Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1164: : 1 gasification 3 clear, 3 clear is not dead? Breakthrough

Spirit at home.

The three souls of the madman of Chu are deducing the immortal scriptures, and countless mysterious characters are circulating, vaguely forming a new method.

I saw countless characters scattered and turned into a white light ball.

The soul of Madman Chu went to touch the light group.

But in the next instant, all kinds of illusions changed.


"It's no wonder that the Taoist Qingling said that fusion of this immortal scripture is easy to get confused. That's how it is." Madman Chu murmured.

This fairy scripture is too mysterious.

It is so profound that it will produce various illusions on its own to confuse practitioners. If you want to integrate the fairy scriptures, you must first go through the illusion test.

Otherwise, it will be madness and death.

"It's just a pity, your illusion can't help me."

How tough is the Taoist Heart of Madman Chu?

It can be described as indestructible, there is nothing to shake.

Although the illusion created by this immortal scripture is great, it is far from enough to disrupt his Dao Heart.


Madman Chu gave a soft cry, and all the illusions in front of him collapsed.

The next moment.

I saw a more dazzling and bright light blooming in the white light group, and the light group was divided into three, turning into three illusory figures.

The first is a middle-aged man in a black robe, with sword eyebrows wide-eyed, without anger and prestige. The second is an old man with white hair and white eyebrows. Holding a scroll in his hand, with a kind eyebrow, like a teacher.


Madman Chu murmured, subconsciously speaking out the names of these three people.

He has never seen Sanqing.

However, he knew that these three people were Sanqing.

The three of them glanced at Chu Madman, with appreciation in their eyes.

At this moment, Madman Chu suddenly felt a strong feeling, as if the ancient Sanqing hadn't really died.

They seem to exist in a certain corner of this world, quietly watching the changes and vicissitudes of the world.

Even...caring about yourself? !

There is no reason for this feeling, but it is extremely strong.

Before the madman of Chu could think about it, the three clear phantoms in front of him suddenly dispersed and turned into countless mysterious characters.

The celestial scripture formed by the fusion of the three celestial scriptures is completely displayed in front of the madman of Chu, and its name Qi transforms three clears! !

Kuangren Chu comprehended this brand-new immortal sutra, and only felt that the Taoism of the world appeared in front of him one by one, one after another.

This celestial scripture seemed to be the source of the Taoism that day.

Two life, two life three, three life all things...

One gas into three clear!

Sanqing is one!

A lot of mysticism came to my heart.


Today is a peaceful day.


Ye Zhu walked out of the room. He still closed his eyes. Although his face was still pale, his injuries were no longer serious.

He recalled the battle on Zhanzi Peak that day.

With his own celestial cultivation base, plus Qingye Jiantong, he should have been rare rivals among the younger generation, but in the end, he still lost.

The defeat was a complete mess.

Because he couldn't even hurt the madman.

Because Madman Chu is just an earth fairy.

"Brother, you are awake."

At this time, several Jiezi greeted them quickly.

Ye Zhu nodded slightly, "Where is the chief of the academy?"

"He is in retreat now."

"Retreat? Where is it?"

"Just at our door."

Cheng Yun said with a bit of gritted teeth, after letting Daomen face sweeping, he dared to shut himself up at Daomen.

This is too arrogant.

"Oh, the chief of this academy feels at ease."

Ye Zhu chuckled, but he didn't care much.

"Brother Ye Zhu, are you all right."

You Jiezi asked worriedly.

Although Ye Zhu didn't open his eyes, the immortal consciousness was always running, and everyone looked at the worried expressions.

He knew that everyone was afraid that he would be devastated.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not that vulnerable."

"Although this battle was defeated, it also let me know that there are people outside this person, there are days outside the world, and I am still far from being proud."

After Ye Zhu finished speaking, he recalled what the Madman Chu had said before he fainted.

All you can chase is me today...

I allow you to have hope...

"Chu madman, chief of the academy, one day, I will catch up and defeat you, please take a good look."

"Aoba Jiantong is bound to stand on top of kendo!"

Ye Zhu thought to himself.

But at this moment.

In the distance, a white beam of light suddenly rose into the sky!

That beam of light seemed to be composed of countless mysterious characters, Xianhui was brilliant, a wave of incomparably powerful Xianyuan wave spread out.

Boom, boom...

Void shakes, and the world is turbulent.

"This momentum is... Heavenly Immortal?! Someone has broken through the Heavenly Immortal realm, but this movement is too terrifying! Even Senior Brother Ye Zhu's breakthrough was far from that level."

"Also, what are those characters? Why, why do I feel that the celestial scriptures in my body are a little out of control."

Ye Zhu took a deep breath, "Yes, the chief of the academy!"

He was almost 100% sure that only Madman Chu could cause such a movement to break through the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

what is this? I just wanted to surpass the opponent, and the opponent will directly break into the realm of heavenly immortals in the next moment!

This face was hit too quickly.


"He could defeat me when he was in the realm of earth immortals, and now he has broken through to the heavenly immortals, what kind of combat power will he reach?!"

Ye Zhu murmured.

However, he will not admit defeat.

"Go, go and see."

Everyone flashed, and swept towards Madman Chu's place.

at the same time.

The elders of the entire Sanqingdaomen also acted.

In addition to the Chu Kuangren breaking outside of the heavenly immortal, they even felt an incomparably wonderful fluctuation.

This fluctuation can actually arouse the fairy scriptures in their bodies!

"What exactly is going on?"

"Mad Chu, what did he do?"

Everyone is puzzled.

When they came to each other's residence and saw the countless characters in the white beam of light, their eyes were a little surprised.

"These characters look like a certain fairy Scripture..."

"Wait, why is it a bit like Yuqing Yuanshijing?!"

"No, it's Taiqing Daodejing."

"You are all wrong, it is the Shangqing Lingbao Jing."

The monks who practiced different celestial scriptures saw the celestial scriptures they practiced, which shocked everyone.

This is He Xian Jing after all.

Some people also want to see if they can comprehend this celestial scripture.

Among them, those strong people at the golden immortal level are included, but they know every word in this immortal sutra.

It's just that they can't understand it at all in combination.

This immortal scripture is too mysterious.

"Has he successfully merged the three celestial scriptures?!!!"

Taoist Qingling took a deep breath, unbelievable.

And beside him, several elders also heard what he said, and they were all dumbfounded, unbelievable.

Ye Zhu and other Jiezi also came and heard the words of Taoist Qingling.

They were stunned. U U Reading

The three celestial scriptures merge? is it possible? !

"There are indeed rumors within the Daomen that the three immortal sutras can be integrated, but that is something that even Daomen ancestors can't do. The chief of the academy, he has succeeded!!"

"Could it be that his Tianzi surpassed the Taoist Patriarch?!"

"My goodness……"

Ye Zhu was in a trance.

He actually aimed for such an existence?

Can he really surpass each other?


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