Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1169: : The decision of the soul guardian, 0 eye formation, refining the emperor seal

With a word, ten thousand ghosts kneel!

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, facing a deadly army of dead souls, but these dead souls are now all kneeling on the ground.

Regardless of whether it is an earth fairy or a heavenly fairy, all are the same.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

What's happening here?

In a word, let the ghosts kneel down! !

"Who is this person?"

"How did he do it?"

Everyone was puzzled and puzzled.

Wan Gui was terrified.

In the horrified gazes of the people and the ghosts, Madman Chu slowly walked to the front of the armored soul, his gaze indifferent.

He stared at the back of the armored souls, and he saw a thread where no one could see.

An invisible thread!

"It's Yuhun again, it's really a narrow road for Yuanjia."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly. He had met each other in the previous Fengdu Mansion, but he did not expect to meet him again this time.

Just when he was about to do something, he discovered that those invisible threads were disconnected spontaneously and disappeared.

"Oh, running very fast."

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

The War Armor Dead Soul felt that the power that had been restraining him had disappeared. He knew that all this must be because of the Madman Chu in front of him, this person, that made the soul guardian fear.

"who are you?"

The War Armor Dead Soul asked tremblingly.

Madman Chu raised his hand to take out the emperor seal, "Your emperor!"

The pupils of many conscious souls shrank sharply.

Ghost Emperor!

This person in front of him is actually a ghost emperor!

At this moment, they understood why they would have no resistance in front of each other.

In this Fengdu Mansion, being an enemy of the ghost emperor is simply joking, let alone a group of dead souls.

Even in other places, the ghost emperor has absolute suppression of the dead. Is the ghost emperor joking?

"Let's go, take me to the imperial palace."

Madman Chu said.


The battle armor dead soul no longer has any desire to resist, even if the golden immortal soul is in this capital, in front of Madman Chu, he can only obey, let alone his little god.

"It turns out that he is the new ghost emperor."

"The rumored chief of the academy is actually such an outstanding figure. No wonder he can defeat Xiao Zhurong."

Everyone looked at the back of Madman Chu's departure, and was amazed.


Inside the imperial palace.

The Soul Guardian opened his eyes suddenly, his brows frowned, "I didn't expect Madman Chu to come so quickly, it's surprising."

He looked at the **** seal in front of him.

That is the seal of reincarnation.

"The difficulty of refining this emperor seal is higher than I imagined. I want to refining with my ability, and I can't do it in a short time."

"Do you want to take it away?"

"No, Madman Chu has already arrived, and he also has an emperor seal on his body, and he must be sensitive to each other. I have not yet refined, and carrying this emperor seal is equivalent to exposing my position at any time. In this capital city, It is not the best policy to be an enemy of Chu Kuangren."

"Throw down this emperor seal, withdraw!"

The soul guardian turned his mind, and he had already made a decision. He gritted his teeth and decided to drop this emperor seal that was comparable to a big Luo fairy.

"But Madman Chu, before I leave, I have to prepare some gifts for you." The soul guard took out a piece of jade slip and crushed it.

In an instant, countless runes shot out from the jade slips, carved into the walls and pillars of the imperial palace, and then disappeared.

"Madman Chu, I hope you like this thousand-eye formation."

After speaking, the soul guardian's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Only a piece of Emperor Seal is left floating.

Shortly after.

Madman Chu and the dead souls came to the imperial palace.

The moment he stepped into the imperial palace, Madman Chu felt something was wrong.


Ripples appeared in the void.

On the walls around the imperial palace, dark purple eyeballs appeared on the pillars, staring at Madman Chu densely.

An extremely strange fluctuation emerged.

That is, soul power!

Behind Chu Kuangren, the dead souls let out a miserable cry under the impact of this soul fluctuation, and some of them were directly scattered.

But Madman Chu stood in place, unaffected.

The tyranny of his soul already possesses a hint of gold, and the influence of this soul fluctuation on him is almost nothing.

"A means of combining runes and souls?"

The madman of Chu's immortal consciousness surged and turned into an invisible immortal consciousness to block the soul impact.

Soul means, the most suitable way to deal with soul means, ordinary Xianyuan, unless the realm is much stronger than the opponent, otherwise the effect is not great.

And immortal consciousness is an extension of the power of the soul.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the immortal consciousness melted into the sword aura, and the sharp and majestic sword aura whistled out, tearing the surrounding runes one by one.

In an instant, thousand-eye formation, collapse!

far away.

The soul guardian who had already left the realm of Fengdu was slightly surprised, "I broke my thousand-eyed talisman formation so quickly, you deserve to be a madman of Chu."

He closed his eyes and pondered, this one after another was eaten up in the hands of Madman Chu. If there is no resentment, it is false.

But the Soul Guardian knew better that he was not an opponent of Madman Chu, and if he rashly shot, he would only seek his own death.

"Although I don't want to head-on with this person, it's okay to give him some trouble."

"I heard that there are also people coming from the Yin Cao Jifu, they should be very interested in this reincarnation emperor seal."

"If the news that Madman Chu gets the emperor's seal is spread out, it should attract a lot of people." The Soul Guardian said playfully.


In the imperial palace, Madman Chu broke through the thousand-eyed talisman with a sword, and the treacherous soul fluctuations also dissipated.

He glanced around and found no trace of the Soul Guardian.

"Looks like I've already left, running very fast, do you want to play a cat and mouse game with me? Oh, interesting."

Madman Chu didn't care much.

In his opinion, this Soul Guardian is a mouse that hides in the dark and dare not see people. Once it appears, it will be trampled to death.

He looked at the Emperor Seal floating in the air.

Open your hand.

The emperor seal automatically fell into his hands as if being called.

"You are protecting the law outside, I want to refine this imperial seal in the imperial palace!" Chu Madman said to the dead souls such as the armored souls.

"Yes, Ghost Emperor."

The war armor souls and others dare not disobey.

"Lan Yu, Xiao Hong, Little Fox, these seven bead white lotus have a great effect on you, Lan Yu, you take three, Xiao Hong, and the little fox, you take two each, also retreat here for refining."

Madman Chu said.

Seven beads white lotus, the best immortal medicine, is useful to true immortals.

Madman Chu estimated that with Lan Yu's aptitude, she even had the ability to attack the realm of heaven after refining three lotus seeds.

" After the three girls have divided the lotus seeds, they will find a place to refine them.

Madman Chu also began to refine the reincarnation emperor seal. Last time, with Shen Tu's help, he could directly recognize the master without refining it.

But this time he needs to refining by himself, but he has reincarnation celestial bodies, refining the emperor seal is not difficult for him.

And when Chu Kuangren and others were in retreat, he got the second emperor seal and was in Fengdu and quickly spread.

Many cultivators had arrived at Fengdu, but even if they had ideas about the emperor, they did not dare to enter rashly.

In Fengdu, that was the home ground of Madman Chu.

They only dared to wait for Madman Chu to come out by himself.

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