Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1158: : Qingling Taoist, the strongest Taoist cotyledon bamboo

Madman Chu looked at Bei Ming with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The reason why he dared to make trouble in the Dao Sect, in addition to his status as a world-born son, and the added reason of his luck, is more because Bei Ming gave the three gods and demons at the time. The latter is especially the former. on.

   is just the power of the spirit of the gods and demons, especially above imagination.

   One palm destroys the golden fairy.

   Even, I still have spare power.

   And this is just Bei Ming's spirit of gods and demons.

   His deity may be in any corner of the universe.


   A figure came to Chu Madman, above Bei Ming, this was an old man wearing a black and white robe and carrying a whisk.

   There is an extremely powerful wave of immortal origin permeating his body, with Dao patterns intertwined all over his body, and mysterious radiance is circulating.

   This person is the current head of the Sanqing Daomen, Qingling Daoist.

  At this moment, the Taoist Qingling looked at Bei Ming in front of him with an unprecedented dignified look. Looking back at the other party, he looked careless, as if he did not worry about his situation at all.

   Qingling Taoist also knows that the other party has that confidence.

  Because there is only a spirit of the gods and demons in Beiming in front of him, what if he can destroy it?

   If the opponent's deity kills, the Sanqingdao goalkeeper will be in disaster.

   Thinking of this, Taoist Qingling feels extremely heavy.

   He looked at Madman Chu, "I didn't expect your Excellency to have a close relationship with the gods and demons besides the reincarnation body."

   The madman of Chu smiled silently.

   On the contrary, Bei Ming next to him was a little surprised, "Oh, I didn't expect you to have reincarnation celestial bodies."

   He became more and more curious about the madman of Chu, the chaos **** and demon body, the reincarnation celestial body, the two physiques in one, which are rare in ancient and modern times.

   "Oh, it's just a good luck."

   The madman Chu chuckles.


Bei Ming nodded and didn't ask much. Then he looked at Taoist Qingling and the others, and said to Madman Chu behind him: "Boy Chu, I didn't expect you to provoke Sanqing's line. My spirit of **** and devil can I can't deal with everyone here, or I will take you away first, and then wait for my deity to come, let's come and destroy them again, how about?"

   Hearing Bei Ming's words, the Qingling Taoist and the others shook their hearts and looked at Madman Chu, for fear that he nodded and agreed.

   Although it is said that the Sanqing Daomen has a profound background, facing a top Daluo Jinxian and even the whole line of gods and demons, it is not enough to see, this is the oldest line of practitioners in the universe.

   "Heh, it's not so exaggerated."

   The madman of Chu chuckled slightly. He didn't know the specific extent of Bei Ming's strength. If he dealt with the entire Sanqingdao Sect for him, even if he could win in the end, would he pay any price for it?

   Moreover, he didn't want to destroy the door when he summoned Bei Ming this time.

   If he really wants to destroy the door, he will wait for the future to do it himself.


   Qingling Taoist breathed a sigh of relief.

  If he can, he doesn't want to be in a line with the gods and demons.

   Then, he looked at Madman Chu and said, "Little friend Chu, I will investigate the matter about Yin Honghua and give her an explanation."

   "Such the best."

   The other elders, Jiezi's face is a bit ugly.

  Chu madman killed a realm, an elder, but they still have to give each other an explanation. Although they understand that fighting with the gods and demons will have no good results for them, this is really too awkward.

   I want to announce that the novel app I'm using recently, both Android and iPhone support!

   Boom! !

at this time.

   From a mountain peak in the distance, a powerful energy rose into the sky, a white beam of light penetrated the sky like a straight long sword, and bursts of sharp and surging kendo pressure spread out.

   Everyone felt this breath.

   "That direction is... Brother Ye Zhu!"

   "Brother Ye Zhu is out."

   The disciples of the Sanqingdaomen looked happy.

   I saw the white beam of light scattered.

   A figure in a green shirt soared into the sky.

   The man closed his eyes tightly, holding a bamboo stick in his hand, his face was handsome, his breath was gentle, but there was a fierceness in the faint.

   is like a sword hidden in a sheath, which has reduced its sharpness, but once it is out of the sheath, it is bound to be shocking! !

   "Oh, interesting."

   The madman of Chu looked at the visitor with great interest.

   He keenly felt that the strength of the person in front of him was very strong. Of course, this strength was relative. Compared to Da Luo Jinxian like Beiming and Qingling Taoist, that kind of strength could be said to be insignificant.

   But among the younger generation, it is absolutely top.

   At least, Xiao Zhurong is not as good as the other party.

  Even, Xiao Zhurong's four worlds joined together to use the Sixiang Extinguishing Array, which is probably not the opponent's opponent.

   Rarely, Madman Chu wanted to have real interest.

   "I have seen brother."

   "Brother Ye Zhu, you are here."

   All Jiezi looked at the young man Ye Zhu, with a little admiration in his eyes.

   can make a lot of Jiezi so convincing, it can be seen that Ye Zhu's ability is like the position of the Madman Chu in the academy.

   Ye Zhu smiled and greeted the fellow Jiezi, then he walked to the Qingling Taoist group and bowed his hands in salute.

   "I have seen the head, elder."

   "Ye Zhu, you have broken through the realm of heavenly immortals."

   Qingling Taoist stared at Ye Zhu.


   Yezhu nodded slightly.

   "Haha, that's great."

   Qingling Taoist couldn't help but laugh.

  The elders also smiled, and the depressive air that had been caused by the Madman Chu also disappeared a lot.

   There is a difference between heaven and earth.

   Ye Zhuben is the strongest realm of the Sanqing Daomen, and now he has broken through to the realm of heavenly immortals, and his combat power is even more unfathomable.

   In this way, this controversy between world sons can add a bit more confidence.

   "I heard that the chief of the academy came to challenge the Dao Sect. As a Dao Sect master, I should take the challenge. I wonder if the chief of the academy dare to fight?!"

   Ye Zhu faced the madman Chu, although his eyes were closed tightly, the awe-inspiring warfare in his tone inspired everyone present.

   "Haha, Brother Ye Zhu is going to make a move."

   "Great. UU Reading"

   "Brother Ye Zhu is the strongest realm of my Dao Sect, and now he has broken through the realm of Heavenly Immortal, he can definitely defeat the opponent."

  All the world's children, the Daoist disciples were so excited, they waited for Ye Zhu to raise their eyebrows.

   And the madman of Chu heard the words, his mouth was slightly raised, "You want to be defeated, I have no reason to fail you!"

  Compared with the awe-inspiring warfare in Ye Zhu's body, Madman Chu was extremely calm, standing with his hands in his hands, calm and calm.

   "In this case, Ye Zhu, you can discuss with the chief of the academy, you are now a god, remember to show some affection."

   Qingling Taoist said.

This time the madman of Chu killed Jiezi and the elders, which greatly damaged the face of the Sanqing Dao Sect. However, due to the Jiezi dispute, hundreds of academies and the line of gods and demons, and other factors, these high-level powerhouses are again It's not good to directly attack Madman Chu.

   Yezhu was just right.

   He believed that the cultivation of Ye Zhutianxian realm was enough to defeat the madman of Chu and save face for the Sanqing Dao Sect.

   "I see." Ye Zhu nodded slightly, facing the Madman Chu, "The chief of the academy, please!"

   "Heh, boy Chu, this person is not simple, and his cultivation base is higher than you, so you have to be careful."

   Bei Mingchao Chu Madman smiled lightly.

   "If the cultivation base is higher than me, do I kill fewer?"

   The madman of Chu laughed, awe-inspiring, his figure flashed to the Zhanzi Peak, the sword was not out, the coercion was already roaring for thousands of miles!

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