastrophe light!

   Under this catastrophe, everything seems to be shattered.

   Under the collision of several powers, the power of the Four Elephants can kill even the third-grade Celestial Immortal even if they are overbearing, only one word...break! !

   The four elephants were broken, and the four Xiao Zhurong were the first to vomit blood and fly upside down, looking at Madman Chu with horror.

   "What a terrifying strength!"

   "Damn, we are not his opponents."

   "The three of you help me out!"

   Xiao Zhurong roared.

   Then, he took out a blood-red pill and took it, and a more powerful and domineering aura spouted from him.

   At this moment, Xiao Zhurong was actually using the power of the pill to forcefully break through the shackles of the Ninth Stage Great Perfection of the Earth Immortal and step into the Heavenly Immortal! !

   And with his cultivation base talent, once stepping into the heavenly immortal, the combat power is naturally not comparable to that of the ordinary heavenly immortals, and with the blessing of the Four Elephant Extinguishing Immortal Array, it can even be compared with the top heavenly immortals.

   "Little Zhurong, it's up to you!"

   The other three Jiezi glanced at each other, and then urged Xian Yuan to run the formation, focusing all the blessing power of the formation on Xiao Zhurong.

   "The chief of the academy, die!"

   Xiao Zhurong let out a long whistle, the Vulcan magic phase behind him was burning with endless flames, and then he held the spear in his hand and pierced it!

   A pillar of fire gushes, burning a large area of ​​void to collapse.

at this time.

   I only saw the mysterious brilliance circulating in the madman of Chu, and there were Taoist chanting in the void, and the appearance of a hundred schools of thought appeared.

  Vision, a hundred schools of thought!

   This is not over yet.

   There was a sudden chill in the air.

   The rolling snow-capped mountains emerge out of thin air.

   Empty and lonely.

  Snow Mountain Wenxin Vision!

   The two big visions of the madman of Chu are unfolding. With the blessing of the visions, they once again urge the magical powers of the celestial bodies in reincarnation, reincarnation tribulation!

   Jieguang shot out, and the surrounding void shattered inch by inch under the force of reincarnation, and everything was annihilated in reincarnation, and this naturally included the fairy magic played by Xiao Zhurong.

"no no!!"

   Facing the engulfing robbery light, Xiao Zhurong's face was full of unprecedented horror.

   He wanted to hide, wanted to escape, but there was an inexplicable suction in the robbery light, which held him firmly.

   In an instant.

  Samsara Jieguang flooded Xiao Zhurong and the other three worlds.

   Four groups of blood mist exploded in the air!

   The four worlds...fallen!

   And the power of the will of the immortal world in their bodies burst out, and it was naturally absorbed by Madman Chu.

   "Xianting Jiezi, but you."

   Chu Madman shook his head.

   And his words were heard by many secretly prying powers.

   "Hey, I'm so daring. I dare to say such things. Now, he is afraid that he is going to make enemies with Kunlun Fairy Court."

   "Xianting died of four realmists at once. Even if the Xianting family has a big business, I am afraid it will be distressed."

   "Wait and see, Xian Ting will not easily let go of the chief of the academy. It's just that with this person's strength, apart from the older generation of immortals, it is estimated that only those few young princes can compare."

   "The two great anomalies of the academy, plus the reincarnation celestial body, tsk, it is estimated that even if Shaoyu encounters it, it is enough to hang."

   The great powers are communicating with each other using fairy knowledge.

   And the madman of Chu can clearly feel that there are several immortal consciousnesses falling on him, with a strong hostility.

   That is, the gaze from the Xian Ting powerhouse.

   However, these powerhouses did not take action. After all, in the Jiezi fight, the older generation of powerhouses, especially Daluo, cannot easily take action.

   will be targeted by the will of the fairy world anyway.

   "Xian Ting? Maybe it will be an interesting opponent."

   Chu Madman whispered, and then, with a wave of his sleeve, he released Lan Yu from the space in the universe.

   Several people continued on the road.

   While on the road, Madman Chu was thinking about one thing.

   Before, when he used the reincarnation celestial body, another physique on his body, the chaos **** and demon body seemed to react.

   can't help but run on its own.

   This makes him have to pay attention. UU reading www.

   "Reincarnation celestial bodies, palm the power of reincarnation!"

   "And this chaos **** and demon of mine is the meaning of controlling life and death. Life and death are originally a reincarnation."

   "Life and death, reincarnation..."

   "Reincarnation of life and death, is it possible that my two physiques still complement each other, or even have the potential to merge?!"

   Chu Madman's eyes lit up.

  Whether it is a chaotic **** or a reincarnation celestial body, a single physique contains extremely powerful strength and potential.

   Even now, he hasn't mastered the extreme, he just mastered one of the magical powers attached to these two physiques.

  A single physique is so powerful, how strong will it be? ?

can not imagine.

   "Well... if it can be merged, then the two physiques must be merged first, and then merged into the body of the only source."

   Chu Madman thought to himself.

   Compared with these two physiques, what he values ​​most is the only original body he created. The growth potential of this physique is inestimable, and it may even become a super god-level physique in the future.

   Physique matters, put it aside first.

   The madman of Chu continued to go to the Sanqing Daomen, playing in the mountains and rivers along the upstream, and occasionally encountered some disputes, but they were able to resolve them smoothly with their strength.

   A few months later, several people came to the Sanqing Daomen and also contacted Gongyue and Yin Honghua.

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